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单词 Elephant
1. Many straws may bind an elephant
2. The elephant population is dwindling.
3. The elephant crashed through the forest.
4. The elephant grinds its food with/between its powerful molars.
5. The elephant is the largest living land animal.
6. The elephant is the largest land animal in existence.
7. An elephant hulked up suddenly before us.
8. The elephant flapped its ears.
9. The elephant plunged into the forest.
10. A full-grown elephant may weigh 2,000 pounds.
11. The African elephant is in a desperate plight.
12. A trunk distinguishes the elephant.
13. The hunter destroyed the elephant.
14. The angry elephant crashed through the forest.
15. The elephant smashed through the trees.
16. The Asian elephant can be tamed and trained.
17. They placed the African elephant on their endangered list.
18. The oldest elephant was lame, poor brute.
19. Rosie drew an elephant and coloured it in.
20. The elephant dwarfed the tortoise.
21. The animal in the picture was a female elephant.
22. The elephant smashed its way through the trees.
23. She had never seen a real live elephant before.
23. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
24. Such a heavy load would stagger an elephant.
25. The elephant pounded into the rice field.
26. Fossil hunters have unearthed the bones of an elephant believed to be 500,000 years old.
27. I have a recurrent dream that I've turned into an elephant.
28. In this way he got the weight of the elephant.
29. The hunter was trampled to death by a wild elephant.
30. Measures have been taken to protect the world's depleted elephant population.
1. The elephant population is dwindling.
2. The elephant crashed through the forest.
3. The elephant is the largest living land animal.
4. The elephant is the largest land animal in existence.
5. The elephant flapped its ears.
6. In this way he got the weight of the elephant.
7. The elephant plunged into the forest.
8. The angry elephant crashed through the forest.
9. The elephant dwarfed the tortoise.
10. The animal in the picture was a female elephant.
11. The hunter was trampled to death by a wild elephant.
31. The new office block has become an expensive white elephant.
32. The kids had a ride on an elephant at the zoo.
33. In the past eight years, the elephant population in Africa has been halved.
34. Have you heard the joke about the elephant and the mouse?
35. The manufacturers claim the truck is strong enough to survive being trodden on by an elephant.
36. The medicine gradually operated and the elephant fell down on the field.
37. Above him, in a niche on the wall, sat a tiny veiled Ganesh, the elephant god.
38. The pavilion has become a £14 million steel and glass white elephant.
39. The ancient people of this area worshipped a huge bronze idol in the shape of an elephant.
40. The scene with the elephant ended up on the cutting room floor .
41. When the theatre first opened it was widely regarded as a white elephant.
42. Elephant ivory is banned in the U.S.
43. An elephant is a quadruped.
44. Zoo officials are concerned about the mother elephant.
45. In autumn the elephant seals haul out to moult.
46. The amoeba is just as much an animal as the elephant.
47. My oldest daughter, poor girl, swelled up like an elephant.
48. They were Elephant Feet, the most dreaded, the most awful things in the world.
49. There's this picturesque white elephant development on the Costa del Sol, apparently going for a song.
50. She has a slow and thorough way of moving, like an old elephant who knows his business.
51. Thus, bull elephant seals and red deer stags are big, armed, and dangerous.
52. According to Marketing Week research, turning consumers' negative opinions around will be like pushing an elephant uphill with a rope.
53. He rode on an elephant and on the Ferris wheel, taking only Amelia with him.
54. Deep-blue skies blazed over the shrub-covered hills and valleys of elephant grass.
55. A small bus with an extension tube like a stubby elephant trunk was now nuzzling affectionately up against the spacecraft.
56. My unit was in a large field covered mostly with elephant grass.
57. Entering a chili contest can be heartbreaking, but judging one takes the skin of an elephant.
58. They like to use an elephant gun to stun a flea.
59. And as the elephant population falls, so the price of ivory rises.
60. Elephant seals have started hauling out on mainland beaches in southern California because their offshore island breeding grounds have become too crowded.
61. Saracen ambassadors bring Charlemagne a white elephant complete with exotic trappings.
62. So there are these three visually challenged yuppies at the zoo, checking out their first elephant.
63. Given that male albatrosses have the same genetic incentives as male elephant seals, why do they behave so differently?
