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单词 viral
释义  Related topics: Illness & disabilityvi·ral1 /ˈvaɪərəl $ ˈvaɪrəl/ ●○○ adjective  1  MIrelating to or caused by a virus 病毒(性)的,病毒引起的 a viral infection 病毒感染2  passed on to other people on the Internet or using mobile phones 〔在网络上或用手机〕广为传播的 It is one of the most viewed viral videos on the web. 这是网络上被观看次数最多的“病毒视频”。n3. go viral if a picture, video, joke etc goes viral, it spreads widely, especially on the Internet or mobile phonesExamples from the Corpusviral• But that won't stop the many other bacterial and viral forms.• These centres had treated 2490 patients with chronic viral hepatitis with interferon alfa.• It lies at the centre of a viral hot zone, surrounded by farms infected with foot and mouth disease.• Flu is a viral infection which can make even the fittest person feel quite ill.• If successful, the technique open up enormous possibilities for controlling viral infections.• He contracted glandular fever and viral meningitis.• A fourth patient died from viral pneumonia, but this was in hospital and expected.• Age was against viral pneumonia, Hoppy said.• viral pneumoniaviral infection• Several cases of spontaneous remission in acute leukaemia have been described in association with bacterial or viral infections.• Gardner missed the Washington road trip last week with a viral infection and is now taking antibiotics.• Newly imported Angelfish sometimes suffer from a viral infection called Lymphocystis.• Your Blue Ring Angel is suffering from a viral infection called Lymphocystis.• Bacterial and Viral Infections Foals can suffer a variety of bacterial or viral infections in the first fourteen days of life.• In some cases, these can be treated with antibiotics, which are useless against viral infections like influenza and colds.• Headaches due to viral infections may be accompanied by fever, muscle aches, and malaise.• Such a trigger could be a viral infection or a traumatic life event, says Lane.viral2 noun [countable]  a viral video, advertisement etc 病毒视频,病毒广告〔在网络上广泛传播的视频、广告等〕 They use humorous virals to promote their products. 他们利用滑稽的“病毒视频”来推广产品。vi·ral1 adjectiveviral2 nounLDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  caused by to Corpus relating a virus or




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