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单词 Migration
1. Swallows begin their migration south in autumn.
2. During the last recession, migration to the sunbelt accelerated.
3. Migration into the cities is putting a strain on already stretched resources.
4. There was a mass migration of poverty-struck farmers into the cities.
5. Scientists have studied the migration of fish over long distances in the river.
6. It was a time of great migration.
7. A high dam would end their migration, irrevocably.
8. Both emigration and internal migration became increasingly controlled.
9. The most obvious limitation on migration was geographical.
10. In the former the tectonic movement and the migration of troughs is to the south and southwest.
11. There is no migration in the pup following infection by this route.
12. Demographic distortions created by migration have tended to confirm this image.
13. This results chiefly from age-selective migration from London, but also bears witness to the North-South movement of labour.
14. Around that time there was an eastwards migration of peasants into the territories east of the Elbe.
15. They recall our travels and migration, they recall great hunters, they are the notes and music of our songs.
16. Whether the investors are prepared to support the migration to software remains uncertain.
17. The sky was turning violet-dark, and a migration of cars with red taillights flew past us like flocks of cardinals.
18. But collectively their mass migration is ruining the country's development prospects.
19. It is instinct that tells the birds when to begin their migration.
20. So in Savoy, as in the county of Nice, the natural complement to pastoralism was seasonal migration.
21. While a great deal has been written about railways in migration, little notice has been taken of the role of the railway station.
22. The surplus recorded in the parish register must have been lost through migration to other places.
23. Death is one of two things. Either it is annihilation, and the dead have no consciousness of anything; or, as we are told, it is really a change: a migration of the soul from one place to another. Socrates 
24. In this respect, local public goods represent an intermediate case where exit is indeed possible via migration.
25. You can see why it is important to have back the scrolls, which passed down our migration routes for generations.
26. Before the rise of open systems there were five factors which precluded migration to Unix, he argues.
27. One form of black response to the fraud and violence in the South was a substantial migration of blacks northward.
27. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
28. The Bay Area has its own terns, seven species that nest or winter here or pass through in migration.
29. There must now be an independent review of the approach to migration and displacement.
30. If desertification continues to spread, the dust bowl will not only undermine the economy but also trigger a huge migration eastward.
1. Swallows begin their migration south in autumn.
31. Xplorer offers users a migration path to the firm's GigaCube massively parallel supercomputers which are also to use T9000s.
32. But he is critical, too, of some liberal notions and nostrums about migration, refugees and asylum seekers.
33. The migration is so great that the countryside looks almost emptied.
34. Special molecules called adhesion molecules guide the migration of developing neurons and help them to make stable connections to other neurons.
35. Independent software vendors who have developer kits say knowing Windows programming makes migration relatively straight forward.
36. Still, one dramatic form of this migration can be approximately documented.
37. Illegal migration as fallen off since Fox's election six months ago.
38. I had first seen it on out Skerries during spring migration.
39. Transnational migration, by no means a novel phenomenon, is also a prominent feature of many communities.
40. During this migration they receive signals from the surrounding tissues which directs them along the appropriate developmental pathway.
41. Important resources were located nearby in Jaipur: merchants, wool depots, veterinary hospitals and various government agencies to control migration.
42. North-South models; international migration of labour; trade and industrial structure in the 1930s; the political economy of protectionism.
43. This was not its habitat, and it was obviously coming through on migration.
44. There seems to be a seasonal mass migration from the Rhineland and the Ruhr, extending well into October.
45. The migration process frequently involves a chain of relatives from rural village to urban neighbourhood.
46. They may also be following the migration of their staple food, anchovies.
47. Why is there a migration of industry from urban areas towards relatively rural ones?
48. How much of this is based on migration of workers from other states is debatable.
49. There is considerable return migration except when the military-political situation in countries of origin makes this unfeasible.
50. In Asturias there was a strong tradition of early migration in the poor mountain villages.
51. In 1848 Young marshaled another 1, 229 Saints and Kimball pulled together 662 more for the great migration.
52. Migration from the eastern counties, while on a smaller scale, was forced by no less desperate circumstances.
53. The law itself, according to the bipartisan commission, is a source of continuing illegal migration.
54. Migration, for example, may be an enforced personal tragedy following persecution or a voluntary choice for a more prosperous life.
