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单词 To the ground
1. Between two stools one goes to the ground
2. Between two stools one falls to the ground
3. The enemy plane fell to the ground.
4. He lost his balance and fell to the ground.
5. The hamlet had been burned to the ground.
6. A cup fell down to the ground.
7. The bicycle toppled down to the ground.
8. The bird glided to the ground.
9. Shoppers wrestled the raider to the ground.
10. He fell to the ground in a stupor.
11. They managed to grapple him to the ground.
12. Many villages were razed to the ground.
13. He fell flat to the ground.
14. Fire razed the building to the ground.
15. It fell to the ground.
16. The leaves were slowly fluttering to the ground.
17. The boy fell to the ground with a thud.
18. The leaves gyrated slowly to the ground.
19. He flung her to the ground.
20. Fear rooted her to the ground.
21. Mary's new job suits her down to the ground.
22. He smote his match to the ground with a left hook.
23. The pupil leaned to the ground to pick up a wallet.
24. They beat him down to the ground and stamped him on his body.
25. His hand went limp and the knife clattered to the ground.
25. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
26. The plates in her hands were slipped off to the ground.
27. The policeman brought the thief to the ground with a flying tackle.
28. She grappled with the bank robber, but was thrown to the ground.
29. People watched in horror as the small plane crashed to the ground.
30. The hook which he had thrown did not catch on the rocks, and dropped back to the ground.
1. The enemy plane fell to the ground.
2. He lost his balance and fell to the ground.
3. The hamlet had been burned to the ground.
4. A cup fell down to the ground.
5. The bicycle toppled down to the ground.
6. The bird glided to the ground.
7. Shoppers wrestled the raider to the ground.
8. He fell to the ground in a stupor.
9. They managed to grapple him to the ground.
10. Many villages were razed to the ground.
11. He fell flat to the ground.
12. Fire razed the building to the ground.
13. It fell to the ground.
14. The leaves were slowly fluttering to the ground.
15. The boy fell to the ground with a thud.
16. The leaves gyrated slowly to the ground.
17. He flung her to the ground.
18. Mary's new job suits her down to the ground.
19. He smote his match to the ground with a left hook.
20. The pupil leaned to the ground to pick up a wallet.
21. They beat him down to the ground and stamped him on his body.
22. His hand went limp and the knife clattered to the ground.
23. She grappled with the bank robber, but was thrown to the ground.
24. People watched in horror as the small plane crashed to the ground.
25. The plates in her hands were slipped off to the ground.
25. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
26. The hook which he had thrown did not catch on the rocks, and dropped back to the ground.
27. He slipped off the ladder and fell to the ground.
28. Tom bent to the ground to pick up the book.
29. The monkey was up the tree, flinging nuts to the ground.
30. Your arrangement suits me down to the ground.
31. He slipped off the ladder and fell to the ground.
32. Tom bent to the ground to pick up the book.
33. The monkey was up the tree, flinging nuts to the ground.
34. The baby tumbled to the ground.
35. This job suits me down to the ground.
36. The house was burnt to the ground by protesters.
37. The soldiers dropped to the ground.
38. We took the lift down to the ground floor.
39. She slumped to the ground, near to heat exhaustion.
40. Some leaves fluttered to the ground.
41. He dashed the glass to the ground.
42. He fell to the ground in a dead faint.
43. The pilot guided the crippled helicopter to the ground.
44. She dropped to the ground in a crouch.
45. His eyes dulled and he slumped to the ground.
46. The house burned to the ground.
47. She slumped to the ground in a faint.
48. The city of Tortona was burnt to the ground.
49. A complete tenement block was burnt to the ground.
50. He knocked her to the ground and kicked her.
51. He fell to the ground(), insensible.
52. The wounded bird fluttered to the ground.
53. The tree fell, pinning him to the ground.
54. The damaged plane spiralled to the ground.
55. They parachuted to the ground safely.
56. He struck her to the ground.
57. She sank to the ground,(http:///to the ground.html) exhausted.
58. The village was razed to the ground .
59. The Grand Hotel had burnt to the ground .
60. She fell heavily to the ground.
31. He lost his footing and was precipitated to the ground.
32. She bumped against the table and sent the crockery crashing to the ground.
33. The rope broke, and the elevator plunged down to the ground.
61. The library crashed to the ground.
62. Jenny let the note fall to the ground.
63. Country life suits me down to the ground!
64. He fell to the ground with a bump.
65. The plates went crashing to the ground.
66. They handed Grandma down to the ground floor.
67. The plane spiralled down to the ground.
68. The falling leaf spiralled to the ground.
69. She sank to the ground.
70. He fell to the ground writhing in stagy agony.
71. Last night's storm brought several trees to the ground.
72. She fell to the ground in a dead faint.
73. The elevator descended slowly to the ground floor.
74. A sudden vicious squall knocked her to the ground.
75. Your arrangement suits me down to the ground.
76. He fell to the ground with a cry.
77. mountainside to the ground below.
