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单词 Locate
1 The machine can accurately locate radioactive material.
2 We couldn't locate the source of the radio signal.
3 They decided to locate a branch in Paris.
4 The head company decided to locate in Qingdao.
5 The general tried to locate the enemy's site.
6 I cannot locate the shop.
7 Divers were sent down to try and locate the wreck.
8 Engineers are endeavouring to locate the source of the problem.
9 I'm trying to locate Mr Smith. Do you know where he is?
10 The scientists want to locate the position of the gene on a chromosome.
11 We've simply been unable to locate him.
12 Police are still trying to locate the suspect.
13 The young man could not locate his lost pen.
14 They hoped to locate in Chicago.
15 We tried to locate the source of the sound.
16 Rescue planes are trying to locate the missing sailors.
17 Try to locate exactly where the smells are entering the room.
18 The company hopes to locate in its new offices by June.
19 Large retail chains are usually only prepared to locate stores in areas of high population density.
20 Tudor Court represents your opportunity to locate at the heart of the new Birmingham.
21 We are offering incentives for companies to locate in our city.
22 We haven't yet been able to locate a suitable site.
23 There are tax breaks for businesses that locate in rural areas.
24 Some stars are quite easy to locate with a telescope.
25 After Father retires,[] he's going to locate in Hong Kong.
26 Sonar was used to locate the submerged plane wreckage.
27 If you will bear with me a little longer,I'm sure I can locate the key.
28 There have been many attempts, both light-hearted and serious, to locate the Loch Ness Monster.
29 Using their high-tech wizardry, the police were able to locate the owners of the stolen property within hours of it being seized.
30 Atlanta was voted the best city in which to locate a business by more than 400 chief executives.
1 The machine can accurately locate radioactive material.
2 We couldn't locate the source of the radio signal.
3 The head company decided to locate in Qingdao.
4 I cannot locate the shop.
5 Divers were sent down to try and locate the wreck.
6 Engineers are endeavouring to locate the source of the problem.
7 The scientists want to locate the position of the gene on a chromosome.
8 After Father retires, he's going to locate in Hong Kong.
31 Attempts to locate Hoster Monday night were unsuccessful.
32 All attempts to locate the missing climbers have failed.
33 No-one was able to locate even a distant relative.
34 First locate the area where you can go rabbiting.
35 I turned to locate the source of the voice.
36 Church augmented his tagging program to locate noun phrases.
37 Androids have been sent to locate her.
38 Whales use low-frequency calls to locate each other.
39 That truck driver tried to kill us - and he knew where to locate us exactly.
40 They locate the various strands in feminist thinking, and show the conceptual problems involved in combining them.
41 Bruce had a simple pendulum of the kind people employ to locate water, and which he used for diagnosis.
42 Locate the file you want to open every time you click this image and click OK.
43 However, human urine would contain hormones that are similar to organic chemicals that sharks use to locate their prey.
44 A scholar or a particular work by a scholar may locate him / her in larger circles of shared collective life.
45 He did locate the apple orchard from which Liebermann had composed a large picture, and he made a sketch of it.
46 Your only interest in life is to gather information that will locate.
47 Second, it reduced perceptions of risk, reinforcing executives' decisions to locate in the area.
48 The Department of Transport failed in its legal duty to locate each individual owner in order to serve compulsory purchase orders.
48 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
49 You can then go through the filing cabinets to locate the files that have not been stamped within a given period.
50 The Colonel peered from side to side trying to locate the heckler.
51 He says, First locate where the person died, get the death certificate, and then find the notary.
52 It is therefore necessary to locate as best we can the final resting place or incidence of the major types of taxes.
53 If we find them, we can start putting on the pressure to locate the ship.
54 On a continuum of possible policy outcomes, locate the preferred policy decision of each group. 3.
55 To locate a text in a specific historical milieu was only the preoccupation of specialist scholarship.
56 The balloon's been stolen, and 10 crates of lager are being offered to anyone who helps locate it.
57 The Soviets today have the capability to intercept and locate the sources of United States communications frequencies.