55. Eventually some pressure or need caused the migration of one or more into already occupied territory.
56. The cell migration cycle is based on experimental work in animal studies as well as in human studies of oral vaccination.
57. We Raika are trying to convince government to set up armed posts along the migration route to protect us.
58. What we could not see was that black migration into Compton had already crested.
59. The mid 1980s were also associated with a switch in the direction of the international migration balance.
60. February is the season of the great migration journeys to the southern plains, a time of rebirth for the herds.
61. Uniplex says it will provide application programming interfaces and gateways between onGO and its existing software to insure migration and coexistence.
62. Migration plays a crucial role in maintaining the balance between population and resources.
63. Well, Lancre was on one of the main migration routes, for birds of all sorts.
64. Once a year the up-river migration of the salmon heading for their spawning grounds provides a great feast.
65. The work will also contribute to a theoretical understanding of survival strategies and the dynamics of decision-making in conditions of forced migration.
66. The approximate molecular masses of the bands were calculated from the migration of known standards.
67. I understood what my right hon. Friend the Foreign Secretary said about economic migration and refugees under the 1951 convention.
68. In addition, the migration from rural areas to the cities has robbed the region of many of its truffle gatherers.
69. Animals still travel up to the high pastures, but today the migration is by truck, and not on foot.
70. The only exception at present is Gwynedd County Council which is trying to dampen inward migration and retain its resident population.
71. We should also think about the problems of the world as a whole, which cause mass migration in the first place.
72. Years of drought, crop failure and migration have meant that land is continually withdrawn from active production.
73. This migration into bliss was offered in return for the living of a life according to the relevant teachings.
74. Its view of itself as strictly an object database engine provider has changed to encompass solutions, migration and gateways.
75. Partition led to the migration of ten million people across the newly established borders.
76. It was she who would have the final say as to whether I was migration material or not.
77. This traditional migration to the high pastures freed by summer is called transhumance.
78. Machinery was not widely introduced until the latter half of the century(), as wages rose due to migration to the towns.
79. The United States was created by migration and the modern world has been sculpted by migration.
80. Southerners hotly contended that no violence necessitating migration existed; the resolution was not passed.
81. Migration from an existing cable system is relatively straight forward.
82. It is not yet clear whether metasomatism takes place earlier than, concurrent with or subsequent to alkaline igneous activity and melt migration.
83. Although Moorhens are sometimes seen in unusual localities along the coast, definite evidence of migration in Sussex is very scant.
84. Numerous birds and fish depend on the estuaries and mudflats, for wintering grounds and breeding and migration routes.
85. Throughout the twentieth century the Commonwealth countries remained the main origins and destinations of international migration.
86. Firstly, the qualifications and skill mix of the labour force, which might be undermined by outward migration.
87. This has occurred through both large-scale migration from rural regions as well as an increasing birth rate in the cities.
88. Second, where change has occurred, particularly at the intraregional scale,(http:///migration.html) migration has played the leading role.
89. In Shetland the situation is a bit confused by the migration of birds from other, usually more northerly areas.
90. The great black migration from the West Side-and from the Deep South-had only just begun.
91. He wanted the government to provide protection and compensation for blacks in the South and to aid migration out of the South.
92. The laibon retells the accounts of his illustrious ancestors of the great migration from the North.
93. Breed exclusively by fresh and brackish water and marshes; often in coastal waters on migration.
94. A proposed programme of resettlement from the most overpopulated areas was shelved for fear of raising peasant expectations and unleashing dangerous mass migration.
95. In these, migration through the lungs in heavy infections may result in pneumonia and death.
96. For instance, if environmental changes are capricious, the animal's migration viewed in isolation will also be capricious.
97. Demography and population Few studies of the nineteenth-century migration process have concentrated on the detailed longitudinal analysis of specific groups of migrants.
98. Such migration need not disturb the uniformity of the dust type across the lunar surface.
99. Figure 4.2 Net migration to the South from the rest of Great Britain, 1971-86.
100. Railways throughout the East were to contribute to that greatest religious migration of all.
101. Accordingly, a number of migration theories and general statements have been formulated over the years, as shown in Table 5.1.
102. Subsequent modifications in the technique resulted in long term maintenance of shunt patency and infrequent migration of the internal stents.
