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单词 Conclude
1. What do you conclude from that?
2. We may conclude that he never had recourse to this simple experiment.
3. I wish to conclude my speech with a prayer for the continued happiness of thenewly married couple.
4. The competitors cantered into the arena to conclude the closing ceremony.
5. He conclude the negotiation with dispatch.
6. I would like to conclude by saying that I do enjoy your magazine.
7. If the clubs cannot conclude a deal, an independent tribunal will decide.
8. It's difficult to guess what they will conclude from the evidence.
9. Before I conclude, I'd like to thank you all for coming.
10. The United States and Russia hope to conclude a treaty to cut their nuclear arsenals by two-thirds.
11. Those are the facts; what do you conclude from them?
12. The failure to conclude the trade talks last December could prove a blessing in disguise.
13. To conclude , I'd like to express my thanks to my family.
14. This has made many Americans conclude that business ethics is an oxymoron.
15. We must conclude that when the distance between the molecules is very small, there are forces of repulsion.
16. The trial is expected to conclude by Friday.
17. The sales convention will conclude as planned on Sunday.
18. So they conclude with a social policy agenda.
19. May I conclude with a frightening thought for Labour.
20. Republicans are eager to conclude negotiations.
21. Those are expected to conclude Monday.
22. What can the students conclude from their observations?
23. We conclude this section by demonstrating this equivalence.
24. What can we conclude from all this?
25. I conclude with a plea to the Minister.
26. The talks are scheduled to conclude in May 1999.
27. The day will conclude with the Celebration of Mass.
28. What does Laura herself conclude from this?/conclude.html
29. The hearing is expected to conclude Monday.
30. We hope all danger may be overcome; but to conclude that no danger may ever arise would itself be extremely dangerous. Abraham Lincoln 
1. What do you conclude from that?
2. We may conclude that he never had recourse to this simple experiment.
3. The competitors cantered into the arena to conclude the closing ceremony.
4. We must conclude that when the distance between the molecules is very small, there are forces of repulsion.
31. The report would conclude that there was no evidence that the intelligence services were involved.
32. Are we to conclude therefore that eminence can not be allowed as a yardstick of creativity?
33. What should we conclude about the hazard from meteorite falls?
34. The court was driven to conclude that the jury would not necessarily have convicted had it been correctly directed.
35. Lucy could only conclude that, whatever Charlie had been saying, it hadn't included specific mention of her name.
36. It would be wrong to conclude from this debate that science is too important to be left to politicians.
37. One might well conclude the dismissal was a feint, a hollow gesture to allay perceived public outrage.
38. It seems reasonable to conclude that people's behaviour is influenced by what they see on TV.
39. It would be wrong to conclude from this that Gandhi is opposed to conversion from one religion to another.
40. Conclusions To conclude on such a vast subject as this is not easy but I would like to make the following points.
41. We conclude that autonomic neuropathy can affect motor functions throughout the gastrointestinal tract.
42. We conclude, therefore, that the radical perspective on the labour process offers a far-reaching critique of conventional organisation theory.
43. They have talked to Pisa, and hope to conclude a deal before the weekend.
44. The work led Russell himself to conclude that the teaching of the subject had no effect whatsoever on pupils' political outlook.
45. It would be wrong to conclude that it is simply because women live longer than men.
46. For example, if household size falls during a period under examination, the study might conclude that living standards had also fallen.
47. They conclude that differential rewards are functional for society(), that they contribute to the maintenance and well-being of social systems.
48. This led them to conclude that they were uncouth, filthy creatures who barely knew how to look after themselves.
49. Are we to conclude both that Papinian wrote this text and that it enunciates a general rule?
50. Objections I will conclude this chapter by considering a few objections to the account of authority suggested above which challenge its general orientation.
51. Unless the Commission extends this period, parties may conclude a merger after the three week period has expired.
52. Training To conclude this section it is necessary to point out a few things about the squad training sessions.
53. By February 1956, Nasser was ready to conclude the deal.
54. Faced with such apparently perverse ways of thinking it is easy to conclude that they can not possibly reason as we reason.
