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单词 Eurocrat
释义  Related topics: OfficialsEu·ro·crat /ˈjʊərəʊkræt $ ˈjʊroʊ-/ noun [countable]  informalPGO a word meaning a government official of the European Union, often one who makes decisions you do not like – used especially in newspapers 欧盟官员〔常指所作决定不受欢迎的官员,尤用于报纸〕From Longman Business DictionaryEurocratEu‧ro‧crat /ˈjʊərəʊkrætˈjʊroʊ-/ noun [countable]JOB journalism disapproving someone who works for and has power in the organization of the European UnionThe price of a pint of cider could double if Eurocrats in Brussels have their way.Eu·ro·crat nounChineseSyllable  government word official a a meaning Business




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