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单词 Saga
1. The whole saga began back in May.
2. Herbert sat quietly through the telling of this saga.
3. She has written a huge and compelling family saga.
4. She launched into the saga of her on-off engagement.
5. The president was clearly exasperated by the whole saga.
6. The front page is devoted to the continuing saga of the hijack.
7. It was just another episode in an ongoing saga of marriage problems.
8. Stay tuned, because the Carrey saga should get interesting.
9. His saga could distract and entertain, guilt-free, for years.
10. Getting here from Milwaukee was a real saga.
11. This whole saga has been running for 60 years.
12. Moviemaker George Lucas is continuing his Star Wars saga.
13. Let me update you on my social security saga.
14. Our Susan and Vera saga in Bewley's is not that far-fetched and it replaces negative comment in many cases.
15. In the whole sorry saga, West Bromwich Albion were one of the few parties to emerge with dignity.
16. It's the latest twist in the saga involving council official Tommy Sheppard.
17. As the movers and shakers of this peculiar saga, Bonnaire and Huppert are unnerving and fascinating to watch together.
18. The Elijah-Elisha saga made a further deep impression on me.
19. But it is also a saga of human avarice and the abuse of power.
19. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
20. This whole saga ruins any faith you had in the game.
21. The novel is a historical saga, set in Tudor times.
22. His suicide is the latest chapter in this terrible saga of greed and betrayal.
23. The incident was the latest twist in the continuing saga of fraud and high scandal in banks and stockbroking firms.
24. The announcement is the latest move in a long and complex saga.
25. Bronson will return to the role of Paul Kersey to take on the Mafia in the latest sequel to the vigilante saga.
26. Yes, it's true, you're holding the final chapter in a long-running saga that began way back in 1985.
27. Joan and her sister Ruth appeared early in the saga, and young Paul opened the very first book of the series.
28. There is no such vagueness about the beginnings of the saga.
29. Perhaps he will soon lift the veils on the Westland Saga and the sinking of the Belgrano.
30. No Baron Munchausen would have dared to imprison his saga within the limits of a tall tale.
1. The whole saga began back in May.
2. Herbert sat quietly through the telling of this saga.
3. His suicide is the latest chapter in this terrible saga of greed and betrayal.
31. Now the suits get into our very parlours in Capital City, a long running television saga of banking folk.
32. But no one ever mentions two things which seem to me of prime importance in the whole relationship saga.
33. It was the final act in a saga that has gripped Nanchong since April: a mysterious rumour about murdered students.
34. Likewise for nearly three years, the nation has been hypnotized by his saga.
35. We had discovered the missing link in the corn bread saga.
36. Shares jump as financial discussions get under way Saga family in bid to go private.
37. Incumbents were re-elected in all gubernatorial contests except Iwate, Saga and Osaka.
38. Chang's novel is the real-life saga of a Chinese family.
39. Naomi sends questioning looks, keen for an update on the dybbuk saga.
40. This week, believe it or not, another, almost identical saga began.
41. For some reason, the whole extraordinary saga of San Diego and Tijuana during Prohibition has been forgotten.
42. Adnauseam I was deeply saddened by the Jason saga, but unfortunately I was upset by other aspects of your May issue.
43. BIn this saga of judicial wrangling, the government misread public sentiment.
44. It is a complicated saga which is still unravelling, with the former parent company, Alan Paul, now in liquidation.
45. During this same period, the earliest prototypes of the Saga were also being written.
46. The government should now set a time limit for this saga to be brought to a conclusion.
47. No other recipe causes so much grief, with the possible exception of chicken soup - but that's another saga!
48. Her saga of the rise and fall of a powerful family dynasty was a great commercial success.
49. In fact the Longbridge saga was more about global economic trends than currencies.
50. I replied, wondering whether I should even try to embark upon the convoluted saga of Dad and his assumed name.
51. Galsworthy was a set book: I felt I knew the Forsyte Saga by heart.
52. Magistrates yesterday granted a liquor licence to Glasgow-based Anchor International to end a long-running saga.
53. The saga of North Shields town centre and adjacent housing areas.
54. Saturn's opposition to Mars will bring a long-running saga of struggle to a head once more.
55. The saga centres on the tangled love life of a 30-year-old woman, who fears she will be left on the shelf.
56. Then the hero's ghastly disease was loosely based on the Ramsey Street saga of Bev's car crash and coma.
57. This, it was hoped, would mark the end of a long-running saga.
58. Hopefully that's the end of the saga, but let me know if there are any probs in the future.
59. And what makes it such an invigorating saga is his ability to let his idiosyncratic Broadway denizens talk for themselves.
60. Saga says it tried to force the hotel to honour the contract, but it refused.
61. Prusiner, by the way, is the one central character in the prion saga whom Rhodes was unable to interview.
62. The saga of his single-minded remedial schedule, following the serious kneecap injury in New Zealand, has been well documented.
63. The government was relatively unscathed by scandals at Lloyd's, the collapse of Johnson Matthey, and the Guinness saga.