55. If jurors conclude that Lyle killed in that state of mind, the crime could be reduced from murder to manslaughter.
56. The net impact of the cuts, they conclude, has been to widen disparities in economic well-being.
57. We can generalize from the samples and conclude that nitrogen levels have increased.
58. Both correct answers and correct reasoning are necessary to conclude that the child has fully constructed the concept.
58. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
59. The Giants conclude the three-game series tonight in Palm Springs.
60. This year, Muslims will conclude Ramadan with the usual festivities on April 15 or 16.
61. I can only conclude by saying that I am sorry the situation has developed the way it has.
62. Finally, we will conclude with a brief review of freemasonry today.
63. Conclusions To conclude, a basic script recognition system has been demonstrated.
64. European governments are trying to conclude a treaty to ban certain atmospheric tests.
65. Observations of Freddy led them to conclude that dolphins use sonar while hunting.
66. To conclude this discussion of convenience foods, two points can be made.
67. A court or tribunal will be reluctant to conclude that your contract has been frustrated.
68. We may conclude, for example, that 90 percent. of convictions were factually correct.
69. Conclusion To conclude, the prospects for philosophy of religion look brighter than they have done for many moons.
70. I then want to conclude with an outline of my own personal experiences in this field here in Northern Ireland.
71. But we should not conclude from this that they are therefore intrinsically objectionable and unworkable.
72. I therefore conclude, though not without some doubt, that there was consideration for the new agreement ....
73. We would be unlikely to conclude that the function of that component was to inhibit the emission of high-pitched whines.
74. Knowing how radio sets are typically organized we would be much more likely to conclude that the whole circuit was working incorrectly.
75. Nor can one conclude that the world was understood to be totally evil and, therefore, assigned a negative value.
76. Regarding structure, most studies conclude that children attain concrete operations around age 6 or 7 independent of formal schooling.
77. We conclude from this study that H pylori eradication enhances gastric juice ascorbate secretion, and thus increases intragastric anti-oxidant protection.
78. I don't conclude anything from that either, except that fancying is a complicated business.
79. To conclude that the universe exists because it permits us to exist is an act of faith, not reason.
80. From what we have said so far, you will conclude correctly that the task of the news director is extremely complex.
81. The authors conclude that the risk of respiratory conditions resulting from passive smoking, although small, is not negligible. 2.
82. One could conclude that neural nets love to do pattern classification.
83. Piaget examined and rejected both the Darwinian and Lamarckian positions, which conclude that for biological reasons, wars are inevitable.
84. States which did not consider a customs union to be necessary could conclude agreements with the customs union on a free-trade zone.
85. Taking these two considerations together, it seems reasonable to conclude that semantic information is an integral part of a grammar.
86. The authors of the study conclude that the flushing response probably deters individuals from drinking-or from drinking enough to trigger alcoholism.
87. The existence of judicial balancing should not lead us to conclude that all such balancing is necessarily premised on the same assumptions.
88. That, the authors conclude, casts doubt on the refuge hypothesis.
88. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
89. We are forced to conclude that our present knowledge is too limited to cope with these complexities.
90. They may actually conclude that openness is actually a strategy top management has devised to cover up its impermeability to influence.
91. To conclude this section, we can, at last, refer to an experiment.
92. The health authority and the Defence Land Agent hope to conclude negotiations within a month.
93. We conclude with a brief discussion of the interaction of some recent participatory initiatives with the local representative system of democracy.
94. Given the context, a reasonable person could only conclude that the threat of judicial power was plainly implied.
95. The authors conclude that the improving image of the game drew a wider and more respectable public, including more women.
96. But they do not necessarily conclude that a thing is no more than the sum of its attributes.
97. The authors conclude that a combination of the last two models offers the best prospect of a full explanation.
98. For present purposes we can conclude that Trotsky looked to proletarian democracy as a defence against bureaucratization.
99. We conclude that the systemic response is caused by an electrical signal propagating through the plant.
100. We can therefore conclude that in these societies a different system of exchange or barter was used for basic daily transactions.
101. We could conclude from this that crust is a definite aspect of character; we all love bread with lots of character.
102. Even so, it is straining credulity too far to conclude that the debtor has an arguable case.
103. As an alternative to this bloc policy Khrushchev offered to conclude treaties of non-aggression and friendship with the states concerned.
