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单词 Cement
1. Stick the pieces on with tile cement.
2. Concrete is a mixture of sand and cement.
3. The cement need not be finely ground.
4. They crushed down stone for making cement.
5. Bricks and stones are bedded in cement.
6. The pole was embedded in cement.
7. The large limestone caves are also quarried for cement.
8. The cement plant is going full blast.
9. The mixed cement has been hoisted up the building.
10. A cement mixer agitates the cement until it is ready to pour.
11. Harry was coated in sand and cement,but we picked him up and dusted him down.
12. The cement is stacked up over there, and it looks like rain.
13. Mix the sand and cement.
14. We used cement to plug the holes.
15. Kiev hopes to cement close links with Bonn.
16. You'll need two tons of cement, minimum.
17. Don't walk on the wet cement.
18. The foundations were bedded in cement.
19. Our object is to further cement trade relations.
19. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
20. They decided to cement the pavement.
21. Mix the sand and cement together.
22. The bullet struck the cement wall starring.
23. Stones and cement binds strongly.
24. Mix one part sand to three parts cement.
25. By now the cement had set hard.
26. The cement petrified after many years' erosion.
27. Level the wet cement before it sets.
28. The cement floor has been stiffened.
29. Truth is the foundation of all knowledge, and the cement of all societies. 
30. There are 256 people on the books at the cement works.
1. Stick the pieces on with tile cement.
2. Concrete is a mixture of sand and cement.
3. The cement need not be finely ground.
4. They crushed down stone for making cement.
5. Bricks and stones are bedded in cement.
6. The pole was embedded in cement.
7. The large limestone caves are also quarried for cement.
8. The cement plant is going full blast.
9. The mixed cement has been hoisted up the building.
10. There are 256 people on the books at the cement works.
11. A cement mixer agitates the cement until it is ready to pour.
12. Harry was coated in sand and cement,but we picked him up and dusted him down.
13. The cement is stacked up over there, and it looks like rain.
14. Mix the sand and cement.
15. Stones and cement binds strongly.
16. Let's cement the parts together.
17. The specs fell on the cement floor and broke up.
31. He faced the wall with cement.
32. He had spent several hours mixing cement.
33. Let's cement the parts together.
34. The earth-moving trucks and cement mixers lay idle.
35. They are easily held together with cement.
36. Mix the sand and cement together, then add water.
37. The cement should have the consistency of wet sand.
38. We'll have to fill the holes in with cement.
39. Dentists use cement to hold crowns and bridges in place.
40. The proportion of sand to cement used was three to one.
41. Use a mixture of one part cement to four parts sand.
42. The specs fell on the cement floor and broke up.
43. They want to cement a good working relationship between the government and trade unions.
44. He doctored the chipped vase with a little plastic cement.
45. The President's visit was intended to cement the alliance between the two countries.
46. It was hard work mixing up four tonnes of cement.
47. The sack of cement hit the ground with a thump.
48. The closure of the cement factory will mean the loss of over 800 jobs.
49. The cement should stand proud of the surface and then be smoothed down later.
50. The gym teachers lined us up against the cement walls.
51. To cement the alliance with England, Charles married Margaret(), sister of the English king.
52. The walls should be pointed up before they are covered with cement,this will help to make it stick.
53. Our telephone conversations cement our client relationships. 6.
54. My dad was a chemist at a cement company.
55. Literary Arabic has always been the cement of Islam.
56. The plants will also produce cement as a by-product.
57. Another door slammed, footsteps sounded on the cement patio.
58. Pour the cement into the wooden form.
59. Glue the tiles to the floor with contact cement.
60. She stepped out on to a narrow cement path.
61. How powerful is polypropylene reinforced cement?
62. Industrial quicklime is commonly used for the manufacture of cement.
63. The system offers users the ability to introduce both innovative designs and vibrant colors into plain, gray cement.
64. The West would be in good part built and some think ruined by that cement.
65. Some researchers are pursuing studies in soil stabilisation using cement, lime and bitumen.
66. It saves throwing away the remains of a large bag of cement, too.
67. To cement the alliance with Lombardy, Charles married Desiderata, the daughter of Desiderius.
68. Compton still felt to me like a quiet, mostly white suburb with narrow cement streets shaded by carob trees.
69. In addition the Roman masonry below is suffering from sulphate attack aggravated by the recent use of cement mortar and render.
