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单词 Build
1. If you build it they will come. 
2. It is easier to pull down than build
3. A man may build himself a throne of bayonets, but he cannot sit on it. 
4. If you would build for your happiness a sure foundation, let the stone for the corner be a good reputation. 
5. We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future. 
6. They have permission to build 200 new houses.
7. The city is planning to build a municipal library.
8. There are no plans to build new offices.
9. Ask the carpenter to build in some cupboards.
10. He gathered some wood to build a fire.
11. He planned to build on a shed.
12. We planned to build an online database.
13. These exercises build muscle and increase stamina.
14. You must always build on firm ground.
15. He's heavier in build than his brother.
16. Birds build their nests out of twigs.
17. Some birds build nests of twigs.
18. He opposed the proposal to build a new hall.
19. Robins build nests almost anywhere.
20. Don't let your resentment build up.
21. Big waves will never build up in a small bay.
22. The plan to build the road through the forest is wholly misconceived.
23. The Grand Canal began to build in the Sui Dynasty.
23. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
24. Plans to build a new nightclub in the neighbourhood have enraged local residents.
25. A local developer is planning to build a supermarket on the site.
26. The Archbishop called upon the government to build more low cost homes for local residents.
27. Youth is to prepare the material, want to build a bridge to the moon, or on the ground and two palaces or temples. Middle age, finally decided to put up a shed.
28. The members of the town coucil disputed for hours about whether to build a new museum.
29. Your life can be enhanced, and your happiness enriched, when you choose to change your perspective. Don't leave your future to chance, or wait for things to get better mysteriously on their own. You must go in the direction of your hopes and aspirations. Begin to build your confidence, and work through problems rather than avoid them. Remember that power is not necessarily control over situations, but the ability to deal with whatever comes your way.
