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单词 smooth
释义 Word family  noun smoothness smoothie adjective smooth verb smooth adverb smoothly  Related topics: Tastessmooth1 /smuːð/ ●●● W3 adjective (comparative smoother, superlative smoothest)  1  surface 表面FLAT a smooth surface has no rough parts, lumps, or holes, especially in a way that is pleasant and attractive to touch 平滑的,光滑的 OPP rough Her skin felt smooth and cool. 她的皮肤摸上去又滑又凉。 a smooth pebble 光滑的卵石 The stone steps had been worn smooth. 石阶被磨得光溜溜的了。► see thesaurus at flat →4  See picture on 见图 Page A12 Surfaces 表面2  happening without problems 顺利的EFFICIENT happening or operating successfully, without any problems 顺利的,无困难的,无问题的smooth running/operation Sarah is responsible for the smooth running of the sales department. 萨拉负责销售部的顺畅运作。 The new government has promised a smooth transition of power. 新政府承诺保证政权的顺利交接。 → go smoothly at smoothly(2)3  movement 动作 [only before noun]GRACEFUL with no sudden movements or changes of direction, especially in a way that is graceful or comfortable 平稳的;流畅的;优美的 Swing the tennis racket in one smooth motion. 挥动网球拍动作要流畅,一气呵成。 The jet made a smooth landing. 这架喷气式飞机平稳降落。smooth flight/ride (=a comfortable trip in an airplane or car) 平稳的飞行/行驶 It wasn’t a very smooth ride. 车行驶得不是很平稳。► see thesaurus at comfortable4  person 人POLITE someone who is smooth is polite, confident, and relaxed, but is often not sincere 圆滑的,八面玲珑的 a smooth salesman 一个圆滑的推销员 He was a smooth talker. 他是个很会说话的人。 George is a smooth operator (=someone who does things in a smooth way). 乔治是个八面玲珑的滑头。5  liquid mixture 液体混合物THICK LIQUID a liquid mixture that is smooth has no big pieces in it 无结块的,均匀无颗粒的 OPP lumpy Beat the eggs and flour until they are smooth. 把鸡蛋和面粉打均匀。6  sound 声音 a voice or music that is smooth is soft and pleasant to listen to 圆润的,悦耳的 smooth jazz 圆浑的爵士乐 He has one of those silky smooth (=very smooth) voices. 他的嗓音柔和圆润。7  taste 味道CT a drink such as wine, coffee, whisky, or beer that is smooth is not bitter but tastes pleasant 〔酒、咖啡等饮料〕不苦的,味美的,醇和的 a smooth full-bodied wine 味道醇和浓郁的葡萄酒 —smoothness noun [uncountable] the smoothness of his skin 他皮肤的细腻光滑 → smooth-talkingExamples from the Corpussmooth• Moisturizers promise to leave your skin softer and smoother.• The car has excellent suspension and the journey was really smooth.• Whisk cup water with lemon juice, flour and salt to taste until smooth.• Add the remaining ingredients and beat until smooth.• Smooth and charming, Francis was the kind of man your mother would love you to marry.• The marble table felt smooth and cold against her arm.• The eyebrows and eyelashes were drawn in an then very pale washes were put on, the paint smooth and even.• The water around the fire was smooth as glass, black, like a standing pool of oil.• She felt too, as she mopped the trickling water from it, the smooth bronzed skin of the leg.• To ensure a smooth change-over, we'd like you to start work one week before your predecessor leaves.• Stir in currants and mixed peel. 3 Add enough milk to make a soft, smooth dough.• a board with smooth edges• FrontPage is a software program that helps to organize the entire web site so that it works in a smooth fashion.• a smooth flight• It was one of the smoothest flights I've ever had.• a smooth, freshly-paved driveway• a series of smooth, graceful ripples on the lake• a smooth lawyer• Don't let his smooth manner fool you - he's just after your money.• The control exercised from this remote box, therefore, was vital to the smooth operation of this busy line.• Behind the scenes ... chaos ... smooth operators ... and hairdressers everywhere.• Blend the strawberries with a little icing sugar in a food processor until it forms a smooth purée.• The main responsibility of the Project Co-ordinator is to ensure the smooth running of the department.• She has lovely smooth skin.• It is a smooth spreading sausage, similar in texture to a fine liver sausage, with a bright pink colour.• We hope that most students will make a smooth transition into high school.worn smooth• It may carry genes for delicate surface ornament, yet be worn smooth by abrasion.• The woman leads us down a long corridor of unvarnished cedar boards worn smooth by centuries of slippered feet.• We lay beneath them in coarse sisal hammocks worn smooth by decades of use.• High peaks are crested with boulders worn smooth by the weather.• As they were parting, the priest drew from his pocket a small black amulet, worn smooth over many centuries.• High, frescoed ceilings looked down on a marble floor worn smooth over the centuries.smooth running/operation• Somewhere along the line its deals undermined its smooth operation.• This is essential to facilitate the smooth running of a sale and to provide the client with regular written status reports.