58 Sanchez Ortega said that this point he wandered off first to locate a restroom, then to buy some snacks.
59 Ordinarily it is not worth the time and trouble to locate the incident.
60 Clearly post-industrial writers locate the dynamic of this new economic phase within the latest post-industrial sequence; it is an internal characteristic.
61 Experts are still trying to locate the fault which caused another shutdown of the £1m Computer Aided Despatch system.
62 But lifeguards on a patrol boat sent to the area could not locate the whale.
63 A classic example of a directory is the telephone White Pages, which allows us to locate people and telephone numbers.
64 Unable to locate her son, Mxolisi, Mandisa tries to piece together what has happened.
65 Global positioning began in the 1970s as a military technology to help troops, ships and aircraft locate their positions.
66 The teacher gave the children coordinates to locate on the globe.
67 It is visible with the naked eye, and its position close to Eta and Mu makes it very easy to locate.
68 Within anthropology, there has always been a tradition seeking to locate underlying and generalizable processes and patterns in material culture studies.
69 She rang James Morris as soon as she was in, pleased to locate him in his office.
70 It is a well-documented fact that guys will not ask for directions. This is a biological thing. This is why it takes several million sperm cells... to locate a female egg, despite the fact that the egg is, relative to them, the size of Wisconsin. Dave Barry 
71 The most effective way to locate stress is to scan your body for tension.
72 So my idea is, maybe I try and locate this guy a buyer.
73 We're trying to locate each and every one of them.
74 Local research can often locate the hundred meeting place for each hundred.
75 He was trying to locate a railroad station where he could leave us to continue on our journey.
76 I can not locate the bird, but I have the impression it is flying continuously high up in the sky.
77 First, of course, you have to locate your most primitive tribe.
78 John thought it might be useful to try to locate them and to warn them off.
78 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
79 Now the doctor has to try and locate a suitable place to inject the blood.
80 With the combat units dispersed and the opposition extremely difficult to locate, good and timely intelligence was at a premium.
81 We can use this knowledge to our advantage when trying to locate the beats.
82 It is not really necessary to locate the degree of premeditated dishonesty involved in the politics of policy formulation.
83 Certainly it must help them locate a mate and induce a feeling of social togetherness.
84 Another reason Sitting Bull chose to locate his cabin on the banks of the Grand River was that he was born there.
85 A purchaser would have to locate and commence proceedings against all vendors.
86 It also would help states locate birth fathers to tell them their parental rights are being terminated.
87 Pass out the rulers. Help the students locate 1 / 4 inch on them.
88 Others are impossible to locate and drop out of the statistics in due course; therefore accurate figures are difficult to obtain.
89 Locate the fasteners about inch from the edge of the deck board.
90 States looking to attract semiconductor plants invariably offer financial incentives to companies that locate there.
91 He began turning his head from side to side as he ran, to locate the source of the unknown danger.
92 In addition, she is able to return and visually locate objects that have left her field of vision.
93 This led to a field study which at least seemed to locate not only the site but the probable outlines of the building.
94 A telephone service helps users locate information, varieties of material needed, prices, and other required information.
95 In that case,() the mud prevented investigators from using sonar to locate the voice and data recorders.
96 Therefore, a search for mis will locate mIssIle, mIschief, and even alchemist.
97 One of the prospective tenants was Clarke Romans, who wanted to locate a micro-brewery in a secondary building on the property.
98 This can also be used to locate checklists or review lists.
99 The unpredicted change of weather was moving the fog too rapidly anyway for him to be able to locate its centre.
100 The subsystems they have to test are so numerous and varied that they may not even be able to locate them.
101 Aircraft have transponder systems which locate the aircraft exactly so that everyone for several miles around knows where the aircraft is.
102 The plan had been to locate and rescue a seriously injured woman.
103 Locate and select the file you wish to use and click OK.
104 The man died instantly and his name was withheld while investigators tried to locate relatives.
105 Like the orthodox account, they locate the crisis specifically within the prison rather than in the penal system as a whole.
106 I have marked the start of my class definitions with a comment to help you locate the code.
107 The open cluster M50 is less spectacular, but easy to locate.
108 Traditional rural dowsers used wooden sticks to locate underground water.
109 But it is not in the forces involved that I would locate the main divide in Britten's operas.
110 It ought to help you locate our protein in cellular plasma membranes.
111 Sumers, ashamed and full of remorse,[] attempts to locate his daughter.
112 My successor spent several months on the intercontinental telephone lines trying to locate the debtors.
113 Surely this would be the ideal place to locate these stall holders - still in the town centre but not causing obstructions.
