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单词 Foster
1. Foster joined in the laughter.
2. Mr Foster romped home with 141 votes.
3. Little Jack was placed with foster parents.
4. The captain did his best to foster a sense of unity among the new recruits.
5. Frequent cultural exchange will certainly help foster friendly relations between our two universities.
6. The bishop helped foster the sense of a community embracing all classes.
7. Mr Foster is sorry that he cannot accept your invitation to dinner.
8. Mrs Foster bobbed about, gathering up her things.
9. The children were placed with foster parents.
10. He is going to run against Foster.
11. Mr Foster confessed that he'd broken the speed limit.
12. He was later placed with a foster family.
13. Commissioner Foster is responsible for literature and arts.
14. Foster admitted punching and kicking the man repeatedly.
15. All foster parents are carefully screened.
16. Nowadays young couple sometimes foster.
17. It is sometimes difficult to find suitable foster parents.
18. Mr Foster has never been to China. Consequently / Hence he knows very little about it.
19. Mr Foster is a tower of strength to his party.
20. The mayor has tried to foster civic pride by having a new public library built in the city.
21. They try to foster harmony between different groups of people.
22. He may have had some suspicions of Michael Foster, the editor of the journal.
23. We couldn't adopt a child, so we decided to foster.
24. People who cannot have a baby of their own sometimes foster .
25. You say a, one, two, several, etc. hundred without a final 's' on 'hundred'. Hundreds can be used if there is no number or quantity before it. Always use a plural verb with hundred or hundreds.: One hundred have already been placed with foster families.
26. He has spent most of his life being shunted between his mother, father and various foster families.
27. As a child, he had lived with a succession of foster parents.
28. After due consideration it was decided to send him away to live with foster parents.
29. They suspected that Neville had traded secret information with Mr Foster.
30. He said that developed countries had a responsibility to foster global economic growth to help new democracies.
1. Foster joined in the laughter.
2. Mr Foster romped home with 141 votes.
3. Little Jack was placed with foster parents.
4. We couldn't adopt a child, so we decided to foster.
5. The captain did his best to foster a sense of unity among the new recruits.
6. Frequent cultural exchange will certainly help foster friendly relations between our two universities.
7. You say a, one, two, several, etc. hundred without a final 's' on 'hundred'. Hundreds can be used if there is no number or quantity before it. Always use a plural verb with hundred or hundreds.: One hundred have already been placed with foster families.
8. He has spent most of his life being shunted between his mother, father and various foster families.
9. The bishop helped foster the sense of a community embracing all classes.
10. Mr Foster is sorry that he cannot accept your invitation to dinner.
11. Nowadays young couple sometimes foster.
12. Mr Foster is a tower of strength to his party.
13. The mayor has tried to foster civic pride by having a new public library built in the city.
31. At the age of eight, she was wrenched from her foster parents and sent to live with another family.
32. The President is keen to notch a political triumph that would foster freer world trade and faster economic growth.
33. The bright and telegenic Miss Foster is being paid around £90,000 a year for her exclusive deal.
34. She was taken into care by the local council and placed with a foster family.
35. It might be possible for a single woman to be accepted as a foster parent.
36. The club's aim is to foster better relations within the community.
37. Jodie Foster made quite a splash in the film 'Taxi Driver'.
38. The winners are as follows: E. Walker; R. Foster; R. Gates; A. Mackintosh.
39. I'm trying to foster an interest in classical music in my children.
40. Foster is playing again after a six-week layoff due to injury.
41. I've got Chris Foster on the line for you. Do you want to take it now or call her back later?
42. Gay men are now eligible to become foster parents whether they are single or have partners.
43. Is it the role of schools to foster spiritual values?
44. They were discussing the best way to foster democracy and prosperity in the former communist countries.
45. The local authority exercises parental rights over the children until foster homes are found.
46. The children were waiting for placement in a foster care home.
47. The new director is trying to foster a culture of open communication within the company.
48. He had been in foster care since he was five.
49. Music composed by Stephen C.. Foster.
50. Does it foster diverse forms of knowledge?
51. Such continuous variables foster continuous and gradual evolution.
52. Foster picked up a small, bulky envelope.
53. He manoeuvres to foster recovery.
54. Mandy(Sentencedict), Mrs Foster has called a staff meeting.
55. These foster children are not available for adoption.
56. She knew her foster brother was unreliable.
57. Foster had been in prison twice already for burglary.
58. They never put us in foster care.
59. It failed to foster an independent, bourgeois culture.
60. Foster indicates how commitment to relative autonomy of the political, ideological and economic generates accounts which look very like traditional functionalism.
