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单词 famously
释义 Word family  noun fame adjective famed famous infamous adverb famously infamously  fa·mous·ly /ˈfeɪməsli/ adverb  1. get on/along famously old-fashionedRELATIONSHIP to have a friendly relationship with someone 〔与某人〕关系很好2  FAMOUSin a way that is famous 著名地,出名地 The trouble with common sense, as Voltaire famously observed, is that it is not very common. 正如伏尔泰有句名言说的,常识的问题在于它并非那么平常。Examples from the Corpusfamously• Dorothy and Amelia got on famously.• A policeman famously put his helmet over my chest to protect my modesty.• He is famously reticent in talking about his extraordinary physical ordeal.• His dress is famously unfashionable, his temper famously short, his profanities notoriously rich.fa·mous·ly adverbChineseSyllable  have a Corpus with relationship to friendly




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