114 Nevertheless, older industrial property could be useful for new companies wanting cheap premises and wishing to locate in the cities.
115 The lanes in the dale were full of people trying to locate Hannah, some in caravans.
116 Seeing this, finally suspecting, the auditor was able to gain her confidence and locate the despair charges.
117 Radon has been used to detect uranium mineralisation and also to locate faults which may control mineral deposition.
118 To fit the connector locate the appropriate position on the ribbon cable.
119 For example: In each case, if you succeed in connecting, try to locate your page from whatever links appear.
120 The most frustrating part has been trying to find a place to locate the business.
121 Fault Finding Here is a fault-finding guide to help locate any problems that might arise when producing boards with the ultra-violet technique.
122 The teacher who'd invited us down proved very useful in helping us to locate release sites, too.
123 A different search might locate investments in your current portfolio, and another plug-in could rate their performance.
124 They all share certain acoustic properties which, he thought, would make the call difficult to locate.
125 You think an expert on the effects of explosives could identify and locate the cause of the explosion?
126 Perhaps its most useful asset is that it enables the user to locate references in relevant literature.
127 The most interesting objects are the red variables U and EU, which are easy to locate.
128 Finally we locate the top pitch, a fine crack and poorly protected traverse.
129 They asked workers and shoppers to take cover in cellars of buildings while they used specially trained dogs to locate the bomb.
130 Locate the microwave repeater sites for the route of interest. 2.
131 When you are planning your business, one of your biggest decisions will be: Where do I locate?
132 Yet newly formed global corporations in the emerging world are also gradually beginning to locate facilities in the developed world.
133 Navy salvage experts used sonar to help locate the area of submerged wreckage.
134 In any case, being such great travellers, rabbits soon locate an alternative source of food.
135 As discussed in the introduction such deposits are difficult to locate because of extensive peat cover in the lowlands.
136 For a while, at least, I think we can offer them assurances that we are taking steps to locate it.
137 It needs another stage to interpret its output and locate the zero-crossing it may have encoded.
138 He said he has also been unable to locate Seber since he talked to him immediately after the fire.
139 Local producers can, depending on transportation costs[ ], more readily locate refining and smelting units near small mines.
140 Families able to locate prisoners are allowed to send them parcels.
141 Scheck, Neufeld and Dwyer note that when a plane crashes there is an investigation to locate the cause and prevent recurrences.
142 Selfredge, now retired, declined to be interviewed, and the Daily News was unable to locate any of the sailors.
143 In the past, pearl fishing was often carried out by travelling people who used a glass-bottomed bucket to locate them.
144 It was in Alistair's mind that he might locate and intercept his own letter.
145 I choose to define this tradition as labourism, and attempt to locate the Labour Party within it.
146 Secondly, it is never necessary to carry out more than two searches to locate a record.
147 Lower overhead usually means discount prices, and searchable shops make it easier to locate hard-to-find items.
148 These groups tend to locate in the older urban cores as a result of factors examined earlier.
149 To locate objects in relation to interest and power, however sophisticated and non-reductionist, is only one perspective upon mass consumption.
150 There would be an advantage in giving an alarm call that is difficult to locate.
151 To eliminate or locate colloquial words there are dictionaries of slang.
152 Locate the brightness control for your display device.
153 Locate the default rule called "BrB CachRule."
154 The traffic accident happened in the locate of Lorraine.
155 Please locate the nearest emergency exit.
156 Identify and locate the wholesaler population in the marketplace.
157 Locate the middle portion of the collar bone.
158 But until they can locate and destroy the ZAP.
159 Through the instrumentality of the police he was able to locate his relatives.
160 We change the configuration of the RC wien bridge circuit and find out that the selecting frequency network can even locate in the negative feedback network.
161 The radar it is the locate mode simulating a bat's to invent.
162 LOCATE LOCATE('beach',p.description) Returns the starting location for the first occurrence of a substring in a search string, or zero if the substring isn't found.
