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单词 pie
释义  Related topics: Foodpie /paɪ/ ●●● S2 noun [countable, uncountable]  1  DFfruit baked inside a pastry covering 水果馅饼,派slice/piece of pie Would you like another piece of apple pie? 想再来一块苹果派吗? →4  See picture of 见图 DESSERT →5 see picture at 见图 dessert2  British EnglishDF meat or vegetables baked inside a pastry or potato covering 肉馅饼;蔬菜馅饼 I had steak and kidney pie with chips. 我吃了一份牛肉腰子馅饼加薯条。3  slice/share/piece of the pie SHAREa share of something such as money, profits etc 〔钱、利润等的〕一份 The smaller companies want a bigger share of the pie. 那些较小的公司想多分一杯羹。4  pie in the sky PROBABLYsomething good that someone says will happen, but which you think is impossible or unlikely 空中楼阁,不大可能实现的允诺[建议] Hope of a cure is just pie in the sky. 找到治疗方法的希望太过渺茫了。 → mud pie, pie chart, → easy as pie at easy1(1), → eat humble pie at humble1(6), → have a finger in every pie at finger1(7), → be as nice as pie at nice(11)Examples from the Corpuspie• On Monday night the club's members are looking forward to a pie and peas supper.• cherry pie• Should they compromise with Clinton over a piece of the tax-cut pie or hold out for the whole pie?• Often after lavish feasting, enormous pies would be brought to the banquet table.• Eat humble pie and get used to it mate.• Line 9-inch pie pan with 1 / 2 dough and arrange yam slices on it.• steak and kidney pie• A large number of young men reported eating white bread, chips, meat pies and sweets regularly.• a piece of pie• I had my finger in the policy pie, as well.• Lay on a pork pie buffet.slice/piece of pie• With some of the money he got, he bought a piece of pie and a cup of coffee.• So I had a slice of pie and then he put the kettle on for coffee and went to the loo.• He lost his appetite for a girlfriend two seasons ago when she refused to share a piece of pie with him.Origin pie (1300-1400) Perhaps from pie “magpie” ( → MAGPIE); because the different things in a pie are like the different things a magpie collectspie nounChinese  pastry baked fruit a covering Corpus inside




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