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单词 Beetling
1. I saw her beetling off from the party early yesterday.
2. He went beetling off down the corridor.
3. I last saw him beetling off down the road.
4. I saw you beetling off early at the party.
5. I fear them as the beetling cliff fears the waves that thunder at its feet.
6. Half a dozen dump trucks were beetling around with loads of supplemental sand.
7. The water crisis became a beetling problem of the sustainable development of the global.
8. Heavy jowls formed and blue, piercing eyes glittered beneath a great beetling brow.
8. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
9. The hair faded. Heavy jowls formed and blue, piercing eyes glittered beneath a great beetling brow.
10. My eye is caught by the clumps of wild grass on the beetling cliffs which have been dyed crimson by the autumn frost till the hill seems one mass of azalea blooms.
1. I saw her beetling off from the party early yesterday.




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