163 Nor does he always locate his case studies fully within the history of ideas; he does not quite explain, for example, why the seat of "hypochondria" moved from the bowels to the brain.
164 For acquisition of the gene chip information, how to correctly locate the probe dots in the chips scanning image is the base of the chip information processing.
165 The cross-reference table contains information that permits random access to indirect objects within the file, so that the entire file need not be read to locate any particular object.
166 The location unit is used to locate and transform the testing function and the unload unit can unload stress easily by means of guide screw.
167 In this two-part article series, we focus on indexing and coding techniques and on new tools to help users locate code trouble spots.
168 To select the fault line and locate the fault point quickly is of great importance for isolating the fault line, as well as improving the operation reliability and reducing the economic loss.
169 Flexible pipe modeling technology on position and orientation control points was presented to locate pipe accurately.
170 The thesis also discusses the probability of intercept the attacking torpedo by utilizing the coalescent of torpedo' locate buoy and rocket depth charge, which found on the trait of vector hydrophone.
171 A search party was sent to locate the nation's new ruler.
172 Sliding your cursor over the picture will locate Polaris and the NCP as well as other stars of the Little Dipper.
173 For a given reflector surface it is also important to locate the focal point of the best-fit paraboloid relative to the existing feed support structure.
174 This paper analyzed the manual and automatic location principle of character code of Trojan, and introduced two ways to locate character code of Trojan with restrictor.
175 Traditionally the past tense is defined as a deictic tense mainly used to locate an event or state at some point or period in time prior to the moment of speaking, .
176 The astronomer look at the starry sky, trying to locate centaur.
177 The bottom bolts will help locate gasket and hold it in position.
178 One who is employed to locate missing goods or persons.
179 China's largest producer of rare earths this week announced price supports for it, which could further encourage industry to locate in the country.
180 To locate the optimal drill site, the team had to conduct the first detailed characterisation of the physiography of a sub-glacial lake.
181 Glowing dots naturally gathers light to surround peep sight hole allowing huner to visually locate and center peep in dim light.
182 Locate your clitoris at the top of your vulva just below where your pubic hair begins.
183 Forensics experts are combing the bomb sites to locate any evidence.
184 For this reason, the authors propose a vulnerable cutset based approach to locate the site for emergency control.
185 Music catalog system. Locate media on hard drives, save and load databases, search for files within the program, easy drag-drop files into favorite player, flexible settings.
186 To create a completely new way to persist customers, you can still locate a customer just by extending the interface and adding configuration code to the container.
187 As the engagement of the unidirectional fasten piece and fasten rim, negative direction rotation is avoided to locate the tool apron steadily to the sliding rail when cutting paper.
188 , the RID_BIT equals predicate is implemented as a new direct access method in order to efficiently locate the row.
189 The method works sufficiently well to locate earthquakes fairly accurately.
190 The JOTI Web Site acts as a coordination center to locate safe Chat areas, E-mail addresses and activities proposed by other groups.
191 Experiments are performed to show that the proposed algorithm can locate corners accurately, is rotationally invariant, has scale invariant property and is insensitive to noise contamination.
192 Some cities which have abundant petroleum resource and develop in great force, or locate in the hinge of traffic have also higher sustainable development value.
193 Therefore, it is the main contents of research on Fusarium head blight (FHB) to dig out and locate new resistance gene. There is rich resistant germplasm in intraspecific and extraspecific of wheat.
194 This instrument is used to locate the broken point of conduct. It can measure open circuit fault in types of transmission line such as aerial cable, lines of communication etc.
195 Chinese, Japanese, Korean, etc). Moreover, to render text, a virtual point, located on the baseline, called the pen position or origin, is used to locate glyphs.
196 Suborbicular oculi fat pads locate at the inferolateral of the orbital region, thin and flabby.
197 Methods: To perform endoscopy after topical anesthesia, locate the bleeding part and solidify it by microwave.
198 The results show that the moment wave of the span centre of the bridge can detect and locate the damage while the square pulse is applied by means of moment.