70. The run-down villas and cement footpaths give way to dusty tracks and wooden shacks.
71. This does much to encourage a client to be confident of your ability and to cement relationships.
72. Pennsylvania, because it has a concentration of steel and cement works.
73. The cement floor was covered by a worn brown linoleum.
74. I.B.C. trades worldwide buying and selling basic commodities such as timber, coal and cement.
75. The new mortar should be mixed at one part cement to four parts sand.
76. We pick our way across the cement floor and into the battered portacabin.
77. Studies of cement sequences must pay particular attention to veining phases.
78. Typical areas of investment by foreigners were the motor industry, cement and tobacco production, and, increasingly, gold-mining.
79. Or spitting in the dust and rubbing the resultant cement upon blind eyes.
79. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
80. It had stopped raining, but the sky still looked like cement.
81. The sea wall at Southend is being reinforced with tons of cement.
82. The swing to Gore in the recounts in Broward and hapless Palm Beach counties helped cement the party too.
83. It is intended to experiment with different mixes of cement in order to achieve a good colour match.
84. Read in studio A labourer has been crushed to death by a cement lorry.
85. I was left to throw our bags in back, next to a hundred-pound bag of cement.
86. Some of these will be remembered for years to come, not only in Halling but where ever the cement barges called.
87. Why do you need carpet in your new store, Bill? Why not cement floors?
88. But Oliver had been unable to persuade anybody in San Francisco to put money behind his demonstrated formula for hydraulic cement.
89. The racket of cement mixing was masked by the sound of Muzak.
90. Ash removed from the same smoke goes to a cement factory.
91. A confusion of lorries and cement mixers defaced the area just past the green.
92. We shall have to postpone cement, and with it our lighthouse on that windy point.
93. This has an effect rather like that of a cement mixer.
94. Cusack has an idea that perhaps we can come up with an additional line to cement the scene.
95. I would strongly commend this idea to the cement industry.
96. I ask about the strange cement houses built into the hillsides.
97. There was however a brighter side to the cement industry.
98. We walked carefully together, clicking our sandals on the cement drive.
99. Electrical cables draped it like jungle vines; cement peeled from its facade like slabs of granite from Junagadh mountain.
100. Anhydrite was used in the production of ammonium sulphate and cement.
101. The load, as heavy as three sacks of cement, seemed immovable.
102. He ordered two barracks torn down and a fountain constructed on the cement base of a latrine.
103. The remaining growth will be in industry - mainly the cement industry.
104. The wooden door creaks open, scraping on the cement floor.
105. Off the room was a bathroom with a bucket, a shower tap and a cement floor.
106. Many building materials such as lime mortars and plasters, Portland cement and asbestos cement develop alkalis.
107. Both Democrats and Whigs wanted to gloss over sectional differences and cement party loyalties, not divide the country.
108. Anticipating the attacks, de Lattre had strengthened the Red River valley with hundreds of cement blockhouses and new airfields.
109. Bed down on fire cement,(http:///cement.html) allowing it to dry before filling in behind it.
110. Place a plastic bag in your pot and fill with ready mixed cement.
111. As production methods improved the clinker produced was harder and the cement had to be more finely ground.
112. A Sea King helicopter from 202 Squadron at Lossiemouth airlifted sand and cement, enabling the cairn to be built insitu.
113. Tests carried out on the Baromix Minor Electric Cement mixers found serious faults, with loose and unsafe wiring.
114. Now, suppose that you were to file through the cement and drop the bricks side by side as before.
115. Alternatively, you can use a mix of one part cement to five parts ballast.
116. The solvent-weld cement gives off powerful fumes and should not be used in a confined space.
117. They passed a cement mixer that was being operated by two men in dusty overalls.
118. We have also lost jobs in the cement industry and there are question marks over the Point of Ayr colliery.
119. Two bags of cement were parked behind the fence, and a stepladder there, leading to the top.
120. Albert Batchelor constructed a small cement works on the site known as Clinkham works which continued to operate until 1931.
121. I wanted to grab my head and shake the cement out of it.
122. His bare feet scraping on the gritty cement pavement made such an unpleasant sound that Fakhru decided not to follow too closely.
123. Mr Blackhurst is the retired chairman of Belle Engineering of Sheen, cement mixer and earth mover manufacturers.
124. Broken glass lay scattered over the cement floor, along with pieces of brick, broken flowerpots, dead leaves.
125. Especially Phagu, on whom responsibility lay like a cement overcoat.
126. There were about twenty people waiting in the surgery, sitting on the cement floor.
127. It took those games to cement his decision on a basketball coach.
128. Even in the hands of an accomplished player, the accordion sounds like a refrigerator being dragged across a cement floor.
