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单词 Legislature
1) They addressed a petition to the legislature.
2) The bill cleared the legislature.
3) The legislature appropriated funds for the university.
4) The new constitution provides for a 650-seat legislature.
5) John is lobbying some members of the legislature.
6) He was elected to the state legislature.
7) The legislature voted narrowly to table a motion of no-confidence in the government.
8) Fresh attempts at compromise with the legislature were also on the agenda.
9) The state legislature passed an act banning the sale of automatic weapons.
10) The legislature comprises a 212-member Chamber of Deputies elected for a four-year term.
11) The legislature passed a law to prohibit the dumping of nuclear waste.
12) The proposals before the legislature include the creation of two special courts to deal exclusively with violent crimes.
13) After furious debate, the legislature defeated the bill.
14) Brock was elected to the state legislature.
15) It passed the Legislature with strong bipartisan support.
16) Meanwhile, the Legislature is considering the committee's recommendations.
17) And the local elected legislature will cease to exist.
18) One is the Legislature(), whose members are elected by the people to enact laws.
19) The Harijan candidates for some seats in the legislature would be selected in private consultation between Hindus and untouchables.
20) In 1994, the legislature allocated only $ 2 million statewide to shore up security at older facilities.
21) Who should their legislature not forbid racial discrimination on buses but permit it in restaurants?
22) She is the youngest woman to be elected to the national legislature.
23) His first important chance to show his mettle came when he opened the new session of the Legislature.
24) He is a member of the upper house of legislature.
25) The constitution provides for an elected two - chamber legislature.
26) In general Republicans supported the measure because its likely effect would be to undermine the long-lasting Democratic domination of the state legislature.
27) Blacks, in steadily decreasing numbers,(http:///legislature.html) continued to serve in the Legislature for the next 20 years.
28) The purpose of the referendum was to change the balance of power between the executive and the legislature.
29) I urge, therefore, a cautious approach to the ascertainment of the intention of the legislature.
30) However, the actual policy process in a cabinet system depends on whether there is a coherent majority group in the legislature.
1) They addressed a petition to the legislature.
2) She is the youngest woman to be elected to the national legislature.
3) He is a member of the upper house of legislature.
31) He became a nationally prominent horse breeder, fostered charities, sat on corporate boards, served in the Connecticut legislature.
32) The unicameral legislature, the National Assembly, is also elected for a five-year term by universal adult suffrage.
33) The almost automatic acceptance of those same initiatives by the legislature as a whole is assured by the formidable mechanisms of party.
34) She asked the pastor, Will you lobby big business and the Legislature and get them to raise wages for women?
35) More blacks have been elected to the state legislature, and a black also heads the Dade county commission.
36) The House of Lords Almost all democratic states have a legislature composed of two Houses.
37) The distribution of power in the legislature was also fundamentally altered by the dilution of the seniority principle in the early 1970s.
38) But the Legislature went on to fail a big test in the mid- 1970s.
39) Nor has he expended much political capital to get anti-abortion measures through the Texas Legislature.
40) The Legislature has failed again to equalize spending between rich and poor school districts.
41) In recent years, Wilson and the Legislature also have diverted some transportation funds to the deficit-ridden state general fund.
42) But the power of men like Allen ebbed quickly after segregationist Democrats regained command of the Legislature in 1872.
43) With commendable dispatch, it was completed and presented to the legislature in March 1880.
44) An affronted Legislature has changed the law so that Texas governments can no longer sue those seeking records.
45) Whitman enraged conservatives by opposing a ban on late-term abortions sent to her by the state legislature.
46) Both groups were reported to have expressed their willingness to support the Lakas-NUCD coalition in the new legislature.
47) They can not intervene unless the decision-maker steps outside the boundaries of what the legislature was believed to have allowed.
48) Bolstered by his landslide electoral victory in 1972, the President moved to take on the legislature.
49) He has worked with the heavily Democratic Legislature to pass educational reform.
50) Jeff Groscost actually wanted the Legislature to determine whether a species was truly endangered before the state enforced federal protections.
51) Havel asked the legislature to grant him broader powers to defuse the constitutional crisis.