104. We conclude by outlining likely future developments in residential child care.
105. The fact that the date line was not drawn straight has led some to conclude that it is further malleable.
106. He would certainly conclude that she was up to some adolescent mischief and take her to task again.
107. One can only conclude that the commitment on tax is the result of political conviction and the insistence of Bush's sponsors.
108. It may show a significant improvement in which case you can conclude the child is learning.
109. Do we therefore conclude that the beer consists of solid indivisible lumps of matter of that volume?
110. Some speculative future applications of explosive materials in the space programme conclude the scientific presentations.
111. Perhaps the best approach is to devise methods by which patients conclude for themselves that smoking is harmful and undesirable.
112. Must we then conclude that the Zande are in these terms irrational, incapable of rational[], cause-and-effect reasoning?
113. The event would conclude as it began with a handshake.
114. As to the Times, we similarly conclude that the facts do not support a finding of actual malice....
115. If you read all the official literature you will conclude that the result is a tremendous success.
116. Fischler and Bloom conclude from these results that in visual word recognition the effect of context is essentially inhibitory rather than facilitatory.
117. Pricing is still currently in dollars while Berenzoid and InteSoft conclude negotiations and are as follows.
118. We conclude this section by identifying in more detail the tasks that each of the named roles implies.
118. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
119. We will conclude with tactical considerations of network design, performance evaluation, and network management and security techniques.
120. From the observed absence of such annihilation radiation we can conclude that our galaxy is made entirely of particles rather than antiparticles.
121. I would conclude by returning briefly to the Marleasing judgment.
122. But if the case gets to the Law Lords, how could they conclude other than in Mr Straw's favour?
123. I conclude this paper with a brief statement about thematic work.
124. We can conclude this section then by picking out a number of criticisms of the scientific management approach to organisations. 1.
125. From this evidence Marshall etal. also conclude that clerical work has not been proletarianized.
126. The programme will conclude with a multi-country study of policy issues and policy processes in at least three of the countries studied.
127. We conclude that methanogenesis is regulated by dietary sulphate if sulphate reducing bacteria are present.
128. I'd like to conclude by thanking everyone who has worked so hard to make this conference possible.
129. The third part is on foreign management of commercial bank credit analysis, and conclude experience that advanced, should learn from.
130. Could we conclude that Gally and Susanna present two ends of lifestyle and, especially love style, one is materialized, and the other is "a presence in your mind as well as a physical entity"?
131. Objective: To conclude the imaging findings of congenital cephalocele in children, in order to improve the accuracy of diagnosis.
132. Objective To conclude the reconstruct method and therapy results of orbital hypertelorism by combined intracranial-extracranial approach in 7 cases.
133. To conclude this series on HC, here's a short how-to guide.
134. The study authors conclude that it is very likely that minocycline's neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory effects are due to PARP-1 inhibition.
135. In same time, I propose criteria of payment which conclude from cost reimbursement of constructor, and use binary model determine herdsman favorite form of straight payment.
136. Hospitalisation for dental problems is now a serious health issue, even though decay — or dental caries — could easily be prevented through regular brushing and check-ups, the researchers conclude.
137. She and her colleagues conclude that, given the cost involved, genetic screening is not worthwhile in a clinical context.
138. China urges all nuclear-weapon states to make the same commitment and conclude an international legally binding instrument to this end.
139. Perhaps my mom thought that I would inherently understand the historical and biological context connecting Harriet Tubman and me and conclude that the captivity of humans by humans was evil.
140. The US is the biggest capital export country in the world, and for this it used to conclude high standard bilateral investment treaties with developing countries to protect its investors.
141. Article 185 To create a mortgage interest, the parties concerned shall conclude a mortgage contract in written form.
142. The findings, conclude the researchers, suggest that low selenium levels may increase risk of ESCC and GCA, as well as EAC in women, never-smokers, and people with low antioxidant intakes.
143. Now, given that, it might seem tempting in retrospect to conclude that the Plaza Accord was a bad idea.
144. Based on the evolution of the Schengen Agreement and its subsumption into the EU framework, we may conclude that the differentiated system of the Agreement originates from European integration.