103. ParcPlace says VisualWorks enables a logical migration into object-oriented application development without the need to restructure database information.
104. As in the other mountain regions, population pressure was alleviated to some extent by seasonal migration.
105. If it was done wrong, the migration west might go right into reverse.
106. Local storms at sea and strong equinoctial tides may affect whale migration routes that pass close to the coast.
107. Birds using the bay as a stopping-off point for migration include the ringed plover and sanderling.
108. In other words, a net outward migration of almost 8,000 people.
109. Most records since 1947 have been for coastal districts, which perhaps just reflects the distribution of observers at the migration seasons.
110. The extent and nature of migration is discussed with reference to the evolution of local labour markets.
111. Following the annual migration of food preparation to the outdoors is the perennial question: How shall these delicacies be washed down?
112. This would counter rural-urban migration as well as improve living standards and provide a cash income.
113. During the 1950s the population of the South-East went up by 1.13 million, with a net migration gain of 438,000.
114. This is an argument for governments leaving migration to the pressures of the market.
115. In fact, the massive increase in migration contained a considerable quantity of impermanent movement - temporary, seasonal or merely nomadic.
116. According to Parsytec, the Xplorer offers users a migration path to its GigaCube massively parallel supercomputers which are also to use T9000s.
117. In 1926 the city annexed Watts in an attempt to control black migration into the area.
118. The white paper that preceded the Asylum and Immigration Act 1999 emphasised concern about illegal migration.
119. The 1970s saw considerable migration from Telana, as desperate peasants went in search of work.
120. In mild to moderate infections, there are no clinical signs during the pulmonary phase of larval migration.
121. This has been augmented by retirement migration, a topic that will be elaborated in the following section.
122. Changes in trace organics are being sampled and identified at various distances along a gas migration path from a landfill in Suffolk.
123. Consequently the company is touting it as the first hub to support seamless migration from direct-attached to Token Ring-attached devices.
124. Local observers were encouraged to report on distribution and migration patterns, thus paving the way for an interest in environmental concerns.
125. Most plasticisers are soluble in fat and wrapping fatty food in this material is another way of increasing migration.
126. There, he would be another old person elbowed and nudged by the hordes in their restive wildebeest migration in search of gratification.
127. These repercussions generally follow because of induced changes in patterns of migration, commuting and occupational mobility.
128. Open the generated process migration specification.
129. Migration tends to smooth differences in the center.
130. In game operating procedure: Mouse control migration.
131. Or C, the migration method of graphing quadratic functions?
132. Gas drilling projects, such as Jonah Field, impede pronghorn migration, and new homes restrict corridors to no more than a few hundred yards wide in places.
133. And Darcy flow production equation with gas-bearing volume may reflect the characteristics of methane migration in coal measure strata more really.
134. A computer program for calculating migration time and distance of components in arbitrary multistep gradient field capillary gel electrophoresis is compiled on the basis of the result.
135. William Kimosop persuaded schoolchildren to monitor Kenya's endangered kudu antelope, then worked with communities to secure key migration and breeding areas.
136. Migration – Data can be easily migrated between storage locations without interrupting live access to the virtual partition with most technologies.
137. The all-dip migration using ladder difference scheme not only effectively removes cross-interference but also preserves amplitude characteristic of steep-dip reflections.
138. We can learn about that the ADCIG is more sensitive when migration velocity is greater than actual velocity from the relation between ADCIG and migration velocity error.
139. The success of the Plymouth colony thus attracted more Europeans and set off what we call the "Great Puritan Migration.
140. The shrinking of household size was caused by the continued decline of fertility, the increase of population migration and the independent living arrangement of young couples after marriage.
141. Wetlands in the desert area of the Western China play an important role in migration, breeding and overwinter of waterfowl.
142. Caption :Muhammed Ali (R) is a veteran of the migration route to Europe. He spent 20 months in Libya trying to reach Italy, and finally ended up in jail.
143. Thus, the tip of the leading process actively pulls the soma forward during neuronal migration through a myosin II-dependent forward F-actin flow along the leading process.
144. Just as a house needs a firm foundation, the rootvg must be solid for the migration to be successful.
145. Therefore ore controlling mechanism of Sidaogou gold deposit includes Au mobilization, migration passages and accumulation spaces controlled by ductile shearing.
