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单词 Revenue
1. Thrift is a great revenue.
2. Sparing is a great revenue.
3. Economy is in itself a source of great revenue
4. Thrift is good revenue.
5. France derives 16% of revenue from air freight.
6. A government's revenue and expenditure should be balanced.
7. The government gets a revenue from taxes.
8. Taxes provide most of the government's revenue.
9. Tax fraud costs the country millions in lost revenue.
10. The revenue figures may be slightly exaggerated .
11. The revenue from the farm could repay the initial outlay within three years.
12. Revenue from brown goods, including televisions and hi-fis, rose nearly 12 per cent.
13. What they owe to the Inland Revenue is small fry compared to the overall £1.2 million debt.
14. He was found guilty of defrauding the Internal Revenue Service.
15. Advertising revenue finances the commercial television channels.
16. Advertising revenue fell from $98.5 million to $93.3 million.
17. Tourism is the island's main source of revenue.
18. The company is under scrutiny by the Inland Revenue.
19. This contract represents 20% of the company's annual revenue.
20. The Commissioners of Inland Revenue control British national taxes.
21. The Inland Revenue is responsible for collecting income tax.
22. Tourist revenue is now our principal source of wealth.
23. The Internal Revenue Service sought to disallow the payments.
24. The revenue cutter drew on the smugglers' ship.
25. The revenue is derived from the following sources.
26. The country diminished the revenue by reducing tax.
27. Diminish the revenue by reducing tax.
28. The project will not generate any revenue until 2010.
29. Tax frauds are dealt with by the Inland Revenue.
30. Officials diverted revenue from arms sales to the rebels.
1. France derives 16% of revenue from air freight.
2. The government gets a revenue from taxes.
3. Taxes provide most of the government's revenue.
4. Tax fraud costs the country millions in lost revenue.
5. The revenue figures may be slightly exaggerated .
6. The revenue from the farm could repay the initial outlay within three years.
7. Revenue from brown goods, including televisions and hi-fis, rose nearly 12 per cent.
8. What they owe to the Inland Revenue is small fry compared to the overall £1.2 million debt.
9. He was found guilty of defrauding the Internal Revenue Service.
10. The Commissioners of Inland Revenue control British national taxes.
11. The country diminished the revenue by reducing tax.
12. Diminish the revenue by reducing tax.
31. The revenue will be used to help pay for environmental improvements.
32. These measures will increase the club's ability to generate revenue/income.
33. The magazine misreported its sales figures in order to boost advertising revenue.
34. The strike has cost the company £2 million in lost revenue.
35. The events business, she said, was crucial to the group in that it provides a constant revenue stream.
36. Advertising revenue in the new financial year has got off to a flying start.
37. The railway may sue for damages because of loss of revenue.
38. The Japanese market accounts for 35% of the company's revenue.
39. The central government collects the tax revenue on behalf of local authorities.
40. Arco has reacted to the loss in revenue by pruning its expansion plans.
41. Tobacco duty is a major source of revenue for the government.
42. Television companies have been massaging their viewing figures in order to attract more advertising revenue.
43. The Inland Revenue wrote off £900 million in unpaid taxes.
44. The government is scrabbling around for ways to raise revenue without putting up taxes.
45. These television companies rely on advertising revenue for their funds.
46. The state does not collect enough revenue to cover its expenditure.
47. Senators Wilson and Howard paired off on the revenue bill.
48. The revenue authorities have come down on me for the payment of twenty pounds income tax.
49. For every £100 you invest into a pension plan the Inland Revenue makes it up to £125.
50. By broadening the tax base he could raise more revenue.
51. The bigger the audience, the bigger the advertising revenue.
52. Annual ad revenue is more than $ 150 million.
53. C., with annual revenue of about $ 45 million.
54. Most were routed into judicial rather than revenue appointments.
55. Sloppy accounting was culpable for the shortfall in revenue.
56. Advertising provides the radio station's chief form of revenue.
57. The upshot: they collectively export more for less revenue.
58. It creates enterprises and revenue generating operations.
59. Improved revenue collection will help finance better conservation measures.
60. Exhibition revenue rose 7 % and continued to benefit from the medium's effectiveness in bringing buyers and sellers together.
61. It supports the Internal Revenue Service, which has claimed in court that damage awards for non-physical injuries should be taxable.