145. The multi parameters of running trans former are considered comprehensively, and by fuzzy synthesis reasoning to conclude fuzzed representation of transformer coiling hot point.
146. So we can conclude that nano-TiO2/silicon-acrylic composite emulsion film has obvious photocatalysis and transforms energy of light into chemical energy with antibacterial and antivirotic.
147. "The sooner the better, " the Chilean coach said when asked when he wanted the club to conclude it's business.
148. The thesis is editing the sequence of these ideas from the oddments of modern female's text, to conclude the female's outlooks on life and value.
148. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
149. Panetta won't say what kind of covert operations were carried out or how the agency was able to conclude that the Qum facility was nuclear.
150. Then we apply this kind of predictive function to the combustion systems of industrial boiler, through simulation of continuous system, we can conclude that this controller has strong robustness.
151. Objective To conclude clinical experiences of tension-free mesh-plug hernioplasty of abdominal external hernia in 58 cases of cirrhosis.
152. The article will conclude with a step-by-step guide to logical problem diagnosis when encountering network-related issues.
153. This article illustrates and probes into multi goal construction project decision on AHP, through erecting judgment matrix and being on consistency check, in order to conclude optimization project.
154. But I also knew I couldn't play that card too often, lest the Greek chorus conclude that my well-oiled life left no room for love.
155. Sixthly , nuclear weapon states should conclude an international legal instrument on complete prohibition and thorough destruction of nuclear weapons as early as possible.
156. He also cited evidence of self-fellation in nonhuman primates to conclude that oral sex is "a biologically normal aspect of sexuality."
157. The authors conclude that spondylolysis is mainly the fatigue fracture due to locally increased stress and is contributing most by backward extension of lumbar spine.
158. Firstly we conclude the evaluating standard system on software architecture quality.
159. It may be conclude that the Afghan Royal House faced many structural conflicts which finally led to the end of monarch system and the failure of modernization.
160. The shorter length of the Thames whale plus postmortem findings led the scientists to conclude it was a young animal.
161. Therefore, we can conclude that it is valuable to study sugar beet M14, which has moderate resistance to cercospora leaf spot.
162. We conclude that there is no longer a place for low-dose dopamine in the ICU and that, in view of its side effects, its extended use as a vasopressor may also be questioned.
163. At last, to conclude the actual result of this influence.
164. Which leads the researchers to conclude that Stradivari's true secret?: his incredible artistry as an instrument builder.
165. After determining the overhead requirements, we conclude that the arithmetic coding adaptive data compression technique can provide a substantial increase in throughput for this system.
166. Remember, even if you conclude that she is indeed incapable, that she is human and don't demonize her.
167. We conclude that the extremum factor of the Hall coefficient is a good measure of the Hall characteristic, and it can be also used to determine the mobility ratio of carriers in semiconductors.
168. The gap with the Americans should close by Sunday night, when the Olympics conclude, but it still looks unbridgeable.
169. From above we can conclude that the break-even point can be computed mathematically, but the break-even chart is also widely used.
170. So it is conclude that the muscle has the lowest OTC residue among the Carassius auratus tissues.
171. Article 33 Where the parties conclude the contract in the form of letters or data-telex, etc. , one party may request to sign a letter of confirmation before the conclusion of the contract.
172. A study session held by the Beijing government for leaders of the "open" Church – organized as a sight-seeing tour for the first time – is set to conclude tomorrow.
173. I have understood the Company's explanation on the clauses(including exclusions) of Cargo Transportation Insurance and its additional clauses, and I agree to conclude formal insurance contract.
174. This led the report to conclude that it's no wonder that one in six children in the UK are classified as obese before they start school.
175. Jefferies Putnam Lovell said sales of asset managers by financial institutions is likely to continue as many banks and insurers may conclude that asset management is not a core business for them.
176. "According to our study results, the addition of pioglitazone to acitretin therapy can enhance antipsoriatic efficacy, " the authors conclude.
177. Conclude the clinical characteristics about the leak of pulp devitalization.
178. The standard deviation between the predict data and the original data was 1.88. It can conclude that the Bezier function is available to fit the washability curves.
