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单词 Actually
1. But bombs are unbeliveable until they actually fall. 
2. Actually, it's I that owe you a lot.
3. How much teaching do you actually do?
4. The daily work continued;nay, it actually increased.
5. Well, what did she actually say?
6. She looks young, but she's actually 50.
7. It's not clear who actually pulled the trigger.
8. The gorgeous words,weak language,actually cannot replace what.
9. Excuse my ignorance, but how does it actually work?
10. She actually considered fresh air harmful.
11. Being rich doesn't actually increase your happiness quotient.
12. Dan's actually quite nice, unlike his father.
13. He was never actually unkind to them.
14. No one believed he would actually kill himself.
15. That's the only reason I'm actually going.
16. It's not actually raining at the moment.
17. Not all the registered electors actually voted.
18. What does the job actually entail?
19. Actually it's we that owe you a lot.
20. She actually seemed pleased to see him: most of her visitors she merely tolerated.
21. Level of education is actually quite a poor indicator of ability to run a business well.
22. They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself.
23. The mobile phone business was actually his bread and butter.
24. This suitcase looks heavy but actually it is very light.
25. I didn't want to say anything without actually reading the letter first.
26. Men and women use their brains differently,[http:///actually.html] but that their brains may actually be designed differently. 
27. I can testify to the foregoing since I was actually present when it happened.
28. 'Have you ever been to Rome?' 'Yes, I have, actually. Not long ago.'
29. This new technique of artificially growing cells copies what actually happens in nature.
30. You not once gave me one time to turn the head, I always in smiled actually to you.
1. Actually, it's I that owe you a lot.
2. How much teaching do you actually do?
3. Well, what did she actually say?
4. It's not clear who actually pulled the trigger.
5. Excuse my ignorance, but how does it actually work?
6. She actually considered fresh air harmful.
7. Being rich doesn't actually increase your happiness quotient.
8. Dan's actually quite nice, unlike his father.
9. He was never actually unkind to them.
10. No one believed he would actually kill himself.
11. That's the only reason I'm actually going.
12. It's not actually raining at the moment.
13. Not all the registered electors actually voted.
14. What does the job actually entail?
15. Actually it's we that owe you a lot.
16. She actually seemed pleased to see him: most of her visitors she merely tolerated.
17. I can testify to the foregoing since I was actually present when it happened.
18. Level of education is actually quite a poor indicator of ability to run a business well.
19. 'Have you ever been to Rome?' 'Yes, I have, actually. Not long ago.'
20. This new technique of artificially growing cells copies what actually happens in nature.
21. The mobile phone business was actually his bread and butter.
22. This suitcase looks heavy but actually it is very light.
23. I didn't want to say anything without actually reading the letter first.
24. There is not a shred of evidence that the meeting actually took place.
25. I don't want to boast, but I can actually speak six languages.
26. I didn't actually see her - I just heard her voice.
27. Much of the really nutritive material actually was refined out of food.
28. Your lyrics are complete bollocks; they don't actually mean anything, do they?
29. When you really look forward to something it's often an anticlimax when it actually happens.
30. I have battled with my conscience over whether I should actually send this letter.
31. There is not a shred of evidence that the meeting actually took place.
32. The key to a happy life is to accept you are never actually in control.
33. I don't want to boast, but I can actually speak six languages.
34. I didn't actually see her - I just heard her voice.
35. You have found your sunlight, I actually still in alone sad.
36. Much of the really nutritive material actually was refined out of food.
37. Each afraid to love woman, must have deep love. Looks like the poison not invade, actually had the poison assault body.
38. Your lyrics are complete bollocks; they don't actually mean anything, do they?
39. The idea of flight had been kicking around for centuries before man actually achieved it.
40. When you really look forward to something it's often an anticlimax when it actually happens.
41. Every day they are talking about peace but actually preparing for war.
42. I have battled with my conscience over whether I should actually send this letter.
43. Only a quarter of registered voters actually voted in the election.
44. They floated the trial balloon of actually cutting Social Security.
45. One afternoon, I grew bored and actually fell asleep for a few minutes.
46. There are lots of people there who can actually help you.
47. He hated his mother's way of alluding to Jean but never actually saying her name.
48. drank a cup very to burn the very very hot water, warm actually only am the throat am the heart.