78. The ice cream plopped to the ground.
79. The building was burnt to the ground.
80. Dead leaves fluttered slowly to the ground.
81. She was busy pegging her tent to the ground.
82. All around me leaves twirl to the ground.
83. The building was burned to the ground.
84. The woman had been pushed violently to the ground.
85. The stone thudded to the ground.
85. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
86. Tom fell to the ground clutching his stomach.
87. The soldier sank to the ground badly wounded.
88. The punch leveled him to the ground.
89. Police officers wrestled him to the ground .
90. Something hit her and sent her sprawling to the ground.
91. He wrestled the lion to the ground with his bare hands.
92. She snagged a heel on a root and tumbled to the ground.
93. The vase fell to the ground with a great crash.
94. The guards threw Biko to the ground and started kicking him.
95. The town was razed to the ground in the bombing raid - not a building was left standing.
96. She fell from the top of the slide and plummeted to the ground.
97. The continual bombing disrupted the flow of supplies to the ground troops.
98. Two men grabbed her and pushed her to the ground.
99. Fuentes tore off his hat and flung it to the ground.
100. The climate there will suit you down to the ground .
101. He fell to the ground, and the gun tumbled out of his hand.
102. He grabbed her arm and flung her to the ground.
103. I've found a job that suits me down to the ground.
104. His hometown was razed to the ground during the war.
105. Part-time work would suit me right down to the ground.
106. The building was burned to the ground ten years ago.
107. Ensure that the frame is securely fixed to the ground with bolts.
108. Jobs in manufacturing are relatively scarce but I keep my ear to the ground.
109. He threw me to the ground and started to kick.
110. They threw him to the ground and kicked him hard in the stomach.
111. Almost all buildings were leveled to the ground by the atomic bomb.
112. He lost his footing and was precipitated to the ground.
113. She fell to the ground on her knees and prayed.
114. The little boy was riveted to the ground with fear.
115. She bumped against the table and sent the crockery crashing to the ground.
116. They walked in a crouch(http:///to the ground.html), each bent over close to the ground.
117. Peter'll know; he always keeps an ear to the ground.
118. He crashed to the ground in a cascade of oil cans.
119. Towns such as Mittelwihr and Bennwihr were virtually razed to the ground.
120. There's a drop of two metres from the window to the ground.
121. Clutching his chest in agony, he fell to the ground.
122. I want a rope that will go from the top window to the ground.
123. The agent had no suitable properties on his books but promised to keep an ear to the ground for us.
124. The left wing dipped until it was perpendicular to the ground.
125. They were knocked to the ground, beaten senseless and robbed of their wallets.
126. The police officer tackled the man and wrestled him to the ground.
127. He fell to the ground under the force of the blow.
128. Villages in the army's line of march were burned to the ground.
129. The rope broke, and the elevator plunged down to the ground.
130. The blow hit him in the head and he crumpled to the ground.
131. The youth got him by the front of his shirt and flung him to the ground.
132. Hindu leaders appealed for calm after a temple was burnt to the ground.
133. With strength born of pure panic, she threw her attacker to the ground.
134. He threw me to the ground with a judo throw.
135. We slid down the roof and dropped to the ground.
136. He was knocked to the ground and stayed down for a count of eight .
137. The jet burst into flames and plummeted to the ground.
138. He flung his bike to the ground and rushed inside.
139. The defender launched himself at the attacking player,() bringing him to the ground.
140. He planted a heavy blow on the chest of his opponent who immediately fell to the ground.
141. The branches hung down to the ground with the weight of the apples.
142. In 1162 Milan was razed to the ground by imperial troops.
143. The speeding motorist was pinned to the ground by angry locals who took the law into their own hands until police arrived.