199 With engine off, locate fuel pressure port and attach fuel pressure gauge.
200 This was the only locate where human have to see over all city.
201 By combining the transient change model method and rarefaction wave method, the multidimensional rules to detect the leakage and locate the leak point were set up.
202 It harks back to the days of early writing when texts in a 14th-century scriptorium were difficult to locate since they lacked cataloguing, indexes, or tables of contents.
203 This article Based on this close relation we seek method from cognition and semantics to locate the Kansei factor. Then translate perception to design factor with "Kansei Engineering".
204 Our goal is to find an automatic roust detection method which can adapt to different scratch widths, locate the scratch region precisely, and differentiate scratch from straight edges.
205 Human face detection is to locate the faces and determine their sizes in an image.
206 At a meeting in 1899, the Premiers of the other Colonies agreed to locate the new federal capital of Australia in New South Wales, and added this section to the Australian Constitution.
207 Either way, you now have an XHTML page with clearly identifiable sections, as well as hidden text that's marked up and easy to locate.
208 The constellation Cepheus represents a King. It is faint, but its distinctive shape makes it easy to locate, if you look in the north on August evenings.
209 Teleportation is nearly instantaneous once activated, and can generally be accomplished in the same OP during which Clairsentience was used to locate the target.
210 More barium - meal tests were done to try to locate the source, but nothing was found.
211 The experiment results indicate that the method can detect, locate and segment small targets precisely an infrared images obtained in conventional noise conditions.
212 MethodsLUS was utilized in laparoscopic ureterolithotomy for 7 cases of ureterolith to locate the ureter and stone.
213 In jsp-examples-war-, locate the Web application deployment plan (geronimo-web.xml) in the application archive under WEB-INF.
214 Objective:To locate nitric oxide synthase (NOS) in the chicken vestibular system.
215 At the same time, a new function of suspiciousness is presented. By using it we can analyze synthetically and locate the fault finally.
216 Sanxin craft factory salesroom locate Guangzhou City International toys mainshop 18.
217 The influential criminologist cited trials in Indianapolis and Kansas City that suggested that violent crime can be cut drastically through campaigns to locate and confiscate illegal guns.
218 Conceal: While worn, a third eye conceal hides the wearer from all powers that attempt to view, locate, or otherwise detect the wearer, except for the Clairsentience power metafaculty.
219 The chain coding is built by eigenvalue of region description that is partite from image. The grid feature couple is used to locate and detect the human face for the captured image.
220 Contrasting core ground gamma curve with logging gamma curve locate the core, and then emend the depth of the core sample, which improve veracity of the core data.
221 Aim at the characteristics that parts of oil wells of oil-field in Jiangsu locate the Hongze area floodway in the lake, which designed a kind of lake area oil extraction terrace.
222 In this article, you've seen how to use data templates by dragging data from the Page Data view onto the page and then learned how to locate these templates in the Preferences dialog.
223 Middleware locate on the operation system of application server, manages the computer resources and network communications.
224 Assess, locate, and recommend changes to the distribution channel as needed.
225 The velocity change of instantaneous negative pressure wave along the pipeline is analyzed when hot oil is transported. Two searching methods are applied to locate leakage through numerical integral.
226 In military, both guidance and Anti-TBM ask the equipment fast and flexible to locate and track accurately the random or moving goal in order to finish a serial action suck as aiming and track attack.
227 To locate ( underground water or minerals ) with a divining rod ; douse.
228 It aims to locate the facial feature points and the shape information of eyes[ ], mouth and so on based on the facial detect.
229 In the application top - level folder, locate the group subdirectory which contains the bld. inf file.
230 CONCLUSION: The cervical segments of spinocerebellar tract project to the cerebellar nuclei in rats and locate somatotopically as compared with the lumbar spinal cord.
231 Colter Stevens (Jake Gyllenhaal) is a decorated army helicopter pilot who finds himself on a mission to locate the maker of a bomb which exploded and destroyed a train headed into Chicago.
232 Do you think we might be able to locate it at a repair shop or something?
233 The landslide and debris flow based on plagioclase coincidently locate in ringed mountains.
234 An algorithm based on video detection to locate the plate is proposed.
235 Then we introduce a new algorithm that analyzes the character stroke with morphological method under multiple resolutions to locate the license plate.
