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单词 epoch-making
释义  ˈepoch-ˌmaking adjective  CHANGE/MAKE something DIFFERENTvery important in changing the way people live or the way a society is organized 划时代的,开创新纪元的 the epoch-making social changes of the 1960s 20世纪60年代划时代的社会变化Examples from the Corpusepoch-making• But then a truly epoch-making change in public attitudes took place.• an epoch-making event• It is indeed rare for the participants in such epoch-making events to have a complete understanding of them and their consequences.• This period of upheaval was to have an epoch-making impact upon the whole structure of Muscovite society.• This thrilling epoch-making race Was by agreement taking place Along the road beneath the hill To finish by the barley-mill.ˈepoch-ˌmaking adjectiveChineseSyllable  changing or Corpus in way important way the very live the people




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