30. Build your own dreams, or someone else will hire you to build theirs.
1. They have permission to build 200 new houses.
2. The city is planning to build a municipal library.
3. There are no plans to build new offices.
4. Ask the carpenter to build in some cupboards.
5. He gathered some wood to build a fire.
6. We planned to build an online database.
7. These exercises build muscle and increase stamina.
8. You must always build on firm ground.
9. He's heavier in build than his brother.
10. Robins build nests almost anywhere.
11. Big waves will never build up in a small bay.
12. The plan to build the road through the forest is wholly misconceived.
13. The members of the town coucil disputed for hours about whether to build a new museum.
14. Plans to build a new nightclub in the neighbourhood have enraged local residents.
15. A local developer is planning to build a supermarket on the site.
16. The Archbishop called upon the government to build more low cost homes for local residents.
17. She has the build and strength of a natural athlete.
18. The club has unveiled plans to build a new stadium.
19. To build this tunnel we had to cut through the solid rock.
20. She has always been encouraged to swim to build up the strength of her muscles.
21. He had received the commission to build a new bridge over the river.
22. We are going to build a shopping mall in this area.
23. In May the females build a nest and lay their eggs.
23. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
24. Carbon dust and oil build up in large motors and cause them to short-circuit.
25. All of our hospitals are bursting at the seams; we have to build new ones urgently.
26. He was headhunted by Barkers last October to build an advertising team.
27. Timid children need gentle handling to build up their confidence.
28. They're going to build on the site of the old power station.
29. Some of the guns were melted down and used to help build a statue.
30. She's trying to build up a portfolio of work to show during job interviews.
31. She has the build and strength of a natural athlete.
32. The club has unveiled plans to build a new stadium.
33. To build this tunnel we had to cut through the solid rock.
34. She has always been encouraged to swim to build up the strength of her muscles.
35. Marriage is like a maze, build a marriage on the people themselves have been lost before.
36. He had received the commission to build a new bridge over the river.
37. If they throw stones at you, don't throw back, use them to build your own foundation instead.
38. The wind began to build and the sleet to blow about.
39. We are going to build a shopping mall in this area.
40. In May the females build a nest and lay their eggs.
41. Carbon dust and oil build up in large motors and cause them to short-circuit.
42. The firm tendered for the contract to build a new hotel.
43. The students in middle schools should build up a solid foundation in English.
44. All of our hospitals are bursting at the seams; we have to build new ones urgently.
45. He was headhunted by Barkers last October to build an advertising team.
46. Timid children need gentle handling to build up their confidence.
47. They're going to build on the site of the old power station.
48. Some of the guns were melted down and used to help build a statue.
49. She's trying to build up a portfolio of work to show during job interviews.
50. Other actions we need to take may be more difficult, and we may have to build up to them gradually.
51. The facts added together to build up a theory which was indisputable.
52. An actor has to build a character and extend his own emotional repertoire.
53. The key for happiness is not find a perfect person, but find someone and build a perfect relationship with him.
54. But at sea the wind can build up giant, powerful waves.
55. Before we could build we had to fire bricks and carry timber from the forests.
56. We are going to build a school in this area.
57. If you don't build your dream, someone will hire you to build theirs.
58. He left all his money to the town with the stipulation that it should be used to build a new football stadium.
59. It may take a few weeks for you to build up your strength again.
60. A consortium plans to build a natural-gas pipeline from Russia to supply eastern Germany.
31. Other actions we need to take may be more difficult, and we may have to build up to them gradually.
32. An actor has to build a character and extend his own emotional repertoire.
33. But at sea the wind can build up giant, powerful waves.
34. We are going to build a school in this area.
35. It may take a few weeks for you to build up your strength again.
36. A consortium plans to build a natural-gas pipeline from Russia to supply eastern Germany.
37. The purpose is to build new houses for local people.
38. We must build on our reputation to expand the business.
39. They are like heavyweight boxers, trying to psych each other out and build themselves up.
40. She defeated developers who wanted to bulldoze her home to build a supermarket.
41. To build the tunnel, they had to cut through 500 feet of solid rock .
42. He was aged between 25 and 30, with a medium build and collar-length mousy hair.
43. They have contracted to build a railway across Africa.
44. Lifting weights will build arm and shoulder muscles.
45. Aerobic exercise helps to build up stamina.
46. They will proceed to build another laboratory building.
47. He made an amateur attempt to build a cupboard.
48. They will build another thermal power station.
49. They can build a more harmonious society once inequality and exploitation are removed.
50. The local authorities decided to build a suspension bridge over the river.
51. The intention by the local authority to build 2 000 new houses is unrealistic.
52. Once you have had a cold you build up immunity to that particular virus.
61. The purpose is to build new houses for local people.
62. We must build on our reputation to expand the business.
63. They are like heavyweight boxers, trying to psych each other out and build themselves up.
64. She defeated developers who wanted to bulldoze her home to build a supermarket.
65. The key for happiness is not to find a perfect person, but find someone and build a perfect relationship with him.
66. To build the tunnel, they had to cut through 500 feet of solid rock .
67. We dream and we build. We never give up; we never quit.
68. He was aged between 25 and 30, with a medium build and collar-length mousy hair.
69. They planned to build a highway to link the two towns.
70. I join with all your friends in offering my sincere congratulations on your graduation.The world needs young people today with vision and courage to help build a better place for humanity.Wish you well in all your undertakings and hope that you will find your career a source of great joy and happiness.