• As the man on the spot, he was responsible for the smooth running of everything that happened on the site.• An angry mob creates confusion and prevents the smooth running of its hunting sequence.• Reengineering offered a technical fix for what were seen as lapses in the smooth operation of ongoing business processes.• They are, in a college like Vassar, a key element in the smooth running of the school.• Food and medical supplies against an efficient and smooth running operation.• Zips: a double zip which is smooth running with an inner draught baffle.smooth flight/ride• As far as home openers go, there have been smoother rides.• But until then Hussey should continue to enjoy a smooth ride.• Please give my compliments to Captain Tynes, and thank him for the smooth ride.• In particular, it boasts a longer wheelbase and new twist-beam suspension which produces a smoother ride and better handling.• It is expected to be a smooth ride for the bill from here.• Don't expect a smooth ride; liberating that which is repressed can be quite traumatic.• By later standards they were rather slow cars, but the trucks gave a smooth ride on straight track.• All the rail joints would be welded by the Thermit process, to give a smooth ride throughout.smooth operator• He may not look it, but he is a smooth operator.• He was then a smooth operator.• Here are the big time smooth operators.• Behind the scenes ... chaos ... smooth operators ... and hairdressers everywhere.silky smooth• Its engine and gearbox are silky smooth.• The undersides of the leaves are greyish-green and silky smooth.• The animation is silky smooth and flicker free as your players run around the vast countryside scenario.• As an all-over moisturiser, choose a Nivea Lotion for your skin type and enjoy a silky smooth body.• The wholesomeness of youth was enmeshed in her looks, silky smooth cocoa skin, and fresh smell.smooth2 ●●○ verb [transitive]  1  FLATto make something such as cloth or hair flat by moving your hands across it 〔用手〕捋平,抚平,使平滑 Liz smoothed her skirt and sat down. 利兹抚平裙子坐了下来。smooth something back/down She smoothed back her hair. 她把头发往后捋了捋。2  (also smooth down)FLAT to make a rough surface flat and even 把〔粗糙的表面〕弄平整,使光滑 The wood was smoothed and trimmed to size. 木头被刨平并切割成需要的尺寸。 Smooth down all the surfaces before you start painting. 上油漆前把全部表面都磨平整。3  [always + adverb/preposition]RUB to rub a liquid, cream etc gently over a surface or into a surface 轻轻地涂擦〔液体、面霜等〕smooth something into/over something She smoothed suntan lotion over her legs. 她轻轻地给双腿抹上防晒霜。4  smooth the way/path for something EASYto make it easier for something to happen, by dealing with any problems first 为某事铺平道路 Staff helped smooth the way for the new administration. 员工帮助新的管理层铺平了道路。5 smooth something ↔ away phrasal verb DEAL WITHto get rid of problems or difficulties 摆脱〔困境〕,排除〔困难〕 A few objections have to be smoothed away before we can start the project. 我们先要消除几个反对意见才能开始这个项目。6 smooth something ↔ out phrasal verb a) to make something such as paper or cloth flat by moving your hands across it 〔用手〕弄平,把…弄平整 They smoothed out the map on the table. 他们在桌上摊平地图。 Smooth out all the wrinkles. 把所有的皱褶弄平整。b) to make something happen in an even regular way 缓和,平息 Sometimes central banks intervene to smooth out price fluctuations. 有时候中央银行会出面干预以平息物价波动。c) to get rid of problems or difficulties 消除,摆脱〔问题或困难〕7 smooth something ↔ over phrasal verb DEAL WITHif you smooth over problems, difficulties etc, you make them seem less serious and easier to control, especially by talking to the people who are involved in the problem 缓和,调解〔困难等〕;斡旋 Sally managed to smooth over the bad feelings between them. 萨莉设法缓和了他们之间的敌对情绪。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpussmooth• The logs were smoothed and trimmed to size with axes.• Across the table, Tanya smoothed down her skirt and looked at her watch.• Luce washed herself and smoothed her fringe as best she could, scowling at her reflection in the mirror.• She stood up, a little unsteadily, and smoothed her frock.• She removed her cap and smoothed her lush black hair.• He would sit, smoothing his pants, and wait.• But Internet sales are being delayed until kinks can be smoothed out, as well as security issues.• The curiously but hopefully not phonetically named Botox is injected into the forehead to smooth out the skin.• Every morning she smoothes the bedclothes out and dusts the room.• He smooths the circle to the exact depth required and marks it with a big cross.• He wanted to smooth the web of hair that spilled down her back springing alive from the bones of her head.smooth something into/over something• She smoothed suntan lotion over her legs.Origin smooth1 Old English smothsmooth1 adjectivesmooth2 verbChinese  has parts, Corpus surface smooth a no rough




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