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单词 etch
释义  Related topics: Designetch /etʃ/ verb  1  [intransitive, transitive]AVD to cut lines on a metal plate, piece of glass, stone etc to form a picture or words 蚀刻;凿刻etch on a gravestone with three names etched on it 上面刻有三个名字的墓碑 A laser is used to etch a pattern in the smooth surface of the disc. 激光器用于在光盘的光滑表面刻录图案。2  be etched on/in your memory/mind literaryREMEMBER if an experience, name etc is etched on your memory or mind, you cannot forget it and you think of it often 〔经历、姓名等〕铭刻在记忆中/脑海里 The island remained etched in my memory. 那座岛屿一直让我铭记在心。3  [transitive]EXPRESSION ON somebody'S FACE if someone’s face is etched with pain, sadness etc, you can see these feelings from their expression 〔脸上〕流露出〔痛苦、悲伤等〕be etched with something Her face was etched with tiredness. 她满脸疲惫。 Craig saw lines of pain etched around her mouth. 克雷格看见她嘴边的皱纹流露出痛苦。n Grammar Etch is usually passive in this meaning.4  [transitive]LINE to make lines or patterns appear on something very clearly 使〔线条或图案〕清晰 etched glass 刻花玻璃→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusetch• The U.S. studies have drawn attention to the use of glycol ethers - solvents used to etch circuits on to silicon wafers.• She took her place at his side again, and watched the exquisitely etched face in the soft light.• That contrast of tender sensibility and senseless brutality was etched into my mind, exposing the utter meaninglessness of violence and war.• An appendix scar was lightly etched on his stomach above the Speedo.• The design is etched onto the glasses using a laser.• A white flame roared up, etching the room in black and white.• When engraving was developed or etching was developed, engraving sort of, a lot of people lost interest in engraving.• His face was long and etched with a look of permanent sorrow.Origin etch (1600-1700) Dutch etsen, from German ätzen “to feed”; because originally the lines were “eaten” into the metal with acidetch verb →n GRAMMAR1LDOCE OnlineChinese   a plate, Corpus lines to metal cut piece of glass, on




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