49. She actually condescended to say hello to me in the street today.
50. Peter might look a bit fierce, but actually he's fairly harmless.
51. Actually I wanted to say on that day,Shall we never get apart,OK?
52. If she'd only stop nagging at me, I might actually help.
53. Actually Christmas Day is not the day on which Jesus Christ was born.
54. The men who arrived in the guise of drug dealers were actually undercover police officers.
54. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
55. He further rationalized his activity by convincing himself that he was actually promoting peace.
56. They always say time changes everything, but you actually have to change it yourself.
57. The hypnotic state actually lies somewhere between being awake and being asleep.
58. If you look for it, I've got a sneaky feeling you'll find that love actually is all around.
59. If you look for it, love actually is all around.
60. I've known Barbara for years. Since we were babies, actually.
31. Only a quarter of registered voters actually voted in the election.
32. They floated the trial balloon of actually cutting Social Security.
33. One afternoon, I grew bored and actually fell asleep for a few minutes.
34. There are lots of people there who can actually help you.
35. Peter might look a bit fierce, but actually he's fairly harmless.
36. If she'd only stop nagging at me, I might actually help.
37. Actually Christmas Day is not the day on which Jesus Christ was born.
38. The men who arrived in the guise of drug dealers were actually undercover police officers.
39. He further rationalized his activity by convincing himself that he was actually promoting peace.
40. The hypnotic state actually lies somewhere between being awake and being asleep.
41. I've known Barbara for years. Since we were babies, actually.
42. Some soils are actually too alkaline for certain plant life.
43. The phase of writing that is actually most important is revision.
44. She couldn't quite believe that all this was actually happening to her.
45. What is actually paid will depend on the bonus payments made at the end of the policy.
46. I actually skated, and despite some teetering I did not fall on the ice.
47. You didn't actually believe him when he said he had a yacht, did you? Oh, Annie, you sucker!
48. Aluminium looks heavy but actually it is very light.
49. Our turnover actually increased last year.
50. He actually knocked himself out with excessive work.
51. Far from being discouraged, he actually bore down.
52. By the same token , the everlasting interdependence is actually an everlasting love.
53. I may withhold the truth at times, but I stop short of actually telling lies.
54. He's a slacker, he actually skipped off and left us to do the clearing away.
54. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
55. The managing director has the nominal power but he is a paper tiger, and it is his assistant who actually runs the company.
56. Those who protested against the president's decision were actually barking at the moon , since they were in a powerless minority.
61. Some soils are actually too alkaline for certain plant life.
62. The phase of writing that is actually most important is revision.
63. She couldn't quite believe that all this was actually happening to her.
64. What is actually paid will depend on the bonus payments made at the end of the policy.
65. I actually skated, and despite some teetering I did not fall on the ice.
66. If I say leave me alone,actually I need you more than at any time.
67. You didn't actually believe him when he said he had a yacht, did you? Oh, Annie, you sucker!
68. How are we actually going to action these objectives?
69. The firm discovered that underselling actually boosted its business.
70. Their in-flight magazine is actually halfway decent .
71. We're actually a bit short-handed at the moment.
72. Admittedly, I've never actually been there.
73. Your guess was way out , he's actually thirty-eight.
74. Coal is actually cheaper than gas.
75. Well actually, John, I rang you for some advice.
76. for years but I've never actually met him.
77. Actually, I did rather well in my exams.
78. The food was not actually all that expensive.
79. The proposed changes were never actually implemented.
80. It was actually quite fun after all.
81. The kitten was actually a female, not a male.
82. I actually felt my heart quicken.
83. Interest is only payable on the amount actually borrowed.
84. Tom's house is actually in better nick than mine.
84. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
85. They've never actually given anyone the sack .
86. Actually there is no need to upstaff.
87. He talks big but doesn't actually do anything.
88. Do you actually expect us to eat this slop?
89. He actually enjoys his new hair-style and has decided to start showing it off.
90. Actually, it would be much more sensible to do it later.
91. This was, New York apart, the first American city I had ever been in where people actually lived downtown.
92. I'm one of the few people who doesn't actually like champagne.
93. Surprising as it might seem, some tourists actually enjoy the British weather.
94. It gives you a sense of achievement if you actually make it to the end of a very long book.
95. Television may actually be distancing the public from the war.
96. Strangely enough, when it came to the exam I actually felt quite relaxed.
97. You actually like modern jazz, do you? Each to their own.
98. She told me he was actually very good in bed .
99. Neil's colleagues say he was actually in a joking, upbeat mood.
100. What you actually receive is net of deductions for the airfare and administration.
101. Although they look similar, these plants are actually quite distinct.
102. Actually, Gavin, it was Tuesday of last week, not Wednesday.
103. For the first time in three years, they actually had the luxury of a whole day together.
104. The policeman followed the thieves until they actually picked up the jewels, when he caught them in the act.
105. On the B.B.C. you can hear the clock when it is actually striking because microphones are connected to the clock tower.
