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单词 expansion card
释义  Related topics: Computersexˈpansion ˌcard noun [countable]  a circuit board that fits into a computer and makes it possible for the computer to do more things, for example produce sounds, play CD ROMs, or use a telephone line 〔计算机〕扩展卡Examples from the Corpusexpansion card• Choice of an expansion card, with a particular processor, will be determined largely by intended application for the device.• But the user must be patient when learning the ins and outs of an expansion card.• It ha six free 16-bit slots, but the power switch cable blocks access to one full-length expansion card.• However, the 3.5-inch cage projects into the expansion card space so you can only fit five full-length cards.From Longman Business Dictionaryexpansion cardexˈpansion cardCOMPUTING a CIRCUIT BOARD that fits into a computer and makes it possible to add extra features to the computer. Examples of expansion cards are SOUNDCARDs, VIDEO CARDs, and MODEMs → cardexˈpansion ˌcard nounChineseSyllable   Business Corpus that fits a a board into circuit




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