61. The two play New York subway cops who also are foster brothers.
62. Pinsent clambered over Foster to embrace Redgrave, and then fell in the water.
63. The entire burden of hatching, feeding and caring for the young cuckoo falls on the hapless foster parents.
64. On 13 December 1991 emergency protection orders were made and the children were placed with foster parents.
65. To foster growth such resources must be developed, but this, however, necessitates increased investment.
66. Down through the garden came servants and foster daughters carrying the cases of engagement presents and the engagement jewels.
67. The sixth and oldest, a 9-year-old boy, currently is in specialized foster care because of emotional problems.
68. Foster stood by the doorway of the hotel, next to a potted palm.
69. If he fails to appear, he will be in contempt of tribal law, Foster said.
70. Mr Foster says the consultation document fails to acknowledge the tradition of free access to mountain and hill country.
71. As it turned out, John and his sister had been through some twenty-three moves in foster care.
72. Larry Foster, chief council aide, said Hale was ordered to appear before the committee next Monday.
73. Like old Charles Foster Kane, they are doomed to stalk the dark, cavernous halls of their Xanadus.
74. This is an example of government efforts to foster new initiatives by creating an agency outside of direct central political control.
75. The care programme approach was seen to foster dependency in two ways, on the part of clients and on the part of staff.
76. She wanted to live with the foster parents she lived with at the age of two.
77. Directors also strive to foster a cooperative spirit and friendly attitude among employees and a compassionate demeanor toward the families.
78. There, Rita says, she will take parenting classes to get her son back from foster care.
79. Any information regarding Foster has attracted extraordinary attention because he was a friend of Mrs Clinton and later committed suicide.
80. Her children were placed in foster care and she had no place to go.
81. Even though he did not actually advocate it, Locke certainly did much to foster such rational deism.
82. I did not intend to foster more armchair critics of the public schools either.
83. Foster parents were not always equipped to cope with the vagaries of their own children,() let alone the problems of outsiders.
84. They housed children who could not find foster parents or who were too old to fit easily into a new family environment.
85. Unlike Beattie, who was socialized into evangelicalism and unionism, Ivan Foster was recruited after a more dramatic conversion.
86. Young people in children's homes or foster care are deprived of books and the opportunity to share books with adults.
87. In December 1991 the local authority was granted emergency protection orders in respect of both boys and placed them with foster parents.
88. On that occasion, they returned to Berkeley with a coachload of other would-be foster parents empty-handed.
89. Guideline 7: Show your affection and foster your child's love and respect.
90. Just as parents should foster good nutrition from an early age, they should support and encourage healthy physical activity.
91. More recently, a number of voluntary initiatives have sought to foster a sense of belonging to the community on the part of young people.
92. Foster parents were as likely as their wards to find a justifiable cause for bellyache.
93. This has tended to foster a very negative attitude towards this form of provision and the staff who work in such units.
94. And, as we have already seen, it is the Bible's function to feed and foster such a relationship.
95. Beattie and Foster were fully involved with Paisley and Wylie in their protests and in electioneering.
96. Nationally, a disproportionate 48 percent of all foster children are minorities.
97. Her foster brother's misinformation must be dispelled, but what did she say?
98. In seven Tests at headquarters between 1983 and 1989, Foster took just 14 wickets at 44 runs apiece.
99. In July 1993, Foster, then deputy White House counsel, committed suicide.
100. In 1988 the foster parents gave notice of their application to adopt the child.
101. His foster father, who is his uncle, stated that Jimmy may have some learning disabilities.
102. Foster Yeoman sees potential in selling spare capacity on its trains to other users.
103. The children were taken to foster homes where they will be kept until a determination can be made about their future.
104. The move follows an unsuccessful bid by Mr Foster to get the board to reinstate the facility Teesdale farmers regard as essential.
105. Lambeth Council is trying to encourage more homosexual men and women to adopt children or become foster parents.
106. In contrast, innovative organizations foster constant communication, so information flows quickly through their ranks.
107. In the first instance the government was aiming to foster a private sector in small and medium-sized enterprises.
108. Hospital documents had begun showing recommendations that Jackie be placed in foster care as early as 1973.
109. In our view,() he was the only one who could possibly bring about municipal government reform and foster economic growth.