62. It also said fiscal 1996 revenue should meet or exceed analysts' projections.
63. The company said it expects revenue of about $ 34. 5 million for the year ending June 30, 1996.
64. Crop Revenue Coverage is the first privately developed alternative crop insurance to gain approval from the Agriculture Department, the company said.
65. They blamed not the Internal Revenue Service but the tax code.
66. Revco, based in Twinsburg, Ohio, has $ 5 billion in annual revenue and is the third-largest drugstore chain.
67. He paid compensation to the monks by giving them ten years' revenue from an archiepiscopal estate worth £30 a year.
68. Net employment growth means fewer jobless claims for the government and higher revenue from payroll taxes.
69. Noninterest revenue, led by securities trading and credit card fees, rose to $ 958 million from $ 815 million.
70. Today, it is a major source of revenue for the city and a tourist destination.
71. The Revenue will have to collect tax from each individual partner.
72. No exact figure on how much revenue this generates could be obtained from state tax officials.
73. They reckon that 90% of their advertising revenue from baseball each season is generated during post-season play.
74. How could the federal government make up the revenue drain that would result to avoid raising other taxes or increasing the deficit?
75. The various recommended taxes and rates contribute towards a total revenue budget for 1993-94 of £241 million, 1.2 percent more than 1991-92.
76. However analysts note that revenue from commission rose to 537.4m euros.
77. The Internal Revenue Service acknowledges that McGill, a retired civil engineer, never owed the government.
78. They also say up to £70m in advertising revenue could be lost.
79. Revenue more than doubled for the year ended Oct. 29 and earnings from continuing operations rose substantially, he notes.
80. The team is completely independent, but will maintain close co-operation with Customs and Excise and Inland Revenue.
81. Large bedrooms with two large beds accommodating the family for little or no extra cost means revenue from extra meals and drinks.
82. They want compensation from Manchester Airport for money they predict will be lost from visitor revenue.
83. With the collapse in revenue they ended up with one working anti-poaching vehicle.
84. Inland Revenue figures show a rise of nearly 10% a year in the post-tax value of bequests in the 1980s.
85. To evaluate the impact of government budgets, it is necessary to look at total revenue and total expenditures as a whole.
86. He must submit a budget during the first week in February, which should further clarify his revenue needs and sources.
87. The utility of the new revenue as well as its potential for conflict hinged on the strings attached to its use.
88. The projected deficit reduction depended on government revenue rising 22 percent in 1989,[http:///revenue.html] and on spending increasing by only 15 percent.
89. This branding element can be a useful source of revenue, as this space can be sold to advertise local businesses.
90. Merrell Dow finally decided the cost of defending itself outweighed the revenue produced by sales of the drug.
91. Revenue was increased from 16,000 million rials in 1989, but the projected deficit was nevertheless up by 10 percent.
92. The government's budget was strengthened by increased customs revenue and more particularly by a spectacular rise in indirect taxation.
93. In particular, we should applaud the efforts of Tom McHugh and the Parking Section in their very important revenue gathering work.
94. This means that excise duty revenue from alcoholic drinks is not buoyant.
95. Pan has been struggling financially: last year alone, advertising revenue fell by 20%.
96. The company said revenue and earnings will fall significantly below second-quarter results.
97. The Manual was essentially concerned with prescribing the classification of revenue spending and capital spending, implicitly on the cash basis.
98. Sales of land began about 1540 and continued until Stuart times. Inflation eroded the revenue from land and commerce.
99. It was also open to the Revenue to apportion the tax among several beneficiaries according to any method they thought fit.
100. Central government may encourage local governments to raise more tax revenue by introducing new taxes, levying charges or borrowing.
101. It expects revenue to exceed $ 100 million this year, up from $ 85 million last year.
102. In an Inland Revenue consultation paper, Mr Brown also signalled a willingness to disregard student loans when calculating tax credit levels.
103. The loss of revenue from areas of the country affected by civil unrest had also contributed to the deficit.
104. It is the revenue that banks earn simply because they pay less for money than the interest rate they charge their customers.
105. Most of the gain was from trading revenue, which more than doubled to $ 369 million from $ 153 million.
106. He also came under attack in his capacity as a revenue farmer and would-be monopolist.
107. In collegiate circles, sports are divided into non-revenue and revenue categories quite blatantly.
108. As usual, marginal revenue equals the price times one minus one over the elasticity of demand.
109. Analysts suggested that the revenue from the ports would provide much-needed resources to reduce the country's massive budget deficit.