64. The survival of the African elephant hangs in the balance.
65. And Marko went with them, riding on the largest elephant.
66. In March of this year a meeting was held to again decide the fate of the elephant.
67. One elephant put an electric fence out of action by dropping an uprooted tree on it.
68. It needs an elephant to explain why catalysts are so essential.
69. The elephant not only has its beginning in a single cell, a fertilized egg.
70. He is at the forefront of the campaign to save the Elephant from extinction.
71. Then you can come here and see auctions, and people bringing everything from a billy goat to an elephant.
72. She was wearing a T-shirt with a picture of an elephant on the front.
73. Elephant pizzas Cut a template of cardboard into the shape of an elephant's head.
74. Here, she tells the story of Mud, an orphan member of an elephant tribe who is blessed with visionary powers.
75. The valley from the hill to the massif was all flat plains covered with elephant grass.
76. The explosions started as soon as the last elephant had shuffled out of sight.
77. Elephant seals are so severely sieved that in each generation a handful of males father all the offspring.
78. For new moves on saving the elephant, see pages 6 and 7.
79. A trained work elephant then moved up on either side, rather like tugs docking a ship.
80. He frowned and turned away, staring into a tall clump of elephant grass by the side of the track.
81. While he ... All he needed, he sometimes thought, was a trunk to make him look exactly like an elephant.
82. You will notice phrases like crocodile tears, the elephant never forgets, and the ostrich burying its head in the sand.
83. When I hit the elephant grass, I just kept going.
83. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
84. Archaeologists divide the early inhabitants into elephant hunters and bison hunters.
85. Few infant mammals grow as quickly as an elephant seal pup.
86. I was out on the flank with my platoon, and to my right was some high elephant grass.
87. Here was an elephant that lived in an enormous conch.
88. These countries are able to practise open trading because their elephant herds are now big enough to demand regular culling.
89. The distinguishing feature of the African elephant is the size of its ears.
90. She felt about as poised as a baby elephant taking his first steps, she thought miserably.
91. During the years when the elephant jibe was rife, microbial genetics was at the forefront of molecular biology.
92. It was the only way a dead man could be found in the tall elephant grass.
93. For example, the origin of ivory can be identified by its strontium isotopic composition, which reflects the diet of the elephant.
94. The Elephant and Castle is known for its traditional English fare.
95. It felt like an elephant had hit me in the guts.
96. Cake and white elephant stalls plus a grand prize draw.
97. What do you do with a huge white elephant like that?
98. More spaces are needed at less cost not another white elephant office block.
99. As was suggested in argument, that would indeed be to swallow the elephant and strain at the gnat.
100. Daphne has laboured for years to save the elephant, as dedicated to her task as was Dian Fossey to her gorillas.
101. Each elephant is caparisoned in glittering gold, red, silver or blue cloth, studded with brilliants and lit with lamps.
102. That elephant grass must have been 5 or 6 feet tall.
103. He doused with petrol and inflammable glue 12 tonnes of illegally poached elephant tusks, worth almost £2m.
104. The initial stages of training are not exactly kind but there is no other way of breaking a fully grown elephant.
105. God is really only another artist. He invented the giraffe, the elephant and the cat. He has no real style, He just goes on trying other things. Pablo Picasso 
106. The evening raised over £125 for the Save the Elephant appeal and succeeded in creating awareness about many conservation problems.
107. In five hours she'd be marking Miguel O'Brien - a gnat trying to curb an elephant.
108. Magnus, I thought, was a spasmo, spotty piece of elephant dung.
109. For all the world, Rab thought, through all his agony, like an elephant in the zoo.
110. His tour de force is an elephant sculpture.
111. Both Kamba and Maasai people are elephant hunters.
112. I can't see the elephant, can you?
113. Jan's factory is an absolute white elephant.
114. An African elephant has large floppy ears.
115. African elephant having enormous flapping ears and ivory tusks.
116. The Botswana's elephant population is currently estimated at around 120, 000.
117. Woolly and Columbian mammoths, two species of elephant that once lived in North America, may have interbred.
118. honour'of six pretty girls, he set off down the main street of the city riding a baby elephant called Jumbo.
119. In the video though Owens carrying the AR-15 backs the ABC crew away from an elephant as it mock-charges and says "We don't want to end up having to shoot her."
120. To the ants, the infant elephant is a giant in the plantation.
121. Now people in the West calk a useless thing "a white elephant".
122. He carefully drew a bead on the rogue elephant and shot it dead.
123. But the waters here are home to the elephant seal.
124. Years ago, in a story I did on ABC, another cloud measurer used elephant units, too.
125. Such a story of people curing an animal of its disease and being rewarded with much retribution from the animal may derive from the Buddhistic story of an elephant repaying an obligation in India.
126. In it, Parson shoots an elephant and lets a bunch of villagers make off with its flesh.
127. The southern elephant seal too would be brought low, killed in great numbers for the oil rendered from its blubber.
128. That tone a little morsel elephant one-time procuress mom the Yang dress deep red Pa sub- joke, bloom red meet visitor Luo's felling.