52) The complex relationships among cabinet, legislature, and prime minister merit further detail.
53) This electoral process provides both the president and the legislature with independent mandates to represent the citizens in the governing process.
54) This means that either President Bush or President Gore would have enormous difficulty getting his showcase campaign proposals through the legislature.
55) In all three countries, the citizenry occasionally votes, which can result in turnover within the national legislature.
56) The bill actually constrains the legislature from doing what they are elected to do.
57) Under a constitutional monarchy, the Tsar was Grand Duke, with a bicameral legislature.
58) It does not require any action by the state Legislature.
59) The Legislature banned lion hunting in 1972, and voters afforded special protection with an initiative approved in 1990.
60) Symington and our Legislature have never admitted that Arizona school financing is unfair.
61) The governor said he will urge the 1997 Legislature to require parental consent for abortions performed on minors.
62) The Whigs were concerned that the arbitrary power of a prince was being replaced by the arbitrary power of the legislature.
63) The poll also found the Legislature remains unpopular among the electorate.
64) For example, when should a group direct its attention to the legislature?
65) Brown led the opposition campaign, and later criticized the media for creating a negative image of the Legislature.
66) Since then, spending has slowly increased each year, but the Legislature has always appropriated more than Weld has requested.
67) The education committee of the Ohio legislature has been considering a bill requiring evidence against evolution to also be taught.
68) There are billboards seeking the re-election to the state legislature of Marion Feinstein.
69) Eventually, in late August, the state legislature approved a budget similar to that which it had rejected on June 30.
70) He lobbied the legislature at Albany to pass a law limiting electric currents to eight hundred volts.
71) The Louisiana legislature was debating a bill to outlaw virtually all abortions.
72) This year, the state Legislature spent months debating a bill that would have banned the teaching of evolution as fact.
73) Then a howl went up among conservative critics of the court that it was usurping the role of the legislature.
74) Neither will this legislature enact taxes that some say are necessary to pay for better education.
75) Fox has vowed to let the legislature choose the country's attorney-general to depoliticize the position.
76) The council was established by the Legislature to challenge the power of the federal government.
77) When he eventually succeeded Nixon(), Ford immediately made reassuring noises to his former colleagues in the legislature.
78) He also expects to ask the Legislature to allow the county to create a sports enterprise zone near the Astrodome.
79) Executive authority is nominally vested in the President who is elected by the legislature to no more than two five-year terms of office.
80) As early as 1821, the first state law dealing directly with abortion was enacted by the Connecticut Legislature.
81) The reformed parliament with temporarily appointed deputies has already established itself as a genuine decision-making legislature.
82) A stultifying inversion has snuffed out some of the most ambitious air-quality bills in the Legislature this year.
83) In 1994, the California legislature passed a bill to permit physicians to prescribe marijuana.
84) The performance had the legislature, including the subjects of the barbs, rocking with laughter.
85) Mr Tung must maintain momentum towards democratic reforms,( ) increasing the number of directly elected representatives in the territory's legislature.
86) Its legacy: changes in employment policies, more security measures and more money from the legislature for improvements.
87) In the early months, Reagan was meticulously attentive to the legislature.
88) It is even questionable that the electronic press has to await permission from a state legislature in order to gain entry.
89) The most vigorously contested races are for the Legislature, where term limits have forced out 13 Bay Area incumbents.
90) Environmentalists pointed out that many of the other environmental laws are under fire in the Legislature and Congress.
91) He insisted that his new administration could command a majority in the country's 38-member legislature.
92) One sign of the degree of power and independence of a legislature is its capacity to extract information from the government.
93) A bicameral legislature has two houses.
94) Illinois legislature votes for impeachment efforts.
95) He served two terms in the state legislature.
96) The rubber-stamp legislature has not been consulted.
97) Gary: The state legislature just a law for it.
98) The legislature passed a law to aBolish the surtax.
99) The Parliament is a unicameral 225-member legislature.
100) The legislature was boxed in by its earlier decisions.
101) Every state legislature, except Nebraska's, has two chambers.
