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单词 Five classics
1 The Four Books and Five Classics are the authoritative books of Confucianism in China written before 300 BC.
2 The Five Classics start out with the Odes , the Book of Songs.
3 As the Five Classics during the Han Dynasty was the basis for the Thirteen Classics, so is the Pentateuch for the Bible.
4 The Five Classics is a corpus of five ancient Chinese books used by Confucianism as the basis of studies.
5 It forms part of the Five Classics that, according to tradition, was edited by Confucius.
6 As one of The Five Classics, the Book of Rites is the treasure of Chinese ancient culture, which is valuable for the study of ancient Chinese society.
7 The ancient Chinese society in the long is listed as "five classics" and the "road", called the source of the first once.
8 He gathered earlier writings to prepare what are called the Five Classics.
9 Not long ago I established the big study project of the translation of the Five Classics,[] and this truly has a far-reaching significance.
10 These books built upon the ideas of an even more ancient period codified in the Five Classics.
11 One township 1 amount to three Confucian scholar, fail to see the Four Books and the Five Classics six justice, is it teach 789 son to have the audacity, very bold!
12 In the traditional society from Shui and Tang dynasty to Ming and Qing Dynasty, officials are selected all through imperial examination, namely by writing a thesis on four books and five Classics.
13 Last but not least, I'd like to emphasize the core the Five Classics is propriety.
14 " He cited the views of others: "Some people say that to understand China, read" The Water Margin "more useful than the reading of Four Books and Five Classics.
15 In the teaching of Confucianism during the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Periods, the curriculum was mainly based on The The Four Books and The Five Classics.
16 Our first meeting will be to discuss all the five classics, and plots and then to choose the first book and how much we will read for the next meeting.
17 The research on our ancestors'inner world reflected by the Five Classics. is also a process of exhumation on people's inner world today.




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