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单词 Unremarkable
1. He led a busy but otherwise unremarkable life.
2. She had a pale and unremarkable face.
3. Reasons for stopping the pill seemed unremarkable.
4. The past medical history was otherwise unremarkable.
5. Examination of the chest was unremarkable with no evidence of hyperinflation and clear auscultation.
6. It was an unremarkable street: two rows of small houses, little shops, a pub.
7. Josh was, I thought, a pleasant but unremarkable young man.
8. Basically an unremarkable set of Regency terrace houses, it was notable only for having 350 windows.
9. His medical history was unremarkable until the day before admission.
10. In this unremarkable suburban community, Siemens has created a showcase apprenticeship program for electronics technicians.
11. By the early seventies both were considered unremarkable occupational hazards of life in the gay fast lane.
12. Not only was it unremarkable and rather battered, it did nothing at all to jog her errant memory.
13. He considered her good but unremarkable clothes, and wondered what she did for laughs.
13. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
14. Both ovaries are unremarkable with normal follicles seen.
15. Her past medical history was unremarkable.
16. Pakuwon Jati is an unremarkable property developer.
17. The poems, some in imitation of Ossian, are graceful if unremarkable.
18. The transparency measures, also within the normal range, were similarly unremarkable.
19. The differences are therefore in the expected direction but so slight as to be unremarkable.
20. But the 5K86 is months behind its original delivery schedule and its performance is unremarkable, analysts say.
21. Tepilit would question her about her interest in Masai women and why she seemed so concerned with their unremarkable tasks.
22. No doubt a conscientious worker; no doubt a good husband and father; but totally unremarkable.
23. At the time of his appointment to the viceroyalty Irwin was putting in an unremarkable stint as Minister of Agriculture.
24. We prefer to spend the day with Fred Z - an unremarkable person living through a not particularly eventful day.
25. That Grunwald had a good seat for all this is obviated by his talent for the portentous and gift for the unremarkable.
26. He held 59 catches and took 32 wickets at 47.00 with unremarkable medium-pace.
27. She had had just one adventure in her otherwise unremarkable life.
28. In Britain at least, swearing on television has become commonplace and wholly unremarkable.
29. The salmon was fairly simple, just some thinly sliced grilled fish on unremarkable toast points.
30. The dressing table revealed nothing and the bed-tables were unremarkable.
31. The medial and lateral patella retinacula are unremarkable.
32. Laboratory tests were unremarkable except for cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) lymphocytic pleocytosis.
33. This all sounds very unremarkable, except when you read the editor's note: "The following dispatch was subject to US military censorship ."
34. But in all other respects the Trafigura case is unremarkable. It's just another instance of the rich world's global fly-tipping.
35. From an unremarkable middle-class household came a mass murderer. How could this have happened, asks his grand-niece.
36. It's an unremarkable journey I've taken countless times before, always sitting on the lower deck.
37. The Scorpion's Claw Located right in the claw of the constellation Scorpius, nebula DG 129 looks pretty unremarkable in the visible spectrum.
38. At first glance , the cause of the riot might look unremarkable.
39. Physical examination is unremarkable except for tenderness over the left lower quadrant.
40. The constancy of the speed of light seems, at first thought, unremarkable.
41. The Himmlers were an unremarkable middle class household from Munich.
42. In addition, heavy metals mainly accumulated in the root of gerbera, and the different of content of heavy metal in root and leaf was unremarkable.
43. The difference of sex ratio between nature pregnancy and this study is unremarkable.
44. This sequence is so commonplace that it is completely unremarkable, and yet undeniably poor design.
45. Multi - million dollar gyms have become so common that they are unremarkable.
46. The man who makes the most coveted art in India lives in a small fourth-floor walk-up apartment in a crowded, unremarkable suburb.
47. Very average wines capable of quenching thirst but little else. Straightforward and unremarkable.
48. Entitled "Hope," the canvas hanging inside London's Guildhall Art Gallery as part of an exhibition by Victorian painter George Frederic Watts might appear unremarkable to some.
49. He was a one-term senator with a silver tongue and populist touch but an unremarkable legislative record. (He voted against two of George Bush's three tax cuts but for the war in Iraq.
50. But the impact of a conflict over a storm-tossed and otherwise unremarkable stretch of water south of China and bordered by most South East Asian states would be far-reaching.
51. Her family history was unremarkable in terms of consanguinity and following ultrasound findings were discovered.
52. 12 a.m. - Lunch at Brazilian new-wave favorite Alameda(/unremarkable.html), hidden in an unremarkable lane off Sanlitun's central bar street.
53. This crystal may seem unremarkable, but so is the seed of a redwood tree.
54. The results of other tests, including the measurement of serum iron and ceruloplasmin concentrations, iron saturation, 24-hour urine copper levels and a pregnancy test, were unremarkable.
55. In all such cases, the underlying computer architecture has remained traditional and unremarkable softwaresilicon - based digital processors.
56. In his paintings, there are simply ordinary unremarkable sceneries , rather than hysteric fury or idyllic charm.
57. Apart from that, surface motive has on unremarkable direct influence on learning strategy.
58. Her Glasgow coma scale is 7 . A lateral C - spine is unremarkable.
59. They are like those dull suns which set as they have risen: they are unremarkable.




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