64. You get a whole medical saga from those few words.
65. The second policy issue will focus on the continuing saga of involving clinicians in management.
66. Ingredients:Lactic Acid, Salvia Offcinalis Saga, Limonene.
67. His biography is a saga of scientific research.
68. The novel depicts the saga of a family.
69. Ingredients:Salvia Officinalis Saga, Coumarin, Geraniol.
70. So what's the next phase of the delivery saga?
71. The novelist had issued many saga novels.
72. Ingredients:Biosaccharide Gum, Salvia Officinalis Saga, Calendula Officinalis Flower Extract.
73. I don't know how this saga unfolded.
74. And let's not even talk about the impeachment saga.
75. The sea swallowed the Whydah along with her treasure, yet the fascinating saga of this storied ship was far from over.
76. Based on the Germanic myth" Das Nibelungenlied" and the Nordic" Volsunga Saga" which also inspired the four-opera cycle by Richard Wagner and J.
77. The Volsunga Saga and Nibelungenlied hardly differ in anything but the name.
78. The stories were collected in a book called "The Saga of Pecos Bill" published in nineteen twenty-three.
79. The robbery touched off a dramatic saga of honor that lasted 31 years.
80. The saga novels in Ming and Qing dynasties were always permeated with a strong sentimentalism. Tragic theme is the common feature of the novels of this kind.
81. I cut that number down to nine because the other three were tangential to the saga.
82. The David Suazo saga took another shock twist today! His contract clause releases him to Inter, so Milan pour their efforts into signing Ronaldinho.
83. StarCraft II continues the epic saga of the Protoss , Terran, and Zerg.
84. Sakurai and Saga then find a girl named Yuka, who claims that she was assaulted by " Green Monkey ". When she is picked up for questioning by the police, suddenly everyone faints and Yuka is gone.
85. The media, which I am a part of, has beaten the LeBron James Free Agency Saga to death. Even our beloved Bleacher Report is guilty of it.
86. " Oh, spare me your saga about shooting Yankees and facing Sherman's army.
87. From the start, Peter Jackson wanted his longtime associate Selkirk on The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003) as he knew Selkirk would stay focused on the climax of the entire saga.
88. This is a 600 page saga about 18th century slavery.
89. Twilightish: Would you like to see spin off movies for the Saga? Perhaps an Amazon Coven movie?
90. In the world of finance and among greens, the Papuan saga is being watched closely.
91. Ingredients:Glycerin, Propylene Glycol, Salvia Officinalis Saga, Calendula Officinalis Flower Extract, Melalenca Alternifolia Leaf Oil.
92. It carries on the account of Bob Monroe's astonishing saga.
93. “On to Oregon.” This outdoor saga, written almost 90 years ago, is loosely based on the true story of the Sager family journeying by covered wagon in 1848, in the early days of the Oregon Trail.
94. Police in a predawn sweep cleared out a tent city the protesters had erected in the downtown park, marking a dramatic turn in what has become a vexing saga for New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg.
95. The transfer saga rumbles on in the media but, for the Highbury boss, no news is good news.
96. Science history, with the charm of a fairy-tale legend, records some of the high points and iconic details of that saga.
97. Cool Hand Luke was a powerhouse prison saga, casting Newman as the rambunctious convict turned Christ-like martyr.
98. Sarah: Let me pull up a comfortable chair and you can tell me the Barrymore saga.
99. There may be some in their camp keen to see an end to the saga and therefore, prefer the certainty of the management buyout to the still-vaguely defined Norsk bid.
100. But in the ensuing saga, Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward wrote a new word into political history, Watergate .
101. We now proceed to give a slight sketch of the Volsunga Saga.
102. F 1's governing body has referred the diffuser saga to the FIA Court of Appeal.
103. In the past day alone, a whistleblower in the saga was also found dead, although police said the cause wasn't suspicious.
104. But his private life was a depressing saga of unrequited passions, as much a source of gossip in Orleanist Paris as it is of curiosity today.
105. Wang Meng delineates the dramatis personae of Hui in his novel such as a short story "Hero Ismail" and a saga novel "Love Season".
106. The Sanskrit saga Lalitavistara gives an account of Gautama Buddha, who is asked at one point to name all of the numbers up to those with 421 zeros.
107. SW : Will Lando become a more prominent character as the saga continues?
108. Another hit with audiences was Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End, the latest film of the Disney adventure saga.
109. Saga features trips for older people at home and abroad all through the year.
110. How a file system realizes that a particular disk volume belongs to it and initializes to handle the volume is itself a saga of Norse proportions.
111. Portrait in Sepia , 2002, a family saga set in Chile in the late 19 th century.
112. Saga: Let's all be sexier at the stage right in particular.
113. There will ultimately be six, and it will be like Homeric saga, on a vast scale.
114. The saga of Flight 19 is probably the most repeated story about the Bermuda Triangle.
115. The Kobe Bryant-to-the-Bulls saga, which seems finally over with John Paxson's declarations Thursday, is like an NBA/media version of the Big Lie, a World War II propaganda technique.
116. Despite all the talk around them, the principals in the saga remain quiet.
117. The Greek debt saga continues to evolve slowly, with the latest attention focused on Merkel's challenge in passing the EFSF vote through Germany's parliament.
118. The bruising saga that followed led to the departure of Briatore and Pat Symonds, who later received bans from the FIA.




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