110. So perhaps another way to foster a more sustainable gay culture would be to create institutions that promote intergenerational interaction.
111. It is intended to foster greater appreciation of the complex and contentious issues associated with research in this and other controversial areas.
112. The Biblical Commission, originally established to foster biblical scholarship, had been used by Pius X to repress it.
113. The workshops can foster better communication between husbands and wives.
114. Our aim should be to foster more equal relationships with disabled people.
115. Torquay pulled back to 4-2 through Adrian Foster and substitute Stuart Herd but tempers began to flare.
116. The neo-populist view points to a variety of factors which counteracted the tendency of commercialization to foster differentiation.
117. The local authority obtained an emergency protection order and placed the girl with foster parents.
118. Certainly, says executive director Serrin Foster(/foster.html), the group favors changes in the law that would end legal abortions.
119. You depict rare occurrences - like Westerners paying for foster children to visit their affluent country - as a major problem.
120. Creating a business development group may be necessary to consolidate knowledge and foster learning, but it is not always enough.
121. The White House pins the whole thing on onetime deputy counsel Vincent Foster, who is dead and can not defend himself.
122. And why identify residential and foster care alone as areas to be staffed entirely by females?
123. Mrs Foster encouraged the staff to avail themselves of the lodge's delights.
124. It would be an opportunity to foster civic pride and to identify talented youngsters.
125. As infants in foster care, both girls had suffered physically and emotionally.
126. Mr Massey said Mr Foster became angry with him after he refused to turn over the records until they had been copied.
127. Barry Foster Major defence contractors do not like minor jobs.
128. Reiteration of a decade-old deception could not fail to foster an enhanced sense of futility.
129. Maritza started to work with the foster care workers to get her children back.
130. Some inherent dilemmas in boss-subordinate relationships can undermine their capacity to foster development.
131. These classroom activities are intended to foster children's language skills.
132. Eileen breaks off her engagement, but Alan then resumes his relationship with the younger Beth, played by Julia Foster.
133. To foster desirable attitudes and change behaviour. 8. to allow experts into the classroom. 9.
134. Once they are enmeshed in the often-chaotic foster care system it is extraordinarily difficult to get out of it.
135. In 1988 the foster parents applied to adopt D. The parents refused to consent to the adoption.
136. Foster, who subsequently became deputy White House counsel, committed suicide in July 1993.
137. The heads of government also promised to foster equality for women, and universal access to education.
138. These changes were seen as part of a comprehensive strategy to foster exchange rate cohesion.
139. Mr Foster maintained his composure: If acceptable manners were a paddock, Mademoiselle Marguerite had not yet jumped the fence.
140. Most of the young people had suffered several foster placement breakdowns, and some had been in trouble with the law.
141. Though statistics are lacking, it seems reasonable to conjecture that these conditions foster child abuse and neglect, even infanticide.
142. And they cleared all background checks. But just before the foster parent situation could be finalized, Lutheran Child Family Services balked.
143. In its domestic market,(http:///foster.html) Nomura will use the money to upgrade its information-technology infrastructure and foster its branch network.
144. Assessment should improve students learning and foster student as self-governed learner, so assessment for learning have been advocated in basic education in England.
145. The impedance function is approximated by fractional polynomial, which is represented as a series connection of parallel RL elements (Foster form).
146. Another reason White Oleander makes for painful reading is that Astrid is subjected to a horrific series of abuses at the foster homes she is placed in.
147. Intimate substituted parent - child relationship between fostered child and foster parent was determineu by more informal social support and younger fostered age of child.
148. Rice becomes the first secretary of state to visit Libya since John Foster Dulles in 1953.
149. Moreover, Tutor still will be adept in to foster being favour of the non- intelligence element of student's creativity thinking development.
150. Studies of family, twin and Foster child reveal that genetic factors play an important role in the etiological complex of mental retardation.
151. The right and duties in the relationship between a foster child and his or her natural parents shall terminate with the establishment of this adoption.
152. June 2000 My foster family found a foster mother for me.
153. I am the foster child who wakes up with nightmares of being taken away from the two fathers who are the only loving family I have ever had.
154. Functional programming tries to present problems differently because you have different building blocks that foster solutions.
155. A fundamental problem, in the view of many child-welfare advocates, is the federal funding system — which in effect is a disincentive for states to reduce their foster care populations.