110. Afterwards the company's accounting staff prepare a preliminary financial budget for finance and revenue.
111. The Inland Revenue originally wanted the machinery ring to be responsible for tax deductions for such workers.
112. And they increasingly make revenue from research and consultancy services for commercial firms.
113. After that, he expects advertising revenue to cover the cost of supporting a customer.
114. That means Chantal could have been placed in the position of buying back product, thus converting revenue to inventory.
115. In fact, in 1914 he was entrusted with the task of servicing loans guaranteed by customs revenue earmarked for that purpose.
116. In addition, most information comes from official statistics, especially from the Inland Revenue, deriving from tax returns and death duties.
117. From the revenue side the solution adopted was to change both tax bases and tax rates.
118. The Lancastrian monarchy had depended heavily upon the customs duties for its normal revenue.
119. The provincial authorities were to turn over more revenue to the state while receiving reduced subsidies[http:///revenue.html], in order to centralize resources.
120. Pharmaceutical ad revenue is expected to soar 300 percent in 1997.
121. In more than half of the years between 1713 and 1785 debt service took up more than 40 percent of total revenue.
122. That helped to boost operating revenue 8. 2 percent, to 221. 66 billion pesetas.
123. Last week's Interfirm Comparison Centre report showed again that commercial work is the top contributor to law firms' revenue.
124. This was to he supplemented with one-third of the annual revenue.
125. The revenue was never enough for this, and the Company began declining into bankruptcy much faster than before.
126. Perhaps the biggest reason was the de facto revenue raid on the treasuries of other governmental entities the project would entail.
127. The Internal Revenue Service has been battling him for years for back taxes and penalties related to one venture.
128. To be exempt from taxation the trust must meet Inland Revenue conditions relating to contributions and benefit entitlement.
129. This has enabled the publishers to receive instant revenue from the advertisers and ongoing income from royalties and cover price sales.
130. First we consider the different kinds of taxes through which the government can raise revenue.
131. The Revenue will not subsequently be bound by any information or statements given, whether expressly or implicitly in relation to the claim.
132. There are already early signs that this media flexible approach to our markets is creating opportunities to grow new revenue streams:?
133. Employee expenses declined to 50. 2 percent of revenue after interest expense from 52. 3 percent a year ago.
134. Once a claim has been made and accepted by the Revenue, it may not be subsequently withdrawn.
135. The station will carry religious, as well as documentary, news and drama material and will be funded by advertising revenue.
136. Net revenue can be earned by Division B selling the final product.
137. Similar conservatism is reflected in the treatment of revenue from feudal dues.
138. This is mistaken because the charge to revenue accounts does not reflect cash flows, only loan redemptions.
139. Direct action by central government would necessitate substantially increased expenditure and therefore revenue.
140. This excess of price over both marginal revenue and marginal cost is a convenient measure of the firm's monopoly power.
141. The expected revenue from this source was depended upon to help turn back the enemy.
142. Two years ago a consultative document from the Inland Revenue proposed that the loan-back be limited to 25 percent.
143. The drink and drug revenue, too, is derived from the poor.
144. Over seven years, repeal would cost nearly $ 34 billion in lost revenue.
145. Firms within enterprise zones would not pay rates for ten years, local government being reimbursed for lost revenue by the Treasury.
146. But that figure is dwarfed by the loss of the revenue and profits stream over the life of the field.
147. Stockholders filed suit against First National Entertainment in 1993, alleging that the company had misled them by issuing inflated revenue projections.
148. By 1900 about half of government revenue was raised from income tax and from death duties.
149. For this genuinely commercial purpose there will be no Revenue objection to the changing of accounting bases or dates.
150. Jacksonville, Fla. -- $ 60 million of water and sewer revenue bonds,[http:///revenue.html] via a PaineWebber Inc. group.
151. For the address of your tax office, see Inland Revenue in the telephone directory.
152. Excise duty revenue from alcoholic drinks is much less buoyant than total excise duty.
153. In political terms this failure forced heavy dependence on indirect revenue sources.
154. The king had at his disposal, not tax revenue, but plunder and tribute amassed through warfare.
155. Private ownership of parts of the system confers only strictly limited rights and powers of control over operation and revenue.