129. A cement foundation of a farmhouse was still standing, and a few moldy lilac bushes shielded the barracks from view.
130. The result: a perpetual cement famine, official rationing and enormous corruption.
131. His backup was cement, and he knew exactly what profit margin to expect on it.
132. Faklirti and his family moved into a cement room at the back of the house.
133. In Aspdin's day cement manufacture was undergoing relatively rapid development and many experimenters were working in the field.
134. Many are held by firms as reserves against liabilities, or to cement business relationships.
135. Declines in Bogota were across the board, with key banks and cement companies falling.
136. Industrial-strength decor with steel shelves and cement floors, copper and glass, and greenery.
137. Measured on the carbon dioxide scale, it emitted 2.109 metric tons percapita in 1986 from fossil fuels and cement production.
138. Recently I've made three dogs out of wood and cement, chasing a deer up a slope in Grizedale.
139. Red brick dormitories and concrete buildings that rose like geometric blocks from a foundation of asphalt and cement.
140. Moreover, the technology that is commonly available for large cement factories is inappropriate for most developing countries.
141. The deal would consolidate Lafarge's position as the world's leading cement company.
142. Texas-Lehigh Cement Company in Buda was recently granted a permit to burn tires for fuel.
143. It can also deteriorate cement, brick and wood and eventually contaminate ground water.
144. He was paid twelve dollars an hour to dig ditches and mix cement.
145. The president must be given every assistance - political and economic - to cement democracy and make his gamble pay off.
146. The company supplies building materials such as bricks and cement.
147. In the early days ordinary mill-stones were used as the clinker was soft and the cement need not be finely ground.
148. The paving is laid on a bed of mortar 3 parts sand to 1 part cement.
149. Every major site needs a constant supply of this slurry of cement, stones, gravel, and water.
150. The prospect of designing among nature rather than battling with cement and glass and housing estates appealed enormously.
151. Still, this cement and glass monument to eavesdropping will likely remain off the tourist maps for many years to come.
152. The cement corridor beyond was lit only by the emergency exit sign.
153. Compact the base, then lay concrete, using a 1 cement to 5 parts ballast mix.
154. Concrete is made by mixing gravel with sand, cement, and water.
155. Second, he hopes to use blocks of Uralmash shares to cement joint-venture agreements with foreign partners.
156. For instance in use at Edinburgh Zoo there is a cement ant hill for chimpanzees which was developed to enrich their environment.
157. The cement is very powerful and will not be removed by hot water, soaps, or detergents.
158. They passed a cement-mixer that was being operated by two men with cement dust on their caps and dungarees.
159. We shook hands formally all around... grateful that we had had this rare chance to cement international good-fellowship.
160. They only dragged her more roughly, so that her knees scraped along the rough cement floor.
161. Official building regulations specify a mix of one measure of cement to six of sand.
162. Without the cement of regular meetings or contact, they gradually began to drift apart.
163. Cities using cement stabilized gravel road construction research.
164. The cement is sold by the thousand.
165. Up broken cement steps to the back porch door.
166. The cement mortar made a little dry shrinkage.
167. They surfaced the walls of the house with cement.
168. Gypsum cement can be mixed with Portland cements.
169. Road asphaltum, cement, rolled steel(/cement.html), enginery lease out operation.
170. Coefficient of compressibility reduces as cement mixing ratio rising.
171. A puppy stepped in the fresh cement.
172. Mrs Boffin: It looks like cement. It feels like cement, too!
173. The wear volume of bone cement samples in the calf serum medium is larger than that in the air and increases with the contact load increase.
174. Lignosulfonate is also used as a cement extender in making certain cements.
175. Adding activator will be favorable to raise slag cement strength.
176. The hybrid sturgeon in cement pool had the habit of hiding during the day and coming out at night, while that in deep water cage stayed at the base in riptide and swam in slack tide.
177. The acid proof and high temperature resistance was tested, the microstructure of end product of geopolymeric cement was analyzed by means of XRD, SEM and DTA.
178. This figure includes the liquid component but excludes the intercellular cement.
179. Well Lin-4-ping-2 had a diverse attitude, and the well path waves up and down along the horizontal section, while the well bore quality and cement job quality all met the design requirement.
180. Objective: To apply the theoretical basis of argent - glass ionomer cement taking the place of silver amalgam.
181. Old age, his inventions and innovations including batteries, cement mixer, sound recording telephone, double - and multi-type cable system, railways used brakes.