156. The projects provide shelter, either in centers or with foster families, psycho-social assistance, family tracing, reunification, education, and special vocational training.
157. Months later, Toronto police learned that her abuser had already been jailed, and that she had been placed with a foster family.
158. The Department will foster the highest level of intercollegiate athletic competition and compete nationally in selected sports.
159. Dirk Kuyt scored first at Anfield, but Stephen Foster equalised and Brian Howard scored a dramatic winner.
160. The Strategic objective of Enkon: Foster" little giant", build" large group", be the pioneer of China advertising.
161. But the trumpeted improvement in external ties includes next week's groundbreaking Burma visit by the US secretary of state, the first such since John Foster Dulles travelled there in 1955.
162. We will begin a new journey and this campus will then foster some new comers . I hope all your new students seize every minute here in Qilu to enrich yourselves, and to learn to be self-disciplined.
163. Two sides of education of founding an undertaking is to train designed capacity and to foster capability of utilized opportunity.
164. The two contract parties will make every effort to foster the harmonious expansion of reciprocal trade between themselves.
165. Consider the end game: For those who want to foster change, going out in fury can have the opposite effect.
166. The learning and training courses Orienteering can effectively foster students' multiple abilities awareness and comprehensive abilities.
167. So it is of urgency to add translation teaching into college English teaching, so as to foster more technical translation talents for the society.
168. Background: English architect Norman Foster designed this massive cable-stayed bridge to carry travelers over the valley of the Tarn River.
169. It is the theme of higher normal education to enhance the career awareness education and foster their self-education capacity.
170. Teaching factors and teaching contents affect the sex role of pupils from grade 3 to some extent. The school and PE teachers should foster students with di-sex character intentionally and directly.
171. The HRD Awards 2011 competition aims to foster creative talent, extends the limits of modern diamond jewellery and translates avantgarde ideas and exclusive creations into trendsetting jewels.
172. This article reflects on the type demands, the goal of foster, the contents and the approach about library network talents.
173. Marymount Hospital was founded in 1949 by the Sisters of St. Joseph of the Third Order of St. Francis and committed to upholding firm values that foster a desirable work culture.
173. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
174. The child is in foster care while police try to find his other relatives, Romulus police Lt. John Leacher said.
175. Centring on how to foster ideal personality, Wang Yang - ming formed a whole set of personality aesthetics.
176. For example, sleep-enabled memories may help people produce insights, draw inferences, and foster abstract thought during waking hours.
177. Foster said: "This is preliminary data, but what's exciting is that it matches more detailed studies carried out in Canada and the US.
178. She explained that it was not just because of their two daughters and Vietnamese foster daughter that she decided to stay with him.
179. So was John Foster Dulles, the American Secretary of State, when he flew to Egypt to conduct negotiations on the Aswan Dam.
180. The Strategic objective of New TG-dragon : Foster" little giant", build" large group", be the pioneer of China advertising.
181. Here are five tips to help managers foster some yuletide fellowship without sinking the departmental-objectives boat.
182. While going for walks with his foster family, people always comment on how handsome he is and what a beautiful physique he has.
183. So was John Foster Dulles, the American Secretary of State, when he flew to conduct negotiations on the Aswan Dam.
184. The culture must foster C-type conflict and allow for anyone to ask the hard questions and to get honest, reasoned answers.
185. Since Home " have children " , sure bosom is putting Neozoic father and mother a collective wish: Must foster a health, clever darling.
186. In addition, we would have to build an MOF-based repository for GSA EA models in order to foster reusability and centralized control above GSA EA models.
187. While it may not have worked out too well, at least now he knows that his foster daughter Claire's blood could save the world.
188. Luo's foster family agreed to cooperate to look for Luo's birth parents.
189. One stubborn problem, in New York City and some other places, is a slow-moving family court system that sometimes prolongs children's stays in foster care.
190. His new foster parents, the Smiths, are loving and kind, and he has been reunited with his youngest brother, whom the Smiths have raised since babyhood.
191. In the our country foundation education course reform policy, put forward want" fix attention on in foster the wishes and abilities that student life long study" definitely.
192. The literary equivalent of a chick flick, Oleander details one girl's attempts to come to terms with her mother while also surviving the cold and largely indifferent world of foster care.
193. "We remain prepared to take further policy actions as needed to foster a return to full utilization of our nation's productive potential in a context of price stability," he said.




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