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单词 Belated
1. They made a belated attempt to save her life.
2. I reveived a belated birthday card this morning.
3. His policies are now quite belated.
4. The award is being made in belated recognition of her services to the industry.http:///belated.html
5. They did make a belated attempt to reduce the noise.
6. The statement was a belated acknowledgement that the project had not been a success.
7. John made a belated attempt to apologize.
8. Belated adopters kept using their typewriters.
9. Wigan's less grand Central Park should offer belated compensation.
10. Such a belated recognition is likely to strike a reader as old news.
11. In fact(), various techniques and a belated statutory intervention have combined to lessen the effect of the omission.
12. The Revolution certainly marked a belated victory for the policy of Exclusion, and finally established the legislative sovereignty of Parliament.
13. Since employees often complain about receiving belated information particular management attention should be given to correct timing.
14. It was while they were finishing their belated tea that Mrs Blunt arrived.
15. This appears to publicly mark a very belated end to an act of cultural vandalism that began nearly 60 years ago.
16. I got a belated birthday card from my cousin yesterday.
17. That belated discovery caused Sun to cancel the intended roll-out of the expected 514 model.
18. A belated rush to help is under way, complete with the good intentions and hazards that hasty rescues invariably bring.
19. Most importantly it is a belated recognition that imperialism offers a fantastically huge and barely mined seam of stories.
20. Their subsequent revival and belated acceptance into the rock fold was one of the period's more surprising reversals.
21. This was more than just a belated postscript to one of the closest and most bizarre elections in history.
22. He was given a belated birthday cake with 60 candles.
23. A local income tax would give councils the power to jeopardise Britain's belated conversion to a belief in low direct taxation.
24. Of course I welcome that, but it is a belated conversion.
25. There are, consequently, those who view her conversion to the cause as belated, possibly opportunistic.
26. His artlessness was boyish and so were his acuteness and his transparent but somewhat belated good sense.
27. The recent production of the play that used the gay version was a fascinating experiment, not a belated act of justice.
28. For this reason, Bachelard refers ironically to Sartre's phenomenology as a belated form of alchemy.
29. I set him down on the hood of the car and gave him a belated warning about snakes.
30. I'd have to tell you that it is an insipid and belated rehearsal of modernist experimentation with self-reflexivity.
1. They made a belated attempt to save her life.
2. I reveived a belated birthday card this morning.
31. The belated realization that these things are no longer so leads to the embittered and baffled reaction that they ought to be so.
32. It is really a belated gift.
33. With a belated insight he understood suddenly.
34. He made a belated apology.
35. Thanks for your belated adice.
36. You are always firing belated shots.
36. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
37. The belated travellers lost their way in the forest.
38. But then I forgot. Best belated wishes.
39. Will the WTC a belated icon? To what?
40. Epitaph : a belated advertisement for a line of goods that has permanently discontinued.
41. The belated moon looks over the roofs , and finds no one to welcome her .
42. President Obama made the right, albeit belated, decision to join with allies and try to stop Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi from slaughtering thousands of Libyans.
43. Good morning and Merry ( belated ) Christmas to you all!
44. College students' belated payment of their tuition fees, as a special social phenomenon, came out in the middle of 1990s along with the reform of higher education charge system.
45. While it's not for a journalist to nitpick a minister's theological credentials, that implication of belated seismic revenge on Haitian children seems defamatory of God.
46. We shall be belated as to the haymaking up our way.
47. Several young merrymakers were chattering at the bar before making a belated visit to the theatre.
48. I know it's a little belated, but we got you the perfect wedding present!
49. Both a premature and a belated retreat , of course, bring losses.
50. Jack Frost made its belated appearance this winter as Shanghai tasted the first bitterness of freezing cold yesterday after a long warm spell.
51. Do you still get a year older? Happy Belated Birthday!
52. There, surrounded by a belated outpouring of militia, Burgoyne surrendered ten days later.
53. Mr Kim's own ill-health, and a belated bid to install his unknown third son as dauphin, only heighten uncertainty.
54. When turnout in an election for the state government in 2008 reached an unprecedented 60%, many Indians misread this as belated Kashmiri acquiescence in Indian rule.
55. As Irene is sun bathing on the deck, Joel finds some down time to write the belated annual letter.
56. The gentleman who uttered the cries was evidently a belated Mormon.




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