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单词 expansive
释义  ex·pan·sive /ɪkˈspænsɪv/ AWL adjective  1  FRIENDLYvery friendly and willing to talk a lot 友善健谈的;开朗的 Hauser was in an expansive mood. 豪泽心情豁朗。2  BIGvery large in area, or using a lot of space 〔面积〕广阔的,辽阔的 expansive beaches 广阔的海滩 She flung her arms out in an expansive gesture. 她尽情地张开双臂。3  including a lot of information and using a lot of words 〔信息〕广泛的 an expansive definition 宽泛的定义 It was written in an expansive style. 这是用洋洋洒洒的风格写成的。4  relating to a business or economy becoming bigger or more successful 促进企业[经济]发展的,扩张性的 expansive economic policies 扩张性经济政策 —expansively adverb —expansiveness noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpusexpansive• Our visitors became more expansive after a few beers.• The new office building represents the company's expansive ambitions.• The integration of state and society favoured a benevolent and expansive concept of the role of the state.• Expansion in output was fuelled by growing external demand and generally expansive domestic economic policies.• Now their romantic urgings and formal ambitions have come together in an expansive exploration of the universe.• In such situations, hopes for a less active, more cautious and realistic, less expansive foreign policy were slim.• The 1960s were expansive, golden years for the television networks.• The house was only single-storey, but expansive in the Moorish style, with serial white arches and terracotta tiles.• He was in an expansive mood, and enjoyed chatting to the sales assistants.• an expansive selection of food• an expansive view of the beachexpansive mood• As noted, the frontier and the West had their own expansive mood.• He was in an expansive mood, and enjoyed chatting to the sales assistants.• Why not go along with Luke's expansive mood for just so long as it took to finish her drink?• Mr. Salmond Given that the Minister is in such expansive mood I will press him on the matter of training.expansive gesture• Theirs was not a relationship of expansive gestures like that.ex·pan·sive adjectiveChineseSyllable  talk Corpus to friendly lot very willing and a




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