146. One day, while flying over the central Kalahari, Mark Owens came across an enormous migration of wildebeest.
147. In this paper, advancement on the migration, transformation and release control of Chromium in coal combustion process is presented from several important aspects.
147. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
148. If the SOA solution creates an ODS or MDM system, there is likely to be a data migration effort required to load the initial data into the target database.
149. This coating is important because the capillary wall can become charged at high voltages, producing irreproducible migration shifts.
150. One possibility is that the Aboriginal Australian migration left Africa before everyone else, but Stringer thinks that is unlikely.
151. With the emergence of a global knowledge economy, skilled migration has become an important policy issue in the discussion of national competitiveness.
152. Copy the exported data to the IBM Systems Director V6.1 management server using any standard copy program such as FTP to the following location: migration-tool-install/migration/.
153. The particle migration damage is a kind of general and serious damage of unconsolidated producing formation.
154. The branch of economic geology that relates to the origin, migration and accumulation of oil and gas, and to the discovery of commercial deposits.
155. Making the migration from a client perspective to using the Exchange protocol with a mail-client solution, such as Evolution or Akonadi, is a simple proposition.
156. The transfer zone may form structures or traps that are prone to hydrocarbon migration and accumulation.
157. Abstract: Groundwater is the major carrier for radionuclide migration in the high-level radioactive waste disposal.
158. The addition of whisker limits the cross slip of dislocations and migration of grain boundary, which causes Q value of the composite higher than that of the unreinforced alloy.
159. Ma goat industry of Muma Mountain was pushed forwards greatly because the coming of huge migration of Di people and the folk custom of having mutton in the Winter Solstice formed gradually.
160. The Lyme disease agent, Borrelia burgdorferi, causes infection by migration through tissues, adhesion to host cells, and evasion of immune clearance.
161. Migration or dislodgment of the balloons was found in two cases.
162. It would completely rewrite our understanding of the out-of-Africa migration. It is far from proven, but Jeff and others will be developing research programs to test the theory.
163. In many issues of the reliability of copper interconnection, we place the emphasis on electromigration and stress migration.
164. The diurnal vertical migration of planktonic Ostracoda is studied based on the analysis of stratified samples of zooplanktons in the IONESS system.
165. openMosix provides us with load leveling and transparent process migration in its simplest form.
166. The main genesis of heterogeneous crude is migration and fractional distillation of low mature crude, mixing of crude, thickening by edge water, and thickening by bottom water.
167. The migration of dinoflagellate cysts with transapical archaeopyle suture from sea water to fresh water lasted relatively long.
168. These are not defined in M1 to further monitor the additional task as well as the migration process.
169. Since cross-border labour migration is one of the most visible forms of migration, it requires significant attention within and between states in the region.
170. Ubuntu has MAPI Exchange protocol compatibility, so the server infrastructure would not need to be modified during any migration.
171. Then the dynamics model of population migration of synergetics theory is adopted, to develop the model that describes the migration of logistics business enterprise clusters between cities.
172. The paper also gives the prospect of wave equation migration.
173. Industrial migration is very significant to enhance the industrial structure, especially in Anhui that is in the non-balanced development of the region.
174. An event can be generated when the migration is started and, again, when the migration is complete. These events are exploited by Business Monitor to track the process migration.
175. When the script is running, it outputs the node name and server name where the migration is performing (Listing 5).
176. Alternatively, least-squares migration method involves a numerical approach where the solution is retrieved by solving a linear discrete inverse problem.
177. After the migration is complete, I confirm that the bootlist is set to the nst_rootvg disk.sentencedict .com
178. Inflammatory bowel disease can also lead to inflammation of the lymphatics and lymphangiectasia through migration of inflammatory cells through the lymphatics.
179. The results also indicate that the population identification for cephalopod may be combined with its basic biology, especially in taxology , history and migration.
180. But to the Eastern Han Dynasty and Cao Wei Dynasty period, migration of the lie people was great and broad.
181. They could not notify the appropriate teams quickly about the vulnerability nor provide a clear migration path to the replacement asset.
182. The migration staff might be able to fill out any remaining blank fields later, based on the mandatory input or after a call-back.
183. Objective:To investigate the renal expression of macrophage migration inhibitory factor(MIF)in lupus nephritis and its correlation with renal injuries.
