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单词 Fusion
1 Brass is formed by the fusion of copper and zinc.
2 She was a fusion of the dreamer and doer.
3 Nuclear fusion is the Holy Grail of energy production.
4 Her work is a fusion of several different styles.
5 His final reform was the fusion of regular and reserve forces.
6 The movie displayed a perfect fusion of image and sound.
7 Her songs are a sublime fusion of pop and Brazilian music.
8 Sustained nuclear fusion is the holy grail of the power industry.
9 This alloy is formed by the fusion of two types of metal.
10 Their music is described as 'an explosive fusion of Latin American and modern jazz rhythms'.
11 One possible fusion fuel cycle involves D-He 3 reactions.
12 Nuclear fusion is in the news as we write.
13 The cold fusion controversy provides a vivid illustration.
14 Controlled fusion has fewer obvious negative aspects than fission.
15 Velocity and fusion sucking up the shocked air.
16 For energy, the winners are physics,[] fusion and the breeder reactor.
17 The first published indications of fusion research appeared in 1956.
18 What was gained in fusion was a sense of wholeness more pleasurable than the feelings of fragmentation that preceded it.
19 It was based on a fusion of the commitment to full employment and a desire to promote consumer choice.
20 There could be a sudden breakthrough in nuclear fusion or the cost equation of photo-electric energy.
21 The result was at its best the perfect fusion of continuity and change.
22 This is an intelligent fusion album with various personnel, and again Brecker s playing is awesome.
23 He has examined a number of competing fusion schemes, and found helium-3 / deuterium fusion to be the most attractive.
24 I tried to take in what he was saying about nuclear fusion, but most of it went over my head.
25 Now that there is every reason to believe that we can build a fusion reactor there is growing attention to technology.
26 The styles change, from tribal rhythms and orchestral maneuvers to avant-garde rock fusion; but the impulse toward expression remains constant.
27 At extremely fast tempos this lilt is lost and they even out as they would in a funk or fusion context.
28 Iron nuclei have the largest binding energy per nucleon; hence neither fission nor fusion can release further energy.
29 Talks have been going on for some time on a range of scientific matters including fusion, nuclear safety and the environment.
30 What had started out as a quest for metallic hydrogen now became a serious hunt for fusion.
1 Brass is formed by the fusion of copper and zinc.
2 She was a fusion of the dreamer and doer.
31 The film is a fusion of history and contemporary events.
32 Fusion funding remains steady, but with the money now divided mostly between the two leading machines, the tokamak and mirror-fusion.
33 The early fusion experiments looked as if they were making great strides toward the desired goal.
34 Fleischmann and Pons thought that they could achieve cold fusion by another route.
35 The products of nuclear fusion involving deuterons with hydrogen isotopes.
36 That in essence is what started Pons and Fleischmann on their quest for test-tube fusion.
37 For one thing, he chose to carry out the essential cell fusion with Sendai virus-but Sendai virus is wretched.
38 The fusion reaction has in fact technically been achieved at the Princeton Tokomak fusion test reactor which operated successfully for 50 milliseconds.
39 Under the agreement[http:///fusion.html], Verio will offer NetObjects Fusion 4.0 customers 30 days of free Web hosting and domain-name registration.
40 Yet these will hardly bear the weight of a theory so grand as the fusion of legacy and trust.
41 The calculations by Frank and the Soviet theoreticians had dealt with the fusion of proton and deuterium or of two deuterium nuclei.
42 As fusion research today is all about containing the fuel, any benefit here would be more than welcome.
43 The 1987 results produced immediate pressure for fusion with the Social Democrats.
44 The reason why fusion is more likely between spin polarised nuclei is straight forward.
45 It is through this mutual adaptation of desire that fusion is born.
46 Lloyd George would propose fusion to his Liberal supporters, and Bonar Law would follow suit on the next day.
47 The company blames cuts in Government funding for its work into nuclear fusion for the job losses.
48 The two chemists have no nuclear evidence for fusion at all.
49 The fusion reactions that power the sun must produce vast numbers of neutrinos.
50 The use of light isotopes in a fusion reactor has been under experimental study since the 1950s.
51 Indeed, fusion bombs and warheads must be periodically disassembled and recharged with fresh tritium.
52 This fusion of law and policy makes problematic the application of the legal principles relating to treaties and third parties.