156. The Inland Revenue was particularly welcoming to those with a higher degree.
157. In recent years there had been a considerable increase in the revenue derived from tourism.
158. Furthermore, the City of Detroit is the chief benefactor of much indirect revenue sharing.
159. Instead he puts great faith in the traditional revenue earners of sponsorship and perimeter and programme advertising.
160. Each sub-contractor holding a certificate will subsequently be assessed for tax and pay the Inland Revenue direct.
161. Assist-A-Care generates annual revenue of more than $ 6 million.
162. For the commercial sector, advertising revenue has represented an ever-growing pool of funds.
163. It clearly shows that revenue and total cost are treated as simple linear functions of the number of units produced and sold.
164. Yet Pitt during his first eight years managed to raise annual revenue from £12.5 million to £18.5 million.
165. Multimedia markets can still provide a rich source of added value revenue and margin but without major commitments, restructuring or risk-taking.
166. The latter is specifically for revenue expenditure for activities such as training; the emphasis is on job creation.
167. The issues are revenue grant aid and the acquisition of new office accommodation.
168. He suggested they donate a percentage of their revenue to the cause.
169. Owners are also looking into increased revenue sharing as a way to ease the financial burdens that force teams to move.
170. The Commissioner of Inland Revenue made and confirmed assessments on the taxpayer for those years in respect of the profits from sub-licensing the films.
171. These observations are in my view equally applicable to the revenue and to sums by way of principal or interest retained by them.
172. While all customs duties accrued to the federal government, it received only about one-third of total sales tax revenue in 1985.
173. The Inland Revenue has released a consultative document that proposes a heavier tax charge for certain cars.
174. All organisations will make the distinction between capital and revenue or current expenditure.
175. The impact of this capacity is expected to start affecting revenue growth in the second quarter of 2000.
176. The revenue side was heavily dependent on increased international credit and financing.
177. There are uncertainties about adequate scale and revenue, and the consummation of ever-larger mergers.
178. The two Chairman insisted that revenue growth has as big a role in the merger justification as efficiency improvements through operating synergies.
178. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
179. Maybe you prefer not to think of yourself as some one whose value to baseball is entirely based on the revenue you provide.
180. Most of the revenue was collected by Customs and Excise and the Inland Revenue.
181. Others will tighten their belts, downscale their programs, sell more t-shirts and look for local sources of revenue.
182. Emap boosted profits by 50% to £14.8m in the six months to October 3, despite flat advertising revenue.
183. At an average of about $ 30 per seat, that would translate to $ 60 million in revenue.
184. The power systems unit had a drop in operating profit even though revenue rose in the double digits, Bunch said.
185. The ability of the state to resolve these crises would depend on the states ability to raise revenue and mobilise public support.
186. In the six months to September 30, its revenue grew by over 5 per cent to £9.8 billion.
187. Table 10.1 illustrates this with reference to revenue expenditure on basic services by the ten district councils in the Greater Manchester area in 1987/8.
188. Each broadcasting organization could henceforth pursue its programme policies without fear of a direct challenge to its sources of revenue.
189. In 1991 it assumed responsibility for its own catering, with total revenue increasing by 60 percent partly as a result.
190. Together, the two companies will have $ 8. 4 billion in annual revenue.
191. During the coming decade output from the Statfjord, Frigg and Ekofisk fields will decline and replacement revenue earners are therefore vital.
192. To make up for the consequent loss in revenue, the government revamped the tax structure, revising it upward.
193. Examples might include complaints about excessive delay, errors, discourtesy or the way in which the Revenue has exercised discretion.
194. The desire for advertising revenue, if pursued too vigorously, might well put those aims at risk.
195. Wall Street analysts had predicted revenue of between $ 26 million and $ 28 million.
196. The group's flagship consultancy business was again its biggest contributor, delivering revenue of £47.3m, up 20 per cent.
197. The top 10 percent of the people receive half the annual revenue.
198. Generally it's not worth the candle to try and dodge the revenue authorities.
199. Moreover, current cost accounting strictly demands that a business's cash book be segregated into capital and revenue cash.
200. Britain's direct marketing industry employs more than 25,000 people and generates more than £9 billion in trade and revenue a year.
201. Equating marginal cost and marginal revenue, each firm will produce an output at which price exceeds marginal cost.
202. The property investment and dealing company has charged all interest and finance charges to revenue in the year ended 31 March 1992.
203. Traditionally the major revenue earner, it was adversely affected by difficult trading conditions, particularly in the retail sector.
