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单词 exception
释义  ex·cep·tion /ɪkˈsepʃən/ ●●● S3 W2 noun [countable, uncountable]  1  EXCEPTsomething or someone that is not included in a general statement or does not follow a rule or pattern 例外,除外 It’s been cold, but today’s an exception. 天气一直寒冷,但今天是个例外。with the exception of somebody/something We all laughed, with the exception of Maggie. 除了玛吉,我们都笑了。without exception Each plant, without exception, contains some kind of salt. 每一种植物都含有某种盐分,无一例外。notable/important/significant exception With one or two notable exceptions, there are few women conductors. 很少有女性指挥,除了一两位是明显的例外。minor/major exception With a few minor exceptions, the new edition is much like the previous one. 除了有几处细小的改动之外,新版本与前一版没有什么两样。 The law applies to all EU countries; Britain is no exception. 这项法律适用于所有欧盟国家,英国也不例外。 We don’t usually accept checks, but for you we’ll make an exception (=not include you in this rule). 我们一般不接受支票,但对你我们就破个例。 The spelling of this word is an interesting exception to the rule. 这个单词的拼法是该规则一个有趣的例外。 Successful two-career couples are still the exception, not the rule (=used to emphasize that something is unusual). 夫妇俩都事业有成的仍不常见。2  somebody/something is the exception that proves the rule spoken used to say that the fact that something is not true or does not exist in one situation emphasizes the fact that it is true or exists in general 某人/某事物是证明普遍性的例外 Most people here are very dedicated; I’m afraid Rhea’s the exception that proves the rule. 这里的大多数人都很敬业,恐怕雷亚是其中的例外。3  take exception to something OFFENDto be angry or upset because of something 因某事而生气[烦恼] Tom took great exception to my remark about Americans. 汤姆对我有关美国人的评论极为不满。n COLLOCATIONSadjectivesan important/significant exceptionThe treaty was ratified by all the EU member countries, with one significant exception, Britain.a major exception (=very important)The major exception to the general downturn, the tourism sector, has actually seen an increase in profits.a notable exception (=one that is very interesting, excellent or unusual)The houses along the river are all relatively modern, with the notable exception of the old obvious exceptionThe earliest historical records, with the obvious exception of Chinese, are written in Indo-European languages.a conspicuous exception (=one that is very easy to notice)With one conspicuous exception, Ayers Rock, the desert landscape is completely flat.a minor exception (=not important)Everyone was in agreement, with a few minor exceptions.a single/sole exception (=one on its own)All the men were killed, with the sole exception of Captain Jones.a rare exceptionBooks on philosophy can be quite dull, but this is a rare exception.phraseswith the exception ofThe journey was fairly straightforward, with the exception of driving through London.without exceptionWithout exception, all the children were well behaved and no exceptionThe river floods every winter, and this year was no the exception to the rule (also be the exception that proves the rule) (=be different to most other people or things)Most of the boys were quite shy, but Larry was the exception to the the exception, not the rule (=used to emphasize that something is unusual)Staying married for life seems to be the exception, not the rule these days.verbsmake an exception (=deal with someone or something in a different way from usual on a particular occasion)We usually require a 10% deposit, but I'll make an exception in this case.Examples from the Corpusexception• A curious fact which might seem at first to constitute an exception to this explanation turns out to provide further confirmation of it.• There is, however, an exception.• Most couples who break up seem to find it hard to remain friends. Kim and Gerry are exceptions to that rule.• There are exceptions, of course.• The big exception is the most vital crop of all: sugar.• I had no choice but to cut back to a hands-off style-getting involved in exceptions only.• There are many exceptions, though: In some but not most traditional human societies, men move to women.• With a few minor exceptions, the legal system in the two countries is very similar.• Women do not usually get to the top in politics, but there have been a few notable exceptions.• With rare exceptions, world champions are bullied and beaten into fighting shape on the streets.• Most of the students did well, though there were one or two exceptions.• After discussion it was agreed that the Committee be re-elected as it was, with two exceptions.with the exception of somebody/something• Ragworm is the principal flounder bait with the exception of May and June when peeler crab will produce.• There was a full turn up of Liberal ministers, with the exception of Lloyd George.• Everyone was more interested in playing than reading - with the exception of Steve Vai, that is.• They represent the set of minimal units required to uniquely specify a word, with the exception of homophones.From Longman Business Dictionaryexceptionex‧cep‧tion /ɪkˈsepʃən/ noun [countable] INSURANCE a particular event or risk that is mentioned in an insurance policy as something that the policy does not coverSYN EXCLUSIONUnless the claim is ruled out by one of the policy exceptions, then every consideration should be given for settlement.ex·cep·tion noun →n COLLOCATIONS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  is Corpus something included not a Business in or someone that




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