182. UV Optical Cement For Touch Screen:Special designed for filling gaps between the Touch Screen and the ITO Transparent Glass Layer, instead of OCA Adhesive Tape.
183. Carbonate cement is universally more than 10% in sandstones of the upper Yungang formation in Yungang Grottoes area. It's mainly composed of ferriferous calcite and ferriferous dolomite.
184. Ochoa showed the journalists a black plastic lid that covered a swimming pool-size cement container of pig feces to prevent exposure to the outside air.
185. The high pressure jet cement stabilized piles enjoy the advantages of quick construction, low cost, easy operation and little impact on environment.
186. The sodium gluconate has served as one kind of good retarder, and also has the excellent plasticization effect to the cement.
187. Weld, braze, cement, solder and thread joints to join pipes and fabricate sections of piping system.
188. The liquid cement will cover the slit between the layers.
189. Cement precalciner kiln (PCK) system has multiple parameters, and the accurate mathematical model of it is hard to be established.
190. When the low water - cement ratio gets off,[] concrete self - desiccation shrinkage produces easily.
191. Maybe it diligently looking for the flowers, through the many cement steel beam and busy busy street, finally is flying did not move.
192. As cement retarder , the effect of desulphurize ashfuel oil ( DADFO ) was studied here.
193. Series ZSN4 DC motors are the new generation of Z4 Series DC Motors with high starting torque and overload. Mainly used as the drive equipment for cement rotary kiln.
194. A cement resembling putty; made by mixing ferric oxide and boiled linseed oil; is acid resistant.
195. Then the authors analyse the effect of initial temperature and cooling rate on thermal stress and the low temperature cracking performance of different asphalt cement.
196. The main type of carbonate cement was calcite cementing, with little ferrocalcite cement and rare ferrodolomite cement.
197. Stirring viscosimeter is employed to research the rheological property of fresh cement paste with different superplasticizers.
198. Your mouth feels like a cement mixer without quite enough water. This deluge of porridge-thick spittle has to go somewhere, so we are left with the question: spit or swallow?
199. The concepts of equivalent un-evaporable water content and the hydration effecting factor Eh are proposed to evaluate the effect of fly ash on the early hydration of cement.
200. As a substitute of cadmium red and chrome red, is a match environment red pigment. Used in thermoplastic resin, thermosetting resin, alkyd resin, rubber, other polymer and cement(Sentencedict), coating.
201. Carried on the harmonic analysis to air operated bulk cement vehicle.
202. Some special high technical content, such as cement mixer, powder materials, high concrete pump truck, highway management, clean sanitation inspection car etc, it will continue to be popular.
203. We need 100 tons of cement at most for this project.
204. In the old days, television was the cement of society.
205. The sulfur emissibility during burning cement clinker with calcium sulfate, calcium sulfite gypsum and desulphurize slag that consist of CaSO3 separately were studied in laboratory electric stove.
206. Domestic sales, imports of road cutting machine, vibration ram, ram impact, high-lights of cement, such as road and bridge hand-ray machines and construction machinery.
207. It consists of Portland cement clinker 20% -70% of the granulated blast furnace slag and gypsum composition suitable.
208. Foamed concrete series products with cement, coal ash as raw materials, in line with the state advocates green environmental protection building of energy-saving material standards and requirements.
209. Modification of polyacrylic rubber cement composite waterproofing coating was investigated with a chemical modifying agent.
210. This article take the sewage factory land improvement project as the background project, conducts the research to in-depth cement Mixing pile's application.
211. Third-quarter stock market decline die hard, Conch Cement fear a bear market but increase the intensity of the holdings.
212. Common cement and superfine cement are broadly used in plugging shot hole, but this technology has many disadvantages such as low success ratio, short valid period and so on.
213. The results show that: the water sieve method is applicable with measuring the cement that paste agglomeration is small.
214. Purpose: Cement - coated wire wound resistor is used in transducer trig, elevator, derrick as load resistor widely.
215. The influences of slag on the formation Kinetics of portland cement Clinker have beeninvestigutea. The activation energy and reaction rate constant of Clinker formation reactionhawe been gotten.
216. XXX is a factory blended Dry Shake topping incorporating ultra durable aggregates, cement and pigment.
217. The application of FGD gypsum product as the cement setting retarder is investigated.
218. A simulated test for measuring the cement grog conveyed by chain - conveyer with nuclear technology was conducted.
219. Electrification rule of cement powder was verified by using the experimental system specially built for test of the electrostatic charge of cement powder and its leakage.