184. The new plastic incise drape performed a significant prevention of the bacteria from growth and migration.
185. Allman's team this season attached satellite tags on four olive ridley turtles to gain more clues about migration patterns.
186. This is a process step that helps scope the magnitude of any required data migration effort.
187. A sample set of failed events are generated before migration.
188. This These include projects on human dignity, prevention of violence, detention, migration, statelessness , the right to health, climate change, and a the creation of a world court of human rights.
189. Imagine, for instance, that you're a lesser sandhill crane (Grus canadensis canadensis), setting off on your spring migration from southwestern Texas.
190. Thus, centuries of Turkic migration and turkification of the region helped to formulate the modern Azerbaijani ethnic group.
191. Frequent migration through borders, driven by the city's rapid economic growth, is a major cause ago the growing code of mixed marriage.
192. After pyrolysis , the polydispersion is retained in the carbon aerogel , however , the diffuse interface layer disappears due to migration of the layer to particles to reduce the interface energy.
193. Velocity model building for prestack depth migration is a model based iteration process.
194. Birthplace data are only the crudest indicator of actual migration paths.
195. With Rails, you specify each column definition exactly once: in the migration.
196. The influence of separators on the silver migration are analyzed by testing on various types of separators with this method.
197. It is found that the migration pathways are usually flexuous and look like branches of tree. Gas always migrates forward along the limited pathway where the capillary force is lowest.
198. Its migration through the liquid depends on slight irregularities[], or statistical fluctuations.
199. We report two cases of broncho- pleural fistula resulting from trans - diaphragmatic migration of the distal catheter of a ventriculoperitoneal shunt.
200. And market system in Anhui is not so perfect as economically developed areas, the government plays an important role in policy guidance and planning in the process of undertaking industrial migration.
201. Tahe oilfield in Tarim basin is characterized by multi-stage hydrocarbon generation, multi-channel migration and multi-stage petroleum accumulation.
202. The government encourages the enterprises to invest back and jump out Zhejiang to develop Zhejiang. Industrial migration is positive to Zhejiang's development in long term.
203. It is a popular misconception that the Conestoga wagon played a role in the great westward migration towards territories like Oregon and California during the 19th century.
204. Serco data migration professionals will stand up and deliver a data preparation center.
205. This crisis possibly causes the world civilized tectonic plate's constructivity migration.
206. But how to effectively carry on, how to combine Industrial migration with the industrial structure's optimization of developing area, which is the urgent and important problem to the developing area.
207. Central to this image is the eye of a baby southern right whale. The young whale sticks close to its mother as they navigate Patagonia's Nuevo Gulf before the spring migration to Antarctica.
207. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
208. This is problematic, particularly when the migration is to a Unicode database that is designed to store character data in UCS-2 format that uses the GRAPHIC/VARGRAPHIC data types.
209. Based on the characteristics of biomass fuel, this article summarizes the sources of alkali metals in biomass and the elutriation and migration.
210. Based on migration of BHT to simulant food, the accuracy of the method was demonstrated successfully.
211. The adhesion ability, the migrated ability and invasive ability were determined with the laminin adhesion test, the chemotactic migration test and the invasion test of reconstituted basement membrane.
212. Migration of students' knowledge is relative to methods of lead-in, mastery-degree of anterior knowledge, relations of new knowledge and anterior knowledge.
213. Therefore, as a migration procedure, create a script to facilitate the conversion to unfenced.
214. However, this entity can develop as a primary infection through blood stream or direct larval migration.
215. The development of wave-theory based seismic migration and imaging methods provides reliable ways for the construction of angle-domain CIGs of high quality.
216. Escaping encroaching snows farther north, pronghorn run south through Wyoming's Gros Ventre mountains on their annual fall migration in 2008.
217. The appearances of BSRs oon near-offset profile, stacked profile, migration profile, migration profile, instantaneous amplitude profile and instantaneous phase profile are compared and described.
218. Last fall and spring, biologist and photographer Joe Riis, funded by the National Geographic Society's Expeditions Council, became the first to document the entire pronghorn migration on foot.
219. The driving force of moisture migration in soil is the key of discussing the mechanism of freezing ice and frost heave and the stress of freezing soil.