106. Actually I do have a few ideas up my sleeve.
107. Anna tried to look interested. Actually, she was bored stiff.
108. We don't actually need it on Tuesday, but if it arrives by then, so much the better.
109. Forty per cent of new titles were actually new editions of existing books.
110. It's one thing to say we have a goal; it's another to actually act on it.
111. You can't appreciate the true/sheer awfulness of war until you've actually experienced it.
112. The things she says bear little relation to what she actually does.
113. I was actually on time, which is unusual for me.
114. So Emma actually manages to juggle two small children and a full-time job, does she? Well, I take my hat off to her.
115. I didn't like him at first, but in the end I actually got quite fond of him.
116. Pete was so depressed after his girlfriend left him that I actually thought he was suicidal.
117. It is one thing to talk about 'involving the students'; it is quite another thing to actually do this.
118. By the same token , the everlasting interdependence is actually an everlasting love.
119. This model does not describe accurately the way a market economy actually functions.
120. He actually had the temerity to tell her to lose weight.
121. People don't realize how serious this recession has actually been.
122. Little did I know that I would actually wind up being on the staff.
123. He did not actually touch the substance, but may have inhaled microparticles.
124. It could be argued that a dam might actually increase the risk of flooding.
125. I'd like a cup of coffee, please - actually, on second thoughts, I'll have a beer.
126. I hope Adrian's actually doing some work at college - he seems to spend all his time socializing!
127. I wonder how many celebrities actually use the products they endorse.
128. These options would actually worsen the economy and add to the deficit.
129. It isn't yet clear whether the new law can actually be applied retroactively.
130. For the first week he never actually saw the fabled Jack.
131. I'm afraid I'm not a very good advertisement for the diet since I've actually put on weight!
132. All that make-up she wears actually detracts from her beauty, I think.
133. Interestingly , he never actually said that he was innocent.
134. For the first time the government's actually put some money up front.
135. He actually offered to help?That's a turn-up for the books !
136. You can't actually drink the water from the marshland. But you can distil it.
137. Against all expectations, getting up at five is actually easier in winter.
138. It seems that the higher you rise, the less time you have to actually do your job.
139. They were trying to make out that I'd actually done it.
140. There will always be some ambiguity about what actually happened.
141. She only actually said one sentence to Brad Pitt but she dined out on it for years.
142. It really gets me the way we're expected to actually laugh at his pathetic jokes!
143. Well, actually it requires quite a bit of work and research.
144. She claims she has precognitive abilities and that she can foresee events before they actually happen.
145. "Actually, most of my tennis is at club level,[ ]" he admitted.
146. People are motivated by leaders who actually walk the walk.
147. She not only entered the competition she actually won it!
148. Underneath that shy exterior, she's actually a very warm person.
149. While I accept that he's not perfect in many respects, I do actually quite like the man.
150. He never actually tells lies, but he often sails pretty close to the wind.
151. There is considerable ambiguity about what this part of the agreement actually means.
152. I wasn't entirely honest with him, I admit, but I didn't actually tell him any lies.
153. Lynda actually managed to get up before ten o'clock. Wonders never cease!
154. Outwardly this looked like the beginning of a terrific programme but the stage was actually set for a major disaster.
155. Withdrawal from heroin is actually like a severe attack of gastric flu.
156. Blue chip issues were sharply higher, but the rest of the market actually declined slightly by the end of the day.
157. I was actually born in New Zealand, but I've lived in England for so long that it feels like home now.
158. There are superficial similarities between the two cars, but actually they're quite different in terms of performance.
159. The new regulations are actually a great hindrance to teachers.
160. We didn't actually hit the other car, but it was a close call.
161. Don't be put off him by his appearance;he's actually quite a charming person.
162. Terry actually says "Oh, shucks!" when complimented on her singing.
163. Some puzzles look difficult but once the solution is known are actually quite simple.
164. The virus can actually destroy those white blood cells, leaving the body wide open to attack from other infections.
165. If you paid more attention in class, you might actually learn something!
166. Everyone in the office complains that he smells awful but nobody dares actually mention it to him.
167. Neither the TV nor the video actually work / works.
168. Her version of events is subtly different from what actually happened.
169. Despite her bluff manner, she's actually a very kind woman.
170. Scientists think it unlikely that any species will actually become extinct as a consequence of the oil spill.
171. The newspaper reports of the discussion only roughly approximated to what was actually said.
172. "Actually, I'm leaving you", she said, continuing to examine her fingernails.
173. How these insects actually communicate presents something of a mystery.
174. I looked through the window,[] but I didn't actually go in.
175. The new rules should actually work in your favor .
176. Post-feminism does not actually exist because we are still in the phase of pre-feminism.
177. The village has actually changed very little in the last hundred years.
178. We hummed and hawed for months before actually deciding to buy the house.
179. The smaller dog actually came off better, with only a few scratches.
180. Forensic tests should settle the question of whether Bates was actually present at the scene of the crime.




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