204. With anticipated revenue of taka105,500 million, the budget deficit would be taka77,300 million.
205. The county government had seen its operation lose customers and revenue, and this affected its ability to borrow money.
206. The monopolist produces an output Q M at a price P M thus equating marginal cost and marginal revenue.
207. C., and generally increased the awareness of local officials about the new revenue sources represented by categorical grants.
208. The Inland Revenue does a difficult job in difficult circumstances extremely well.
208. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
209. Between 200 and 300 new commercial stations could come on air in the 1990s and intense competition for advertising revenue is inevitable.
210. The line that the Inland Revenue has hitherto drawn between investment and trading has been exasperatingly unclear.
211. These forecasts should consider the effects of each option on the revenue as well as on the capital costs of the completed project.
212. There was no improper pressure by the revenue and in particular there was no duress.
213. A not insignificant dent in our trade deficit, and a loss to the Inland Revenue.
214. The budget of EC$184,000,000 projected capital expenditure at EC$85,100,000 and recurrent expenditure at EC$98,800,000, while revenue was estimated at EC$103,00,000.
215. Capital charges will therefore impact on the distribution of revenue funds to health authorities.
216. Internet access is a costly business to run, so revenue has to come from somewhere.
217. The council commissioned a yearlong study of the problem, which looked at revenue and spending forecasts for 20 years.
218. Main creditors are the Inland Revenue and Customs and Excise.
219. The Inland Revenue has decided that Mr Clinton is a politician-but only after four weeks' deliberation.
220. The tax commissioners rejected such claim: the revenue did not appeal.
221. Cities in the county generate most of the sales-tax revenue, yet the county reaps the greatest benefit, he added.
222. He ranks just fourth in total assets, with a nine-billion-dollar annual revenue flow.
223. A song, after all, is a copyrighted article, one that generates revenue for both the label and the artist.
224. Milk traffic was a big revenue earner and continued to be until around 1950.
225. This chapter examines the processes of revenue raising, allocation, spending and control.
226. They also came from large conurbations able to provide additional revenue through commercial support and gate income.
227. He also estimates that the loss of revenue to schools over four years would be $ 1 billion.
228. Taxpayers embroiled in disputes with the Internal Revenue Service may soon get some help.
229. When making that payment, Tradeco must deduct income tax at the basic rate and pay that to the Revenue.
230. There's been a dip in revenue because of the recession.
231. A country can also derive export revenue from service income, e.g. shipping and tourism, together with remittances from overseas workers.
232. And the Wang derives almost half its annual revenue from Ballet rent, concessions and gimcrack sales.
233. Within alcoholic drinks, excise duty revenue from spirits is declining, as its market share falls.
234. Also those classes or groups that provide services in exchange for revenue are similarly ignored.
235. The city used revenue from the course and clubhouse to pay off the $ 7 million it borrowed to build the course.
236. Forbes leads Fortune in circulation and ad revenue, a status that has developed only since Steve Forbes took over.
237. The Crown derived rents and other revenue.
238. This paper discussed the reason and significance of house tax reform basing on the current condition of revenue system, economical and social development in China.
238. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
239. The project did not have numbers available but said online ad revenue was expected to surpass print newspaper ad revenue for the first time in 2010.
240. Chapter 4, put forward to the law system of the stock certificate revenue from tax of perfect our country some conceive.
241. Under the United States Internal Revenue Code, contributions or dues paid to the Uniform Code Council, Inc. are not deductible as charitable contributions.
242. B in the United States of America: the Federal income taxes imposed by the Internal Revenue Code .
243. Higher transaction volume partially offset the decline in net revenue per transaction.
244. Look at the revenue breakdowns in the company's quarterly financial statement.
245. And convert it has, at astonishing speed. The sale of property rights for development, which accounts for fully one-fourth of the local government's annual revenue, jumped 18 percent last year.
246. Railway construction, passenger cars, insurance, hotels, ports, railway transportation industry has been over possible revenue opportunities.
247. Giant's ARPU fell 3.2 percent from last year. Sequentially, the average revenue per user fell 12.1 percent.
248. Everbright Prudential profit by revenue bonds to fund managers Haiying said.
249. City State Taxation Bureau , city Revenue Department , the municipal government office in Beijing.
250. Operating revenue: indicating sales revenue, service revenue, income from business activities, other operating revenue, etc.