220. Short distance lateral migration of oil and gas is the general rule, though vertical migration and multi-stage accumulation and dispersion are not uncommon.
221. So these animals have to travel from the ocean's depths toward its upper layers to feast on the phytoplankton growing there. We call this the vertical migration.
222. This photo shows a bowhead whale that was harpooned during the whale fall migration to their winter grounds.
223. The adsorption of organic contaminants in the vadose is one of the most important factors affecting their migration and transformation process.
224. Wave equation time migration fails to image subsurface geological structure correctly in the case of obvious lateral seismic velocity variation.
225. The scale of migration took a quantum leap in the early 1970s.
226. For domain migration, a complete set of information is necessary. Failure to do so may affect domain-related service.
227. Installation and configuration of the final product in the "production" environment, including any data migration that may be needed.
228. The large waves of migration of the modern world, along with the instant technology we've devised (television, radio, movies, the Internet), encourage verbal cross-fertilization.
229. At the end of the initial one month project we delivered an 80 page Agile SOA migration document that was used to introduce the client's staff to SOA and Agile SOA practices.
230. "We found that in colon cancer cells, neurotensin increases not just the rate of growth but also other critical things, including cell migration and metastasis, " said UTMB surgery professor B.
231. The extended ray tracing method can be applied to further researches on depth migration and seismic tomography for TI media.
232. Chloridion participated in various kinds of biological function, such as cellular immunologic response , cell migration, cellular proliferation and differentiation, apoptosis.
233. The Bridger-Teton National Forest has recognized the path of the Grand Teton pronghorn, much of which passes across national forest land, as the first federally protected migration corridor.
234. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSC), initially identified in adult bone marrow, have also been described in fetal haemopoietic tissues where they accompany the migration of haemopoietic development.
235. Conclusion:Shuanghuangbu can obviously promote the new bone and cementum formation, restrain the migration of junctional epithelium and enhance the regeneration of periodontal tissue.
236. The books also include a map showing the migration route, and a useful information section to practice reference skills.
237. Process migration mechanism brings the decision made by load balancing algorithm into effect.
237. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
238. Adopted in 1974, the U. S. Congress, "Jackson - Vanik amendment" provides that: "non-market economy" to satisfy the conditions on free migration can only be given MFN status.
239. This kind of emulsive liquid membrane has a higher migration over Sc(III), no migration over Fe(III), and less migration over Ti(III).
240. "Fishing areas" means spawning grounds, feeding grounds, wintering grounds and migration channels of fishes and shrimps , and the mariculture waters of fishes, shrimps shellfishes and algae.
241. The researchers also found that drugs which interfere with the amplification system impair cell migration to inflamed tissues.
242. The Pb, S isotopic study shows that the mass migration and the fractional distillation of Pb isotope took place in the whole rock and in the cement.
243. Next we looked into the log file produced by the PoC migration, analyzed the various groups of error messages, and identified the resulting actions.
244. Objective: To investigate the survival and migration of the neural stem cells (NSCs) transplanted into the bilateral hippocampi of adult rat with unilateral hippocampal fimbria transected.
245. Metal Migration has been the cause of many catastrophic microcircuit failures.
246. Trotter, Joe William, ed. The Great Migration in Historical Perspective: New Dimensions of Race, Class, and Gender. 1991.
247. We emphasize on the HA technique of Checkpoint Process Migration.
248. In petroleum systems of coalbed gas and shale-gas, the source rock is both reservoir and often the cap rock, with short migration distance.
249. The great spawning migration of blueback salmon lasts from July till February, attracting many animals and birds: bears, Steller's sea eagles, foxes, sea gulls, ducks, swans, etc.
250. Therefore, it is becoming an important matter that investigation of economic effects of international labor migration.
251. Ryo Itoh . Tohoku University, Japan. Dynamic control of rural - urban migration.
252. Lau said the HKSAR government will carefully consider the question of analogue switch-off and will make proper arrangements to ensure a smooth migration from analogue to digital.
253. Objective To investigate whether low dose vinblastine (VBL) could inhibit migration and tubular morphogenesis of ECV-304 cells in vitro.
254. A backout plan should be documented before migrating. It should detail what constitutes a successful migration, the conditions that trigger the backout procedure, and the backout procedure itself.
