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单词 favour
释义  fa·vour1 British English, favor American English /ˈfeɪvə $ -ər/ ●●● S2 W3 noun  1  help 帮助 [countable]HELP something that you do for someone in order to help them or be kind to them 恩惠;善意的行为 Could you do me a favour and tell Kelly I can’t make it? 你帮个忙告诉凯莉说我来不了好吗? He hired John as a favour to his father. 他雇约翰是给他父亲一个面子。 Paul, can I ask you a favor? 保罗,能帮我一下吗? I owed him a favour so I couldn’t say no. 我欠他一个人情,所以无法拒绝。 She helps me out when I have too much to do, and I return the favour when I can. 我忙的时候她来帮忙,我能帮她的时候就还她人情。 Do yourself a favour and make sure you get some time to yourself. 对自己好些,一定要留点时间给自己。2  support/approval 支持/赞许 [uncountable]APPROVE support, approval, or agreement for something such as a plan, idea, or system 支持,赞同in favour of something Senior ministers spoke in favour of the proposal. 高级部长们都表示支持这项提议。 I talked to Susie about it, and she’s all in favor (=completely approves) of going. 我跟苏茜谈了此事,她完全赞成去。find/gain/win favour The idea may find favor with older people. 这个想法也许会得到年长者的支持。in somebody/something’s favour The vote was 60–59 in the government’s favor. 票数60比59,政府胜出。 In Sweden and other countries, nuclear power has lost favor. 在瑞典等国家,核能已不受欢迎。look on/view/regard something with favour formal (=support something, and want to help it succeed) 赞同某事物 Employers are more likely to look with favour on experienced candidates. 雇主可能更加青睐有经验的求职者。 All in favour (=used when asking people to vote on something by raising a hand)? 都同意吗?〔用于要求人们对某事举手表决时〕vote/decide in favour of something (=vote or decide to support something) 对某事投赞成票/决定支持某事 288 members voted in favor of the ban. 288名成员投票赞成这项禁令。find/rule in favour of somebody formal (=make a legal decision that supports someone) 作出对某人有利的裁决3  popular/unpopular 受欢迎/不受欢迎POPULAR [uncountable] when someone or something is liked or approved of by people, or not liked or approved of 受喜爱,受宠爱be in favour (with somebody) The island is very much in favour as a holiday destination. 该岛作为度假地极受欢迎。be out of favour (with somebody) The stock is currently out of favor with investors. 这只股票现在已不受投资者追捧了。find/gain/win favour Radcliffe’s books began to find favour with the reading public. 拉德克利夫的书开始受到读者的青睐。come/be back in favour (=become popular again) 重新受人喜爱 Fountain pens have come back in favour. 自来水笔又受人欢迎了。fall/go out of favour (=stop being approved of) 失宠 Grammar-based teaching methods went out of favour in the 60s and 70s. 在60及70年代,以语法为基础的教学法失宠了。4  ADVANTAGE 优势in somebody’s favour SUPPORT A PERSON, GROUP, OR PLANif something is in someone’s favour, it gives them an advantage over someone else 对某人有利 Conditions on court are very much in Williams’ favour. 法庭上的情形对威廉斯非常有利。 The new rules should actually work in your favor. 新规定实际上应该对你们有利。 Duncan had his height and weight in his favour during the fight. 拳击赛中,邓肯的身高和体重对他有利。the odds are (stacked) in somebody’s favour (=someone has a big advantage) 某人胜算很大5  CHOOSE STH INSTEAD 选择其他事物代替do something in favour of something if you decide not to use one thing in favour of another, you choose the other one because you think it is better 决定选择某物而不选某物 Plans for a tunnel were rejected in favour of a bridge. 修建隧道的计划被否决,转而选择修建桥梁。6  do somebody/something no favours, do somebody/something no favours  not do somebody/something any favours to do something that makes someone or something look worse than they are, or that does not help at all 对某人/某事没有一点好处/用处 Low interest rates don’t do savers any favours. 低利率对于储户没有一点好处。7  unfair support 偏袒 [uncountable]SUPPORT A PERSON, GROUP, OR PLAN support that is given to one person or group and not to others, in a way that does not seem fair 偏心,偏袒 Teachers should not show favour to any pupil. 老师不该偏袒任何学生。8  do me/us a favour! British English spokenANNOY used when you are annoyed because someone has asked a silly question or done something to upset people 拜托!得了吧!〔因某人提了愚蠢问题或惹人不快时说的话〕 Do us a favour, Mike, and shut up! 拜托,迈克,别再说了! ‘Did you like it?’ ‘Do me a favour!’ “你喜欢吗?”“饶了我吧!”9. gift 礼物 [countable] American EnglishGIVE a party favor 〔聚会上分发给宾客的〕小礼物10  SEX 性favours [plural] old-fashionedSEX/HAVE SEX WITH when you allow someone to have sex with you 同意性交 She shared her sexual favors with many men. 她同许多男人有性关系。 → curry favour (with somebody) at curry2, → without fear or favour at fear1(6), → be thankful/grateful for small favours at small1(13)n COLLOCATIONSverbsdo somebody a favour (=do something for someone)Could you do me a favour and lend me £5?ask somebody a favour (also ask a favour of somebody formal)I felt nervous about asking Stephen a favour.owe somebody a favour (=feel that you should do something for someone because they have done something for you)I owe you a favour for all the help you’ve given me.return a favour (=do something for someone because they have done something for you)He helped me in the past and now he wanted me to return the favour.adjectivesa big favourI’ve got a big favour to ask of you.a great favourHe acted as though he’d done us a great favour by coming.a small/little favourCan you do me a small favour?a special favourI agreed to deliver the parcel as a special favour to Paul.a personal favour (=something you do specially for a particular person)As a personal favour, he let us use the hall to rehearse.a political favourHe was accused of granting political favours in return for illegal payments.phrasesas a favour to somebody (=because you want to be kind, not because you have to)She delivered the parcel as a favour to her yourself a favour (=do something good for yourself)Do yourself a favour and read as many books on the subject as possible.Examples from the Corpusfavour• The only point in its favour is that it contains nothing that is toxic.• The banks have done developers one favour by staying in Frankfurt rather than heading for Berlin.• The sky was a sharp blue, the air bright, and the wind in our favour.• Booksellers could translate the royal favour into profit for themselves.• Medicine it was that often won them the favour of princes and enabled them to earn a living.• If the White armies could claim it, the Civil War might go in their favour.return the favour• Few of the boys talked to him, except to goad him, and he returned the favour.• It would seem only fair that he should return the favour later.• A possible response to receiving a benefit is to cheat; to fail to return the favour.• Now he wanted me to return the favour.• And now Curval was returning the favour.find/rule in favour of somebody• He therefore ruled in favour of Alexander and Athanasius.fall/go out of favour• Luckily this masochistic brand of economics seems to be at last going out of favour.favour2 British English, favor American English ●●○ W3 verb [transitive]  1  prefer 更喜欢PREFER to prefer someone or something to other things or people, especially when there are several to choose from 较喜欢 Both countries seem to favour the agreement. 两个国家似乎都更倾向于这份协议。 loose clothing of the type favoured in Arab countries 阿拉伯国家的人喜欢穿的那种宽松服装favour somebody/something over somebody/something Florida voters favored Bush over Gore by a very small margin. 佛罗里达州选民支持布什的略多于支持戈尔的。2  give an advantage 给予好处ADVANTAGE to treat someone much better than someone else, in a way that is not fair 优惠;偏袒 a tax cut that favours rich people 偏向有钱人的减税favour somebody over somebody a judicial system that favours men over women 偏护男性的司法制度3  help 帮助ADVANTAGE to provide suitable conditions for something to happen 有利于,有助于 The current economy does not favour the development of small businesses. 当前的经济对小企业的发展不利。4  be favoured to do something to be expected to win or be the one that is successful 有望做某事〔指获胜或成功〕 Silva is favoured to win a medal in the marathon. 席尔瓦有望在马拉松比赛中获得奖牌。5. look like 看上去像 old-fashionedLIKE/SIMILAR to look like one of your parents or grandparents 容貌像,长得像〔父母或(外)祖父母中的某一人〕6 favour somebody with something phrasal verb formal GIVEto give someone something such as a look or reply 给〔某人〕〔目光或回答等〕 McIntosh favoured her with a smile. 麦金托什给了她一个微笑。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusfavour• Unix Labs favours a meeting of the parties, planned for Thursday March 18.• So far from allowing that number might increase, in 1769 he even favoured a reduction of the number of the enfranchised.• In the 1930s the Bauhaus school tended to favour a technological approach to art.• Hospitals might be privatised or turned into voluntary hospitals, as the Conservatives had favoured before 1946.• Many teachers favour boys, often without even realizing it.• It had not been her intention to favour him with a compliment.• Both groups favour investment in energy efficiency and renewable energy sources.• Eliminating discrimination against women is another way of saying eliminating discrimination that favours men.• The weather favours the Australians, who are used to playing in the heat.• Natural selection favours those genes that manipulate the world to ensure their own propagation.fa·vour1 noun →n COLLOCATIONS1favour2 verbLDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  do something order for Corpus that to someone you help in




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