71. Visualize this thing that you want, see it, feel it, believe in it. Make your mental blue print, and begin to build.
72. You can build on that man's honesty.
73. India started to build a nuclear bomb.
74. Build her up with kindness and a sympathetic ear.
75. We are of the same build.
76. We have to build computers into the school curriculum.
77. We can build up the speed gradually and safely.
78. Plans to build a new school have been pigeon-holed.
79. Lifting weights will build arm and shoulder muscles.
80. She was of slim build with short, dark hair.
81. Tension began to build as they argued more frequently.
82. A consortium of construction companies will build the power-station.
83. It takes time to build up contacts.
83. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
84. Where are they going to build the new highway?
85. A good diet helps build the body's natural defences.
86. You need to build your self-esteem.
87. The birds build their nests in the rock face.
88. Ross took twenty years to build up his business.
89. He is a man of large build.
90. You must build up your strength again.
91. I wanted to build a relationship with my team.
92. Aerobic exercise helps to build up stamina.
93. They will proceed to build another laboratory building.
94. You could build in a wardrobe with mirrored doors.
95. Swimming a little further each session will build endurance.
96. We will continue to build on our previous success.
97. They needed $3m to build the bridge.
98. Don't build your hopes up too much.
99. They sent for him to build the house.
100. It takes time to build up a clientele.
101. The university tries to build boys into men.
102. The architect has quoted £3000 to build an extension.
103. I don't build on your promise.
104. We've defeated moves to build another office block.
105. The new schoolmaster has some build!
106. I'm trying to build up my strength .
107. We need to build on last year's success.
108. He has the same thickset build as his father.
109. You need more protein to build you up.
110. The government plans to build a bridge.
111. There are relatively simple exercises to build strength.
112. Our build is/builds are similar.
113. Our business needs to build up its customer base.
113. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
114. The government's priority is to build more power plants.
115. You need to build up your resistance to colds.
116. She is slight of build and very agile.
117. The body is stimulated to build up resistance.
118. He'll build a drive to his house.
119. She has the build of an athlete.
120. Diplomats hope the meetings will build mutual trust.
121. I was determined to build up some savings.
122. We're planning to build on a conservatory.
123. The new library cost £5m to build.
124. Taking exercise will build up your strength.
125. To build this machine,you must have technical ability.
126. We want to build a better life.
127. I wanted a more athletic and muscular build .
128. We never use second quality ingredients to build building.
129. Build yourself up to the day of the performance.
130. She bought some timber off-cuts to build kitchen shelves.
131. New Yorkers build on a grand scale.
132. My visits enabled me to build up a broad picture of the culture.
133. The council have granted him permission to build on the site.
134. An appeal has been launched to build a lasting memorial to the composer.
135. The old engine still manages to build up a good head of steam.
136. The new regime has no successful economic reforms on which to build.
137. To build another scyscraper in the city is beside the point.
138. It isn't cost-effective to build cars in such small quantities.
139. It took her ten years to build up her publishing business.
140. I managed to scrounge the materials to build a shed.
141. We made an appeal to the villagers for money to build the bridge.
142. We first build up a detailed profile of our customers and their requirements.
143. Plans to build a private hospital have been scuppered after a government inquiry.
144. He always found he could build up a good rapport with children.
145. She did circuit training and lifted weights to build her fitness.
146. The struggle to build up her own business had knocked some sense into her.
147. We must build up our country with industry and frugality.
148. In a small bay big waves will never build up .
149. They're going to tear down the old hospital and build a new one.
150. He is not a person whose promise you can build on.
151. They can build a more harmonious society once inequality and exploitation are removed.
152. It's important to build up a network of professional contacts.
153. DNA carries the genetic blueprint which tells any organism how to build itself.
154. In order to build your self esteem, set yourself targets you can reach.
155. The birds build up fat reserves to help them survive the winter.
156. Kyle is a tall man with a heavy build .
157. The villagers gnashed their teeth about the council's decision to build a car park.
158. Developers want to build on the site of the old gas works.
159. With its storehouses bursting with grain,the farm had to build more granaries.
160. We've had to build some cupboards to give us more storage space.
161. He has been doing weight-training to build up his strength.
162. The local authorities decided to build a suspension bridge over the river.
163. People have been mobilised to build defences and drain flooded land as heavy rains continue to fall.
164. We're not going to let them build a road here without putting up a fight.
165. She helped to build a house, learning the rudiments of brick-laying as she went along.
166. Marine construction technology like this is very complex, somewhat analogous to trying to build a bridge under water.
167. The school's aim is to build the self-esteem of the children.
168. It's sheer folly to build nuclear power stations in a country that has dozens of earthquakes every year.
169. Usually when we're six months or so into a recovery, confidence begins to build.
170. We've applied for planning permission to build an extension to the house.
171. Build yourself up to peak performance on the day of the exam.
172. The company has won a contract to build a new power plant outside Houston.
173. They gave him soup to build up his strength/build him up.
174. The last chords of the suite build to a crescendo.
175. The alligators build their nests out of grass near the water's edge.
176. We're trying to build up a picture of what happened.
177. Local residents have put the skids under plans to build a new shopping centre.
178. We really wanted to build a completely new hospital, but we didn't have the money,(Sentencedict) so this extension is a kind of halfway house.
179. Critical thinking is essentially negative as it seeks to dissect and not to build.
180. They are seeking to build a faithful recreation of the original Elizabethan theatre.
181. She gave me lots of vitamins and minerals to build me up.
182. Local residents have forced the local council to back down from/on its plans to build a nightclub in their street.
183. He was determined to build a new life out of the ruins of his career.
184. A residue can build up on the hair shaft, leaving the hair limp and dull looking.
185. Detectives are trying to build up a picture of the kidnapper.
186. The proposal to build a new road through the forest was voted down by the local council.
187. These finds help us build up a picture of life in the Middle Ages.
188. They pulled down the warehouse to build a new supermarket.
189. Developers are now proposing to build a hotel on the site.
190. We need to apply for planning permission to build a garage.
191. Thinking ahead, we might be wise to build the new factory now before prices rise again.
192. They are bound and determined to build their own house someday.
193. We went to build a snowman but before it was half finished I was chilled to the bone.
194. The company has been given the go-ahead to build a new supermarket.
195. You need to try and build up your strength before the winter.
196. The Home Office have resurrected plans to build a new prison just outside London.
197. Our decision to build the museum in Hartlepool was influenced by the fact that there were no national museums in the North East.