102) He was an outstanding member of the legislature.
103) Boule:The lower house of the modern Greek legislature.
104) The legislature is housed in an impressive granite edifice.
105) The legislature moved to prorogue the present session.
106) The State legislature has been summoned.
107) In the course of amending the production liability laws, the legislature should reify the system of compensation for mental damages and formulate the criterion of the compensation for mental damages.
108) A legislature has many of the same poweres as a court to support a legislative inquiry.
109) He named a new governor, Wilson Shannon. Shannon supported the pro-slavery laws of the legislature. He also said Kansas should become a slave state, like Missouri.
110) Regional executive legislature is the best choice in the legal coordination means.
111) The HKSAR's executive authorities and legislature shall be composed of permanent residents of Hong Kong.
112) Whether it's wisest to fight this thing like the legislature has done, rouse the North against us and bring the whole Yankee Army on us to cram the darky vote down us, whether we want it or not.
113) The procedures established by the legislature for perfecting a petition for a writ of mandamus were in compliance with constitutional spirit.
114) Mr Cheng did not disclosed to the legislature his majority shareholding in Asia Ford Consultants.
115) He was running for the Legislature on one ticket, and Pinkerton on the other.
116) "The regulation is one key step for now, but it's not nearly enough, " said Wang Liming, a People's University vice president and legal adviser to the legislature.
117) Fearing a taxpayers'revolt, the legislature passed a less confiscatory revenue bill.
118) Despite the limited power of the legislature, its annual session is China's political event of the year, where major policies are discussed and announced.
119) South Carolina's congressmen accepted the compromise. And the state's legislature called another convention. This time, the delegates voted to end the nullification act they had approved earlier.
120) For example, the state legislature in Mississippi said no black person could rent farmland. It said a black person needed special permission to work at any job except farming.
121) In 2006, the legislature started up legislative process of the unify of two corporation income tax law, this is the new page of China corporation income tax legislation.
122) The discussion of the liquor bill in the Legislature today as good as a play.
123) I asked the legislature to raise the sales tax half a cent and the corporate income tax half a percent to pay for them.
124) The monument is located between the Capitol building, which houses the state legislature, and the building that houses the state Supreme Court.
125) We have warned them from time to time of attempts by their legislature to extend an unwarrantable jurisdiction over us.
126) Under free banking, charters could be obtained without a special act of the state legislature.
127) The Panama deal has been on ice since a Panamanian lawmaker -- accused in the U.S. of killing an American soldier in 1992 -- was tapped to lead that nation's Legislature.
128) This means no Western - style parliamentary democracy or balance of power between the executive, legislature and judiciary.
129) Under the new constitution, the previously bicameral parliament becomes a 75-seat unicameral legislature following the 2005 parliamentary elections.
130) The industry enthusiastically supported a proposal in Nevada's legislature for a $5 levy on each sexual transaction to help fill up a $3bn budgetary deficit.
131) John completed studies at the college of William and Mary, and became a lawyer. He entered politics and served in the Virginia legislature.
132) Election campaigns use "a new direction" as a synonym for improvement. Persistence is rarely rewarded, and what one legislature or president decrees, a successor cavalierly repeals.
133) That Jeffersonian sentiment seems to have influenced even China's normally strait-laced, rubber-stamp legislature, the National People's Congress (NPC), which has just wrapped up its annual session.
134) A document issued by a sovereign, legislature, or other authority, creating a public or private corporation, such as a city, college, or bank, and defining its privileges and purposes.
135) Topeka —Advocates say they will urge Gov. Kathleen Sebelius and the Legislature to support services that give Kansans with disabilities more independence.
136) Assembly time has actually become the leading organs of the revolution and the state legislature.
137) The Legislative branch, a bicameral legislature called Congress(), consists of of Representatives and the Senate.
138) They had exhausted their bag of tricks in their attempts to lobby the legislature.
139) Because Maurice loved the give-and-take of politics, he was especially effective in pushing my programs in the legislature.
140) For this our legislature must perfect criminal legislation gradually and severely punish kinds of crimes of insurance fraud.