236 To use monadic means is difficult to correctly locate hidden water flowing subsided columns.
237 Locate the brightness control for your display device. It could be labeled "Brightness" or "Black level".
238 Failure to complete your Domain name search engine registration by the expiration date may result in cancellation of this offer making it difficult for your customers to locate you on the web.
239 As affected by many uncertain factors of transmission lines, conventional fault locating methods can't locate the faults of transmission lines very well.
240 River dolphin that scientists have been searching for and have been unable to locate any of the species, they now believe it is extinct.
241 On a server with many active network connections, a large TCB table can reduce the amount of time that the system spends to locate a particular TCB.
242 He requested help from the librarian to locate the book he wanted.
243 In a JAR file, it's impossible to locate the resource using "." (current directory indicator), so java.lang.Class.getResource(".") returns a null object.
244 Gastropancreatic fold and hepatopancreatic fold formed by capsula pancreas can be marked to locate the root of left gastric artery and common hepatic artery in laparoscopic vision.
245 Intended as a swift-moving reconnoitring force, the squadron's role was to locate enemy forces and to subsequently hold them at bay until the arrival of the main force.
246 Before you start doing Kegel exercises, find out how to locate the correct muscles and understand the proper technique.
247 Passive sonobuoy is a common kind of searching submarine, several passive sonobuoy can locate and tract the submarine in sea.
248 With the control system, the transplant and harvest auto-machine, such big quality and high inertia device, could locate any position accurately in the reference frame area.
249 Sea is a inland sea locked and locate between Asia and Europe.
250 This action is used initially to locate the second stage boot loader, which holds the remainder of the loader.
251 Malleus Maleficarum or The Witches' Hammer indoctrinated the world to "the dangers of freethinking women" and instructed the clergy how to locate, torture, and destroy them.
252 The author analyzed the theory of medical ultrasound image and put forward an algorithm based on eyeball character to locate the eyeball in the ultrasound image.
253 Finally, we investigate into the behavior of the edge atoms of W clusters on W(111) surfaces. We locate the occurrences of the different dynamic behaviors on the temperature scale.
254 External contour analysis and projection analysis are combined to locate the candidate segmentation lines.
255 On the section cutting insula, central sulcus locate exactly 12 o'clock direction and outward is ultimately changeless.
256 And now the tiresome chirping of a cricket that no human ingenuity could locate, began.
257 Centroid algorithm is a high accuracy method of locate the image point on CCD. But large amount of data need handling, which makes it difficulty to meet the demand of high respondency and real-time.
258 And so by going into the forest and running transects in different parts of the Adirondacks[sentencedict .com], we send the crews out and they are able to locate the scats.
259 A secondary index in a pair of indexes used to locate a particular file record.
260 The agency wants to force Boeing to abandon its South Carolina facility and locate it in Washington—an act that appears unprecedented in the NLRB's history.
261 The police car sped away, but failed to locate Georgos.
262 Conclusion Taking THB as a landmark to locate the blood vessels and nerve surrounding THB would be beneficial for dealing with the operation on neck.
263 The task of edge detection is to detect and locate the lighteness's discontinuity of an image, but the singularity of the noise makes it to be a ill-posed problem.
264 The regular expression is changed to locate a four-digit number, followed by a dash, followed by a three-digit alphanumerical sequence.
265 Because most of the species of Rhododendron Subgenus Hymenanthes locate at high altitude in southwest of China, it is very difficult for us to collect and plant them.
266 Objective To provide anatomical data for the clinical operation on neck to locate the acroteric vascular nerves of the tip of the greater horn of hyoid bone(THB) with taking THB as a landmark.
267 Pipeline design system based on GIS is based on data of GIS to locate the center line of pipeline in plane and portrait , and extract pipeline data to make automatically project budget estimate.
268 tprof is a tool that can be used to locate trouble spots and then dig deeper with micro-profiling to the source line level.
269 Encrypted Files Search - is a file search utility designed to locate encrypted files on your hard disk.
270 We were able to locate a fair copy of this manuscript.
271 Two adnate shatters and two adnate leafits are radial range, and they locate in the end near axle.
272 Locate the tuner in a convenient location at the operating position.




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