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单词 steward
释义  Related topics: Air, Water, Horsesstew·ard /ˈstjuːəd $ ˈstuːərd/ noun [countable]  1. TTATTWa man whose job is to serve food and drinks to passengers on a plane or ship 〔飞机、轮船上的〕男乘务员,男服务员 → flight attendant2  DSHsomeone who is in charge of a horse race, meeting, or other public event 〔赛马、聚会或其他公共活动的〕负责人,管事,干事 race stewards 比赛组织者3  someone who protects something or is responsible for it, especially something such as nature, public property, or money 〔尤指自然、公共财产或钱财等的〕保护者,负责人,主管steward of Kissinger was now chief steward of US foreign policy. 基辛格现在是美国外交政策的主要负责人了。4. TAa man whose job is to manage a large property, such as a farm 〔农场等大宗地产的〕看管人 → shop stewardExamples from the Corpussteward• The Skerritts had been stewards of Carewscourt for generations.• Not all ranchers are good stewards of the land.• He turned smartly on his heel and trotted into the foyer, greeting the stewards with indiscriminate effusion.• Neither Leo nor the steward reckoned that anyone would object too strenuously.From Longman Business Dictionarystewardstew‧ard /ˈstjuːədˈstuːərd/ noun [countable]1a man who serves food and drinks to passengers on a plane or ship2 (also shop steward)HUMAN RESOURCES a worker who is elected by members of a TRADE UNION in a factory or other business to represent them when dealing with managersA meeting of shop stewards approved the strike action.Origin steward Old English stiweard “hall-guard”, from sti ( → STY) + weard ( → WARD1)stew·ard nounChineseSyllable  and serve a to is Business food whose Corpus man job




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