144. The town was razed to the ground after the French Revolution.
145. The force of the blast hurled us bodily to the ground.Sentence dictionary
146. The branches leaned down to the ground, heavy with the weight of the fruit.
147. A sudden convulsion shook him, and he fell to the ground.
148. They watched in horror as the aircraft crashed to the ground.
149. Ford vowed that he would sooner burn his factory to the ground than build a single vehicle for war purposes.
150. He dropped to the ground, clutching his chest.
151. They collapsed gasping to the ground.
152. The clothesline creaked, then sagged closer to the ground.
153. The headquarters was burnt to the ground.
154. One burned the chicken coop to the ground.
155. A brassiere, fluttering weightlessly to the ground.
156. Jeeps, ammunition and food fell silently to the ground.
157. There were sudden sharp sounds, a fir cone dropping to the ground, a seagull.
158. I crashed to the ground, picked myself up, and began staggering around the car to the other side.
159. Backstage at the Brixton Academy two fans were kicked to the ground while attempting to gain admittance to the dressing room.
160. A tiny, wood and straw stilt hut, it stands close to the ground to allow easy access for amputees.
161. The bright red benches were attached to the ground by bolts set in concrete.
162. Whatever it was precipitated an avalanche of other objects which thundered down around him as Charles fell sprawling to the ground.
163. He collapses to the ground, clutching at his chest as his back arches.
164. It is believed the platform of the hoist toppled over the first floor balcony sending them crashing to the ground floor.
165. Four blocks from home, shots rang out and their crumpled bodies collapsed to the ground.
166. Then it crashed to the ground and died, no explosions, no flames reaching to the sky.
167. BCohen contends that the 7-foot former basketball star slammed him against a store window and on to the ground.
168. Then he loped away as a hound came running silently through the trees, nose to the ground, scenting slowly.
169. The older McNab fell to the ground with a broken jaw.
170. It is knocked to the ground by a heavy blow(), seized by the throat or mouth and quickly suffocated.
171. A massive Roman army besieged Jerusalem, utterly destroying the Temple and razing the city to the ground.
172. It was then that the bullet flew past him, hitting the brass cross and sending the crucifix crashing to the ground.
173. Buses were destroyed and a luxury tourist hotel burnt to the ground, although no holidaymakers were injured.
174. Pins pierced his body; he screamed, twitching in agony, then slumped to the ground.
175. The stammering policeman spun around, tripped on the rusty pot, and all but crashed to the ground.
175. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
176. Once engaged in hand-to-hand combat in this way the Squig Hopper is pinioned to the ground and does not move away.
177. Huge semi-circular feathers in dazzling hues sprang vertically before sweeping in wide arcs to the ground.
178. As he attempted to dismount, he seemed to lose strength, and half fell to the ground.
179. He threw the sweater to the ground as he walked away, and aimed a kick at it.
180. Both shoe and mosquito fell to the ground before I finished off the job with aplomb.
181. Andrew was forced to return to Britian because the medical unit he was working with was burnt to the ground.
182. Already burdened with a growing debt, the Moores' home and business burned to the ground.
183. They argued, and Jimmy was slugged in the stomach, pushed to the ground and kicked in the back.
184. He had hurt his right ankle and it was too painful to put to the ground.
185. When he did, the passenger, Jerry Wilson, dropped crack cocaine to the ground.
186. And what if some one actually grabbed hold of my ankle and wrestled me to the ground?
187. When he got to the bottom, Jack chopped the beanstalk down, and the giant fell to the ground, dead.
188. Last he heard, only one boy had dropped to the ground and managed to crawl away.
189. Performing high-speed aerobatics in close formation, low to the ground, increased those risks many fold.
190. Many animals leap from bough to bough, and sometimes fall to the ground.
191. Frick was proud as he walked between them, his long black leather coat reaching to the ground.
192. Many other important buildings were also razed to the ground.
193. Up ahead, in North Dakota, storm clouds came all the way down to the ground like an overhead garage door.
194. Old frame buildings burn to the ground, but not big, new modern buildings.
195. He then threw them on to the ground in the tinder-dry hay loft without putting them out properly, it is alleged.
196. He was grabbed by a man wearing a black balaclava and pulled to the ground.
197. The continuous lines then come straight out from the pole and are pegged to the ground forming a triangle shape.
198. Some marveled and some mourned, especially when the great elm was brought crashing to the ground.
199. The worshippers dragged Ace before the sedan chair, throwing her to the ground.
200. Every day that passes 74,000 acres of rainforest in the world are burned, logged or bulldozed to the ground.
201. He breaks into a wide smile, and a dried bogie snowflakes from his nose down to the ground.
202. He tumbled to the ground, writhed around on the dirt and covered himself with dust.
203. The marquis pinned her to the ground by her shoulders, sitting astride her so that she couldn't move.
204. And in that case the epistemological asymmetry which depends on it falls to the ground.
205. The gunships had to stop firing as we flared close to the ground because we could be hit by ricocheting bullets.
206. A terrier man drives his quad bike into a protestor,(http:///to the ground.html) knocking him to the ground.
207. A person who is scared of ballooning will nearly always fly the aircraft on to the ground instead of making well held-off landings.