129. The arms race was a " rogue elephant " against which we all must act.
130. Some grown children may remember Horton the Elephant on his propped tree from Dr. Seuss's avant-garde tale of 1940.
131. Increasingly, the Indian elephant is angry: for many years, illegal hunters have attacked it and its home in the jungle has been reduced to small pieces of land.
132. Working with the Amboseli Elephant Research Project in southern Kenya, the researchers presented the animals with clean clothing and material worn by either a Masai or Kamba tribesman.
133. Where people can watch close - up of five well - known African animals: elephant, lion, leopard, rhinoceros and bison.
134. This text starts with excavating factor influencing stock yield, study the impact on stock yield of investor's sentiment in terms of different elephant of market.
135. This kind of unusual elephant feather same material length approximately 0.8 centimeter.
136. An pachyderm is pictured at Addo Elephant National Park in the Eastern Cape region of South Africa.
137. The one-tusked elephant was a regular to the Charara area, where he foraged for food in garbage cans.
138. An elephant at West Midland Safari Park, UK, put its size to good use when it helped a zoo keeper start his car by giving it a shove, the Daily Telegraph reported.
139. It was a picture of a boa constrictor digesting an elephant.
140. Important gaps in the picture remain, but even so, enough data is there to make a comparison between the woolly mammoth and its closest living relative, the elephant, they said.
141. The birth itself drags on for two nights. During thefirst night labour pains come on the cow elephant and the calf goes to itsfinal birth position.
142. Thanks to his jumbo-sized prosthetic foot, Chhouk the baby elephant has learned to walk again.
143. At last,(http:///elephant.html) the highlight showed up - sea elephant ! This guy was so big!
144. All the animals ran out from the forest to see the elephant pass by.
145. They noticed that the Elephant was limping, and then they saw the long blackwood splinter sticking out of his swollen foot.
146. Adopt an elephant. Factoid: Just like humans, elephants are known to experience feelings of grief and empathy.
147. A king cobra bite can kill a human in 15 minutes and a full-grown elephant in a few hours.
148. So, you take a sentence like -This is a classic line from Groucho Marx: "I once shot an elephant in my pajamas.
149. Although both African elephant sexes have tusks, there are large differences in size and weight.
150. The county has Scenic spots and historical sites such as Lion Mountain, Elephant Mountain, Carp Mountain, Xiadongtian, and Shuitanken Cave Dwelling.
151. My drawing was not aa hat. It was aa boa constrictor digesting an elephant.
152. Because of his wholesomeness and purity, which were easily seen by everyone, he was known as the Elephant King Goodness.
153. Mice breaks up to go to the ground looking for its bathing trunks in the dress caboodle of beach edge, and elephant has been in water amuse oneself.
154. Like treating this kind of goods to want an elephant to treat flowers and plants, should not pass only much soggier , insolate not for a long time, it can accompany you like old friend.
155. On the wall behind his chair he had hung gold foil images of Lakshmi, goddess of wealth, and the fat elephant god, Ganapati.
156. Your son is making enemies of all our customers; he's a real rogue elephant!
157. A number of bears were killed, the birds of prey escaped and the sole Indian elephant owned by the zoo died.
158. Only a privileged few elephant seal bulls will become beach masters, controlling dozens of females and reproducing abundantly.
159. Forest elephants were reclassified as an entirely different species of elephant from their African savanna counterparts.
160. The elephant is the largest four-footed animal in the nature.
161. Mr. Fan: Silver gray or deep color, in front of elephant purple ash that kind.
162. The happy elephant the sailing ship which fetters, we cannot find the opposite shore.
163. A boa constrictor is a very dangerous creature, and an elephant is very cumbersome.
164. So in the anticolonial view, America is now the rogue elephant that subjugates and tramples the people of the world.
165. Not much, the inborn vitality has already hide elephant to pierce through and follows veins and arteries inside the body to spread to open and works properly last sky, descend break, link world.
165. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
166. To do so, this thesis first etymologizes "Image", then studies its development of meaning: from original meaning "elephant" to divinatory symbols , then to imagination, as well as Image.
167. The extrovert elephant seal shocked onlookers by springing into action while photographers tried to capture a group of royal penguins at Saint Andrew's Bay near The Falklands.
168. "My father, " he said wearily as we spend past a huge Wheatfield, "the last elephant and lion were killed before you were born.
169. Nuzzling his toy elephant, an orphaned Indian rhinoceros made his public debut at California's San Diego Wild Animal Park yesterday.
170. The larger savanna elephant (Loxodonta africana africana) and the smaller forest elephant (Loxodonta africana cyclotis) are capable of interbreeding.
171. Ever wonder why you've never seen an elephant quickstep across African plains or do the tango in Thailand?
172. The numerical results show that the elephant foot bulging is in fact buckling failure which is caused by the overcritical compressive stress rather than intensity failure.




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