198. They cost thousands if not millions of pounds to build.
199. The intention by the local authority to build 2 000 new houses is unrealistic.
200. Their purpose is to build a fair society and a strong economy.
201. I am anxious not to build up false hopes .
202. Economists warn that enormous pressures could build up(), forcing people to emigrate westwards.
203. Their firm have contracted to build a double-purpose bridge across the river.
204. The company will custom - build a kitchen cabinet to your specifications.
205. This is the most efficient way to build up and maintain a reasonable level of physical fitness.
206. When drawing up a contract it is vital to build in safety measures.
207. After an accident(Sentence dictionary), most drivers need to build up their confidence again.
208. The government announced that they would build a new highway to the mountain.
209. She bought a small plot of land to build a house on.
210. Deposits of plaque build up between the tooth and the gum.
211. The delegations had begun to build up some trust in one another.
212. The media will report on it and the tabloids will build it up.
213. They are trying to build up funds to relieve the poverty-stricken families.
214. They're trying to build up a detailed picture of the incident.
215. I like to build up images of the characters and setting before I start to write.
216. This information will help us build a picture of his attacker.
217. It is essential to build up the military option and show that this is not a bluff.
218. There are slow passages in which little happens, but they help to build up the suspense.
219. They've decided to go ahead with plans to build 50 new houses on the site.
220. The decision has not yet been made whether to tunnel under the river or build a bridge over it.
221. They're tearing down these old houses to build a new office block.
222. To build the tunnel they had to bore through solid rock.
223. Planners are committed to developing the city's brownfield sites before granting permission to build on the rural outskirts.
224. The mission of International House is to enable students of different cultures to live together and build life-long friendships.
225. The campaigners have promised to keep pounding away at the council until the decision to build the road is reversed.
226. Build up slowly until you can jog for 30 minutes.
227. As with any drug taken in excess, your body can build up a tolerance to it.
228. If you don't express your feelings, frustration and anger can build up.
229. We wanted to build an extra room onto the side of our house, but our neighbours spiked our guns.
230. The new Turkish republic he helped to build emerged from the ruins of a great empire.
231. After much delay, the plan to build the new hospital finally came to fruition.
232. The whole village is up in arms about the proposal to build an airport nearby.
233. We went to build a snowman but before it was half finished I was frozen to the bone.
234. He build up a big load of debts(sentence dictionary), then skipped town with all his merchandise.
235. We want to build a better future for our children.
236. He's described as being in his late teens, tall, and of slim build.
237. Build up your tan slowly and don't allow your skin to burn.
238. Local residents have vowed to fight plans to build a new road.
239. I took it for granted that we should build new roads.
240. These outages must be tracked to build a record of failed service delivery.
241. The birds build their nests in reed beds along the river bank.
242. The government gave us a grant to build another classroom.
243. The government is trying to build popular support for an unwinnable war.
244. Jack worked as hard as he could to build his business, but he hadn't figured on a few obstacles.
245. Environmental groups have been squawking about the decision to build the motorway through a forest.
246. The new plan will build on the success of the previous programme.
247. The company has the capacity to build 1500 trucks a year.
248. The disease can also cause a build up of pressure in the inner ear leading to severe earache.
249. It's a long chance to build a city in the desert.
250. It was impractical to think that we could build the house in one month.
251. How many firms bid on the contract to build the bridge?
252. Current thinking suggests that toxins only have a small part to play in the build up of cellulite.
253. Why do they want to build a house on this particular spot?
254. The hospital will cost an estimated £2 million to build.
255. After the fire,(http:///build.html) we had to start over and build the business again from the beginning.
256. The two companies are partners in a contract to build a new power station.
257. The only way to satisfy the golf boom was to build more courses.
258. The money to build the power station ought to have been sufficient.
259. Start gently and build up to the more strenuous exercises.
260. For twenty-five years now he has laboured to build a religious community.
261. The company was considered as a possible subcontractor to build the aeroplane.
262. Now that they've decided to build a shopping centre, nearly a hundred local people are going to be booked out of their homes.
263. We want to buy a plot of land to build a house.
264. We have the chance to build an outward-looking Europe that lives up to its global responsibilities.
265. Ford vowed that he would sooner burn his factory to the ground than build a single vehicle for war purposes.




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更新时间:2024/7/9 6:12:59