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单词 familiarly
释义 Word family  noun familiarity ≠ unfamiliarity family familiarization adjective familiar ≠ unfamiliar familial verb familiarize adverb familiarly  fa·mil·i·ar·ly /fəˈmɪliəli $ -liərli/ adverb  FRIENDLYin an informal or friendly way 随和地;亲密地 Charles, familiarly known as Charlie 查尔斯,昵称查利Examples from the Corpusfamiliarly• That might seem to be precisely the sort of querulous argument which the Left has familiarly been scorned for posing.• The FBI is looking for Tom Charles, familiarly known as Charlie the Kid.fa·mil·i·ar·ly adverbChineseSyllable  friendly informal in Corpus an or way




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