179. Conclude and analyze the causation of error lock of carrier frequency acquisition .
180. If an Employer provides special funding for a Employee's training and gives him professional technical training, it may conclude an agreement specifying a term of service with such Employee.
181. Article 224 The parties concerned shall conclude a written contract for the pledge of a money order, check, cashier's check, securities, deposit receipt, warehouse receipt or bill of lading.
182. Objective To conclude the experience of closing the donor site of hypogastric zone flap by using auxiliary flap.
183. "The results of our study support the routine use of soluble fibers in the diets of adult patients with and without hypercholesterolemia , " the review authors conclude.
184. This article is to define the humanitarian intervention, analyze traditional humanitarian intervention and conclude that it has not yet become an accepted part of customary international law .
185. Form the results of welding stud analysis we can conclude that the force on welding stud of gusset plate is not uniform. The welding studs with big force concentrate the first three rows.
186. So, Vice-Premier, let me conclude. Successful talks, between ever closer economic partners. Once again, thank you for hosting us. And I look forward to the 2011 dialogue in the United Kingdom.
187. Enterprises may conclude environmental protection agreements with local residents or local governments to prevent the occurrence of public nuisances.
188. It can simply conclude that mycorrhizal trifoliate orange seedlings can resist the high temperature stress related to increasing its root activity.
189. It can conclude the difference of landscape changes in region and analyze the difference of the natural structure and the natural process and human activities and climate.
190. We conclude that combination therapy of GH and anabolic steroid is effective in improving growth and final height of Chinese Turner patients.
191. The other is marriage contract in concept, as a kind of use in analogy, just for doctrinal analysis while the marriage parties in reality do not conclude contract.
192. Finally we conclude that when wis small, the improved stochastic model is better than original one.
193. "In this study, we showed that increased levels of skin autofluorescence (were) related to the extent of diabetes-related complications, " the authors conclude.
194. We wonder whether we may conclude a long term agency contract with you.
195. You can argue about whether this is a particularly good way of determining what tools people use, but given what they compiled, you can't conclude 2D is more prevalent than 3D.
196. We can thus conclude that a VCL is an open-source Web based system used to dynamically provision and broker remote access to a dedicated computer environment for a user.
197. Conclusion:We conclude that direct venography is an accurate method of diagnosing and delineating cavernous haemangioma.
198. Conclude and change labor contract to ought to abide by equality freewill, negotiate consistent principle, do not get the provision of lawbreaking, administrative regulations.
199. Objective To conclude the method and experience of reconstruction of Achilles tendon rupture with peroneus longus tendon transfer.
200. We conclude that dopamine depletion in PD leads to a remapping of cerebral connectivity that reduces the spatial segregation between different cortico-striatal loops.
201. The international community should negotiate and conclude an international legal instrument on security assurances for non-nuclear-weapon states at an early date.
202. We find positive price reactions to stock splits and conclude that these may be attributable to the favourable signals that stock splits send and the improved liquidity they provide.
203. We analyze and conclude 3 factors which lead to hot issue market: capital demand, information asymmetry, investor sentiment.
204. In the case of exercising lessons, we conclude, summarize and train the student's emanative ideations.
205. After detailed analysis and comparison, we can conclude that sentence-initial noun phrases have advantages in the syntactic position, there is a certain topicality.
206. The markedly elevated phosphate levels, coupled with very low calcium levels, led us to conclude that the cause of death was cardiorespiratory failure as a consequence of phosphate overdose.
207. Then, Moody moves towards some very whispery, detailed spaces, before becoming crowded to conclude.
208. Objective: To conclude the clinical experience of how to treat tsutsugamushi disease of the last five years.
209. This paper analyses the resonance circuit by general analysis methods and modern circuit theory,[] and gives the difference between the two methods and conclude the complementarity between them.
210. CONCLUSION: We conclude that bag-mask ventilation is easier in edentulate patients when their dentures are left in situ during induction of general anesthesia.
211. "These results are proocatie and suggest that exposure to trauma and prolonged stress not only may increase the risk for serious mental health problems but are also cardiotoxic, " they conclude.
212. We conclude that. Surgical treatment is effective in patients with vesical endometrioma who are unresponsive to hormonal therapy.




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