220. The results show that The performances of polycarboxylic admixtures for producing pastes , especially for concretes, depend on cement varieties and their temperature statuses.
221. The effects of desulphurize ash containing more CaSO3 on the setting time of cement clinker with various content of C3A and C4AF were studied.
222. Cement steel and timber include the most importould like construction mgotriings used in civil engineering.
223. In the thesis, we research the clay - cement grout , synthetically , through material, mould and industrial experiment.
224. The presence of aggregates in cement-based materials might modify the pore structure of hardened cement paste, and its dilution effect and tortuosity effect could reduce chloride transport properties.
225. Rice Husk Ash have high silica (SiO2) can be used as Raw Material in Ceramic Tiles, Replace Cement, Produce Precipitated Silica, and raw material for fertilizer and soil conditioner.
226. Also used for mechanism artificially system sand, highway, railway, water conservancy, airports, architecture, cement, refractories, metallurgy industries production quality stone.
227. The influence of mechanical activation towards granularity distributing of wet-discharged fly-ash, cement paste intensity of various age, micro-analysis (XRD, SEM) of hydration products were studied.
228. Steel pipes with inner cement lining slightly cracked or scratched on the edge.
229. And microstructure of cement paste is also observed by SEM technology.
229. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
230. The Pb, S isotopic study shows that the mass migration and the fractional distillation of Pb isotope took place in the whole rock and in the cement.
231. The study of carbon fiber cement - based composites is in the ascendant nowadays.
232. The applications of soft X-ray microscopy in study of alkali-aggregate reaction and calcium distribution in cement were introduced.
233. By analyzing cause of cement concrete pavement slab, the paper proposed some treatment measures for reference.
234. A pencil core is used as a detonation velocity meter to measure the developing velocity of fissure induced by explosion of the cement model.
235. The shortcomings of common magnesia chrome brick used in cement kiln have been analyzed.
236. Meanwhile, put a tiny drop of rubber cement at each place along the wing where you want an engine.
237. The bigger wet-volume of Fiber Brucite is, the higher the strehth of the cement matrix composite is.
238. You know how much a cubic foot of cement weighs ( 150 lbs ).
239. Finally, the schedule of rheological design for oil well cement slurry formulation was proposed.
240. Getting a good night's sleep has long been known to cement the day's memories, moving them from short-term storage into long-term holding, but new research shows that it's not automatic.
241. The paper discussed the construction technology and attentions of retailing backwall refill for flowing cement flyash.
242. Objective : To study the influence of anti - tumor drug incorporation on the physicochemical properties of calcium phosphate cement ( CPC ).
243. Long spiral hole pump pressure CFG(Cement Flyash Gravel) pile construction technology has such advantages as small noise, quick construction rate and low construction price.
244. This article studies the effect of matrix component on refractoriness under load ( RUL ) of low cement castables.
245. The early cracking of concrete is usually caused by dry shrinkage, autogenous shrinkage of cement hydration and thermal-strain by hydration heat of cement.
246. Meanwhile[sentence dictionary], the invention also discloses a method for preparing the liquid cement grinding aid.
247. The effect of water on the properties of plant fibre reinforced cement composite plates was studied.
248. A research has been made on the effects of the grain size, crystallinity and quantity of crystal quartz in siliceous raw material on the burnability of cement raw meal.
249. Gyral kiln is a long tube-shape large-scale equipment, which is widely used in non-ferrous metallurgy, cement, chemical industry and so on.
250. Additional, Lai cement the new four - lane - south highway longitudinal City, a Zonghengjiaocuo , ease of land transport network.
251. This thesis studies of the color asphalt mixture and color cement slurry - filling asphalt mixture.
252. A new glass cloth laminate was prepared by using benzoxazine as liquid cement, alkali-free glass cloth as backing material, and treating with cement dipping, baking and pressing.
253. The article suggested design parameters of cement stabilized grit base course spreading with plant mixing method in region road construction in our province by experiment and engineering experience.
254. The holes of anchor bolts will be grouted with normal ( Portland, non - shrinkage ) cement mortar.
255. D . Grout shall be non - shrink type epoxy or latex Portland cement to minimize staining.
256. The amounts of cement slurry is the key factor affecting bearing capacity of the piles.
257. The patient underwent left occipital craniectomy and the defect was repaired with bone cement.
258. A simple laboratory testing method is established, and by means of this method mechanical bond strength is tested between drilling cutting and oilwell cement rock.
259. a floor of cement.




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