251. Total revenue from online games has exceeded revenue from cinema ticket sales in China since 2003.
252. Studying his sales analysis report, a business user analyzes Revenue by Customer, Revenue by Product, and Customer Revenue Ranking.
253. The short-term test, involving a very limited percentage of Yahoo's Web search queries, is designed for the two sides to evaluate the revenue potential of a broader search ad outsourcing arrangement.
254. Public goods that can be offered are the amount limited by the maximal tax revenue implied in laffer curve.
255. The English financial policy in this period sought to achieve financial independence and realize a balance between royal financial revenue and expenditure, if not a surplus.
256. Developed a tool to track and forecast price, quantity, and revenue, which enables client to monitor business performance Implemented a customized end-to-end testing process and.
257. Diverse opinions concerning the improvements of annual revenue and annual expenditure.
258. Normally power stations get their revenue by generating and selling their kwh.
259. The tax administration has been intensified and tax revenue has kept increased constantly and fleetly.
260. Elsewhere in developing countries, where these is insufficient revenue from current taxation, governments seek to make use of PFI and PPP methods to deliver projects on a deferred payment basis.
261. "We are confident that their reputation and persuasive skills will come in handy for the municipal authorities to collect taxes from defaulters, " said Bharat Sharma, a revenue officer.
262. My fruit is better than gold, yea, than fine gold and my revenue than choice silver.
263. Any first-year accounting student knows that the easiest way to make a company's revenue and earnings look good is to change when a company recognizes a sale or an expense.
264. And the revenue bonds now dwarf general bonds in total volume, totaling $2.7 trillion, versus $1.4 billion for the GOs.
265. The rate of operating profit from the sale or the percentage of revenue.
266. Because the demand curve slopes downward, the marginal revenue curve lies below it.
267. FDX.N) will help. The world's largest cargo airline forecast improved revenue on strong demand, lifting shares 3.1 percent to $87.89.
268. Tax revenue is main source of financial income of modern countries, which plays decisive roles in the market economy.
268. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
269. Article 59 Operating revenue shall be recorded upon completion of a transaction.
270. The statistics included are industry revenue, industry gross product, employment, establishments, exports, imports, domestic demand and total wages.
271. Both cigarette consumption and cigarette consumption tax are major issues concerning Chinese nationals health and national revenue .
272. Current liabilities include interest revenue received in advance, with a carrying amount of $10,000. The related interest revenue was taxed on a cash basis .
273. "The non-game applications will generate the traffic, and we can provide an advertising platform to help them monetise, and share revenue in that process," Mr Lau said.
274. Putting a focus on customer retention will not only help you maintain your current revenue streams now but will position you to grow even faster when the economy turns around.
275. There is a very important, but highly technical,[] concept called revenue recognition.
276. There be gold there so you want to have them to control this source of revenue.
277. For all of 2010, Goldman's profit after preferred stock dividends fell to $7.71 billion, or $13.18 per share, from $12.19 billion, or $22.13. Net revenue fell to $39.16 billion from $45.17 billion.
278. We determined such adjustment of the ending balance of deferred revenue was necessary in accordance with ASC 250.
279. Revenue recognition determines how much revenue you will put on your accounting statements in a specific time period.
280. Templeton said he expects the deal will be accretive to earnings in the first year, and will make analog semiconductors sales account for around 50% of TI's annual revenue.
281. What is your projected revenue in Year 2 ( 2009 ) after going public?
282. According as manager decided to launch a new product to increase revenue.
283. Such a measure would not only provide much-needed revenue for the economic recovery, but would also reflect at least partial recognition of the ultra-rich's duty to help those in need.
284. What is your projected revenue in Year 1 ( 2008 ) after going public?
285. People in cleantech circles often point out that the electric utilities spend a smaller portion of revenue on research and development than pet-food companies do.
286. In 2006, the site earned an estimated $40 million from the few things it charges for. That's about 12 percent of the $326 million by which classified ad revenue declined that year.
287. Evidence on the relative contributions of crop insurance and the new disaster (SURE) payments to overall crop revenue could shed light on the role of farm programs in land conversions.
288. In their first year, they did $1.875, 000 in gross revenue.
289. Whether the annual revenue, annual expenditure are in line with national economic ability and its development.
290. The second ASpect of the meASurement process is often referred to AS matching cost and revenue and its fundamental to the accrual bASis of accounting.
291. In the 2005-06 season, estimated revenue hit $2.5 billion, much more than that of any other league in Europe.




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