208. The rest of it crashed to the ground and the teachers collapsed in a heap on the floor.
209. Many Dwarfs stumbled to the ground dead with Goblin arrows embedded in them, but more still made the gate.
210. But as I take my very first step on to the ground she becomes a very different animal.
211. There seemed to be a weight on her chest, pinning her to the ground and not letting her breathe.
212. Chimneys crashed to the ground, bringing roof tiles with them, but the insurance companies will replace those.
213. Symes grabbed his adversary by the throat and wrestled him to the ground.
214. The fog flickered around him, streaking like lightning low to the ground, or mute cannon fire.
215. Horrified shoppers watched as Darren Caygill was knocked to the ground, suffering a broken nose.
216. The screams reached their peak as the remaining males descended to the ground and started charging through the group.
217. Ivan Yerineev was thrown to the ground and bit off his tongue.
218. They then torched the building, burning it to the ground.
219. Like a sheet of crepe paper, the wooden house burst into flames and burned to the ground in minutes.
220. There are wine bars and pub sin every setting from a converted canalside warehouse to the ground floor of a theatre!
221. Birds teach us something very important: To whatever height you rise, you will finally come down to the ground! Mehmet Murat ildan 
222. The pole fell, pinning the man to the ground.
223. The wheel sheared off and fell to the ground.
224. And all the arrows fell harmlessly to the ground.
225. His hometown razed to the ground during the war.
226. The lieutenant fell to the ground , mortally wounded.
227. A petal fluttered to the ground.
228. He fell to the ground mortally wounded.
229. John Henry fell to the ground, there.
230. The tree fell to the ground with a thud.
231. Kiev was razed to the ground.
232. He tumbler, Diezuo to the ground, heartache, such as crack.
233. Nor is that all ; my house has been destroyed -- razed to the ground.
234. Whereas gasoline fumes linger close to the ground before dispersing.
235. President Obama's teleprompter fell to the ground and shattered yesterday during a speech on the economy.
236. Once all those chemicals come backdown to the ground(http://), they can cause problems too.
237. To put ( the ball ) out of play by touching it to the ground.
238. Lenny swayed for a moment, then dropped to the ground, impaling himself on his switchblade.
239. I hold the sword perpendicularly to the ground, laugh to the sky!
240. Pieces of rock plummeted down the mountainside to the ground below.
241. And when the fields go off, the missiles harmlessly to the ground.
242. A well - aimed blow from his ax felled her to the ground.
243. The unhappy wife of Dr. Zabriskie sank , mortally wounded, to the ground.
244. His father and uncle fall to the ground, crying uncontrollably.
245. Such infiltration, which includes seepage from streams and lakes, contributes to the ground water supply.
246. In the war of 1812, the British burned the mansion to the ground.
247. Thousands of meteorites penetrate Earth's atmosphere and fall harmlessly to the ground each year.
248. Pieces of rock plummet down the mountainside to the ground below.
249. He was jostled and pushed to the ground in the scuffle, Xinhua said.
250. The house was razed to the ground by the earthquake.
251. The shoe dropped to the ground, and he sat looking fixedly at the questioner.
252. Doors of cubicles should go down to the ground and be sound proofed.
253. That city was razed to the ground by an earthquake.
254. I looked to the ground instantly, and I saw my voodoo doll.
255. John Henry fell to the ground. There was a terrible silence.
256. A jogger had been pushed to the ground grazing his knee.
257. The man's body crashes through a glass railing and falls to the ground.
258. He grappled with the bank robber, but was thrown to the ground.
259. As I bent over , my fountain pen fell to the ground.
260. If lightening struck the conductor, it would travel down the wire to the ground.
261. With a horrible cry the ogre lost his hold and fell to the ground.
262. They want to burn K yoto to the ground and oust the Emperor to Edo!
263. Now the foundations of his past life were razed to the ground.
264. The basset, in the manner of hunting dogs, dashed across the field, nose to the ground.
265. Any savanna's plants need a burnt to the ground by fire or grazed by antelope.
266. The town was totally razed to the ground during the battle.
267. That new car is Graham down to the ground - all bright and flashy.
268. If the first axis is perpendicular to the ground we speak of an azimuthal mounting.
269. A shopkeeper is in hospital after being clubbed to the ground with a baseball bat.
270. The lumberman was pinned down to the ground under a heavy tree.




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