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单词 violently
释义 Word family  noun violence ≠ non-violence violator violation adjective violent ≠ non-violent verb violate adverb violently  vi·o·lent·ly /ˈvaɪələntli/ ●○○ adverb  1  with a lot of force in a way that is very difficult to control 激烈地,剧烈地tremble/shiver/shake etc violently I was still trembling violently. 我仍在剧烈地颤抖。violently sick/ill He rushed to the bathroom, where he was violently sick. 他冲到卫生间,猛吐了一番。2  in a way that involves violence 凶猛地,暴力地 Several people have been violently attacked in the subway. 有几个人在地铁里受到了暴力袭击。3  with a lot of energy or emotion, especially anger 〔尤指愤怒〕激烈地,强烈地 Jenny protested violently. 珍妮强烈抗议。Examples from the Corpusviolently• When she heard they had gotten engaged, Jenny protested violently.• He touched her arm and she flinched violently.• It tidies the emotional chaos that comes when a child dies violently.• He knew that, despite all her denials, she was still violently attracted to him.• I was trembling less violently, but my teeth still chattered.• All eyes went to the open drawer from which the President had so violently recoiled.• Vasili shook her shoulders violently then slapped her across the face.violently sick/ill• A moment later he turned to his right and was violently sick.• Feeling her stomach churn with the painful memories, she leaned sideways and was violently sick.• I can cheerfully admit that it made no impact on me apart from an overwhelming urge to be violently sick.• I managed to drive out of the hospital but I had to stop the car and was violently sick.• In mid-sentence he broke off, turned ghastly pale and rushed to the bathroom, where he was violently sick.• The stench is so powerful that you feel - and sometimes are - violently sick.• When they leave, Ann is violently sick.• On the way home I remember being violently ill in the car because of the·o·lent·ly adverbChineseSyllable  a a with that force of in lot is way Corpus




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