255. Wildebeests (connochaetes taurinus) prepare to cross the Mara river during a migration in Masaai Mara game reserve, 165 miles south-west of Nairobi.
256. The mayors have found support from an environmental groups who argued that the fence will disrupt the natural migration of wild life from the (Rio Grande) real grand river (valley) belly.
257. Mr Labak says there is no high-quality credit bureau to provide details on repayment records of potential clients, and high levels of internal migration make arrears collection difficult.
258. Radio transmitters are used worldwide in avian species to study habitat use, mortality, migration, home range and physiology.
259. Main force for migration of separate phase natural gas is buoyancy(), and resistance is capillary force.
260. When LNAPL reached the upper interface of the interlayer its vertical migration was blocked.
261. Deforestation and mineral extraction can damage entire regions used along the birds' annual migration paths.
262. In his book On the Wing, Alan Tennant chronicles his efforts to track the migration of the peregrine falcon.
263. What is the implication on Employer Nominated Scheme (ENS) and Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme (RSMS)?
264. METHODS: The current study analyzed the effects of BDNF on induction of neuronal progenitor cell migration and sensorimotor recovery after cortical photothrombotic stroke.
265. The major hydrocarbon migration pathways in the northern marginal zone of Chaidamu Basin are active faults, unconformable surfaces and permeable formations.
266. Cell matrix adhesion assay was used to study the adhesive ability of CNE1 GL cells. The effects of LMP1 on the invasion and migration of CNE1 cells were investigated by transwell methods.
267. According to Jiang Mingqian's homologous linear rule, the linear equation between the values of the migration parameter of homologues and homologous factor is derived.
267. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
268. The activation, migration, and redistribution of heavy metal and metalloid elements in reconstructive areas must disturb the balance of geochemistry of mine areas and their vicinity.
269. As a typical estuary wetland, Minjiang estuary wetland is one of the important stops of migration route for Eastern Asia- Australia birds.
270. Aim To research the methods and techniques of automatic data migration when data structures or data in an information system are changed.
271. Geomechanics has emerged and gone on all along with the thought of bio a migration.
272. The journey, tracked by satellite, provides the first record of a trans-Pacific migration by a leatherback.
273. Obama has authorised the resumption of talks over migration and disaster preparedness, low-level contacts which were severed during the Bush administration.
274. The Institute of Population and Labour Economics of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences will work with the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security to develop the Migration Research Center.
275. The driving force of primary migration is mainly abnormal high pressure and that of secondary migration is buoyance and fluid potential difference.
276. The trailing wheel attaches break the vehicle, the wheel design convenience migration, the break may be fixed meal the chair, and visible needs the DIY disassembling.
277. This paper presents migration through resolution cell (MTRC) of high resolution inverse synthetic aperture radar (ISAR) rotation platform imaging.
278. D prestack depth migration is an ideal seismic data imaging technique for the area where there occur very complicated geologic structure and severe lateral velocity variation.
279. Upon migration, all external, unfenced SPs and UDFs, will become fenced.
280. They also facilitate migration to IDS of routines written in the procedural languages of other database servers that support GOTO and LOOP statement syntax.
281. The surface concentration of the adsorbed surfactants, the surface velocity and the migration velocity of the bubble are obtained by a boundary collocation technique.
282. The article continues with discussions on Language Engineering Paradigms and Language Engineering Challenges and in particular "Model Migration".
283. Increased climate variability from AD 250 to 600 coincided with the demise of the Western Roman Empire and the turmoil of the Migration Period.
284. Adverse conditions, such as a small-sized cage, inadequate seating, total facetectomy, a lack of posterior instrumentation and infection, can cause migration of interbody devices.
285. The roles of protein tyrosine phosphatase SHP 2 in breast cancer(MCF 7) cell adhesion and migration were investigated.
286. The British Trust for Ornithology ringed a record 881, 900 birds in 2004 to study migration and longevity.
287. Pore fluid pressure can do favor to rocks rupture, while tectonic movement is the main factor that induces the rupture of source rock and the episodic fluid migration.
288. Radar observations indicated that the stratification occurred in the course of the Oriental armyworm migration. The moths headed southwest in autumn migration.
289. The tightener is the use when the cargo transportation, the migration, shipping or the warehousing fixed function.




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