141) But a similar suit in Wisconsin spurred that state's legislature to enact a law in April that allowed the Wisconsin Virtual Academy, another K12 partner, to continue to enroll students.
142) As recently as 1993, the Legislature had outlawed the title-loan business, despite the influence of well-monied lobbyists.
143) He said the Taiwanese legislature wanted the foreign department to do something about it but it did not set a time line for Malaysia to waive the visa ruling.
144) The state legislature promptly overrode his veto, and the rest is license-plate history.
145) The bill passed both houses of the Legislature in June with little fanfare or debate.
146) The Upper House is usually the smaller branch of a bicameral legislature.
147) Under the new constitution,(http://) the previously bicameral parliament became a 75-seat unicameral legislature following the 2005 parliamentary elections.
148) The New Hampshire Legislature canceled all events. Flights werecanceled at airports including Boston's Logan International and Maine'sPortland International Jetport.
149) The legislature also passed the National Rifle Association's bill to prohibit cities and counties from adopting local gun-control ordinances, the same measure I had vetoed in 1989.
150) In a 6-to-1 decision, the Court held that the College's corporate charter qualified as a contract between private parties, with which the legislature could not interfere.
151) No law enacted the legislature of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region contravene thellos Law.
152) In Vermont, the state legislature successfully overrode the governor's promised veto.
153) Some observers expect the rubber-stamp legislature, the National People's Congress, to endorse the change at its annual session in March.
154) Parties nominate judges, but they are usually approved unanimously by the legislature.
155) The legislature met for thirty-eight days to consider the fifty-two bills in my agenda and related items offered by the lawmakers themselves.
156) The progress of his idyl suffered a check when the great senatorial fight came on in the Legislature.
157) But in a relatively short period, from 1837 to 1853, every state legislature in the North passed into law most of the key features of common free school systems.
158) This law is adopted by the National Assembly of the Kingdom of Cambodia in Phnom Penh on August 4, 1994 during the extraordinary session of the first legislature.
159) Rights recovery system ought to be introduced into the Chinese criminal law to strengthen the effect of qualification crimination on criminal policies and consummate the related criminal legislature.
160) The good sense of the community has seconded the efforts of the Legislature; and now, even in the country, the pentagonal construction has superseded every other.
161) The National Assembly is the topmost legislature of Korea and takes important part in budget process.
162) Property tycoons and private property owners wield huge influence on an undemocratic legislature.
163) Occasionally a legislature will expand the jurisdiction of an inferior court or provide a summary remedy for the disposition of claims involving less than a certain amount.
164) All states have a popularly elected legislature consisting of two chambers, except Nebraska, which has a single-chamber legislature.
165) Information shows that the Palestinian legislature , Culture and Sport has 15 years of securities industry experience.
166) In China's legislature, obvious loopholes exist in this field, because there is no legislative tradition which combines civil partnership with commercial partnership.
167) However, the legislature has not paid their due attention to it; thus a complete superficies system has not yet been established.
168) The Kuomintang and its allies an absolute majority in Taiwan's legislature.
169) As Ashley had prophesied hell to pay since the legislature to ratify the amendment.
170) If the apparent Republican victory is sustained, each political party would hold 20 seats in the next legislature, with the Republican lieutenant governor holding the tie-breaking vote.
171) The legislature , which consists of both House of Parliament and formally the monarch , is for most purposes the supreme law-making body .
172) Roseau helped push an anti-trafficking law through the Caribbean country's legislature last year, which she said is only the starting point in tackling the problem.
173) The norms and practices of the legislature do not foster good policy-making.
174) I open the left hand, palm of the legislature and a Kingfisher.
175) A large boring machine, the legislature car, round cars, milling machine, planer machining equipment.
176) Shortly after the handover, the legitimacy of the Provisional Legislature was challenged.
176) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
177) Immediately after the handover, the legitimacy of the Provisional Legislature was challenged.
178) On April 1, 1933, the paper's front page proclaimed, "Dome Topples Off Statehouse: Officials Say Legislature Generated Too Much Hot Air."
179) The discussion of the liquor bill in the Legislature today was as good as a play.




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