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单词 Black cat
1. This is a black cat with white paws.
2. Lost: black cat with white paws.
3. In " the black cat " the adjective " black " modifies the noun " cat " .
4. The black cat kept drubbing on the ground with its white paws.
5. When you see a black cat, you have to make a wish.
6. A black cat crouched in the corner.
7. An underfed black cat settles, unnoticed, at Isabelle's side.
8. Why does a black cat bring good luck?
9. There is always a black cat in the yard too I never go near it though.
10. Not even a sinister black cat, but a large and lazy-looking tabby.
11. I am so dark that a black cat looks illuminated to me.
12. Max is a jazz musician, a black cat with Negro features, who owns a talking saxophone, his Alto Ego.
13. A black cat crossing your path signifies that the animal is going somewhere. Groucho Marx 
13. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
14. Father Sheep asks Black Cat Cop for help.
15. Black in black cat is an attributive.
16. At this time, a black cat is coming quietly.
17. Black cat eyes took my soul.
18. Behind me Soot, my black cat, started to purr.
19. A black cat catches a black rat.
20. The fat black cat she'd picked up at the pub, still dogged her every step.
21. A black cat takes human form to seduce a villager.
22. In pictures, you often see a black cat on the back of a witch's broomstick.
23. Some people consider a black cat a creature of ill omen.
24. From atop one pile on the desk under the window, a very fat long-haired black cat gazed impassively at Agnes.
25. It might seem a bit like looking for a black cat in a coal cellar.
26. You couldn't buy all this working at Lyons bakery or the Black Cat factory.
27. Crouching low by the wall of the stables was a black cat, eating a bird whose wings were still twitching.
28. In the hall they found Mr Hunter again, holding a slack bored-looking black cat.
29. I heard meowing, opened the trunk of the car, and out jumped a thin black cat.
30. Within a week, his wife had run away with another man, he'd lost his job as a shipping clerk and he had broken his leg chasing a black cat to keep it from crossing his path.
1. This is a black cat with white paws.
2. In " the black cat " the adjective " black " modifies the noun " cat " .
31. For a black cat, Hallowmas is the most miserable day.
32. Whether a white cat or a black cat, a good cat catches mice.
33. Yesterday rose 6.17 percent stake in the black cat is attracted wide attention Fund.
34. A little black cat lives in the crawl space under my house.
35. Jack has a black cat and Pat has a black bag.
36. Black Cat: See? Project Dark Cloud should go down without a hitch.
37. Walking home I looked up and got out of the way quick - here came this black cat running like greased lightning and right behind him was this big dog chasing him so closely.
38. He'd lost his job as a shipping clerk and he had broken his leg chasing a black cat to keep it from crossing his path.
39. Sometimes a black cat ride away into the sky on the back of the witch's broom.
40. He helped Lucy into the Black Cat prowler and closed the hatch.
41. Jack has an animal black cat at happy can catch flag bag carrot rabbit and rat.
42. One morning, when she returned to the village, Stravinsky found her black cat has been kidnapped.
43. In 2007, a black cat named Baby in Duluth, MN was claimed to be 37 by his owners.
44. The small girl was terrified at that big black cat.
45. Even today, some view the Black cat as an omen of misfortune.
46. He has a superstitious thought that black cat are unlucky.
47. No hobgoblin appeared, although a black cat did try to cross my path.
48. Not tolk white cat black cat, catch morse are good cats!




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