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单词 innumerable
释义 Word family  noun number numeral numeracy numerator innumeracy adjective innumerable numerical numerous numerate ≠ innumerate verb number outnumber adverb numerically  in·nu·me·ra·ble /ɪˈnjuːmərəbəl $ ɪˈnuː-/ adjective  LOT/LARGE NUMBER OR AMOUNTvery many, or too many to be counted 不可胜数的 SYN countless She’s served on innumerable committees. 她在多个委员会担任委员。► see thesaurus at manyExamples from the Corpusinnumerable• She has received innumerable get-well cards and flowers.Origin innumerable (1300-1400) Latin innumerabilis, from numerabilis “countable”in·nu·me·ra·ble adjectiveChineseSyllable  or too to Corpus very many, many be




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