53 The large scale release of fusion energy has so far occurred only in stars and in the hydrogen bomb.
54 The Cherry Blossom restaurant serves a fusion of Japanese and Californian cooking.
55 Both particles created in a single fusion reaction carry energy that can be turned into heat and, ultimately, into electricity.
56 The reactor is widely regarded as the last step before design of commercial fusion reactors.
57 What, then, of the notion of a late classical fusion of legacy and trust?
58 Schematic representations of the fusion proteins and reporter gene that were used.
59 Before then all fusion research had been conducted behind a screen of secrecy.
60 These gave them some confidence that they were indeed seeing neutrons from fusion, but they were by no means definitive.
61 This has rightly been seen as an impetus towards the fusion of legacy and trust.
62 Perhaps the Sendai virus used for cell fusion was damaging.
63 Black Sun Ensemble rely on the kind of guitar sound that floats almost too closely into jazz fusion territory.
64 The most significant of these may be the use of helium-3 in spacecraft propulsion, in a fusion rocket.
65 To an unformed child, Edna Madalyn McGurk Ting was like nuclear fusion.
66 His philosophy is a fusion of intellect and spiritual belief.
67 That turned out to be a mistake, Zeta's neutrons were not from thermonuclear fusion.
68 There are a number of possible choices for the fuel to be used in a fusion reactor.
69 Through a complicated series of substitutions this lost object of primordial fusion with another has been translated into objects of current desire.
70 By 1985 the fusion rate achieved in their experiments was improving,[] but still remained tantalisingly short of practical breakeven.
71 Another exciting prospect for future power generation is terrestrial fusion power.
72 The first theoretical calculations on various characteristics of muon catalysed fusion appeared during the 1950s, by Yu.
73 Unfortunately some of these failings pervaded part of the test-tube fusion story of 1989.
74 She looked at me with a smile that implied fusion.
75 Solar power and fusion power are the two leading contenders.
76 This leads to a slightly bizarre and unconvincing fusion of musical forces which all end up clumped awkwardly together.
77 Pure fusion bombs might be much smaller than existing bombs.
78 But you do not have to be a fusion buff to appreciate Joan Bromberg's history of an important part of science.
79 If the scientists succeed,() they will have taken a small step toward improving the efficiency of nuclear fusion devices.
80 As shown in the Figure, the virus escapes the action of these enzymes by fusion between the viral and lysosomal membranes.
81 If controlled practical fusion is ever achieved, the investment will pay off.
82 In this mouth-to-mouth communication, a fusion with the instrument is effected by the mediation of his breath.
83 The fusion of school librarian and teacher skills will again be demonstrated.
84 The first controlled fusion reactions had been seen and their nature was now being clarified.
85 That is what happened when the news of cold fusion erupted.
86 Jupiter is about fifty times too small to maintain the nuclear fires of fusion in its core.
87 This book provides an excellent introduction to the science and politics of fusion.
88 Polarisation may also vary the way in which fusion takes place.
89 The cell cycle at conception and in young embryos A new life begins with the fusion of sperm and egg.
90 Polarised hydrogen, on the other hand. which may be easier to make than polarised xenon, could help fusion research.
91 Adhering to these chains guaranteed by paternal law that by saying no to fusion ensures their stability, thus guarantees stable identity.
92 Nuclear Fusion Nuclear fusion - the process which powers the sun - is the Holy Grail of energy production.
93 Increasingly, the distinction is being blurred and fusion will eventually arrive in some form.
94 The promise of test-tube fusion could open up new avenues for them.
95 This covers both his penchant for fusion, and his dippy mystic positivism and cosmology of love.
96 And the genuine fusion of Marxism with the working-class movement was reflected in the changing social composition of the party.
97 This fusion is cemented by the dominant role of monopoly capital in financing and influencing non-communist political parties and the mass media.
98 Work on controlled thermonuclear fusion proceeded secretly in both nations and in Britain.
98 try its best to gather and make good sentences.
99 Edward Teller, in particular, believed the fusion bomb to be theoretically possible.
100 Eventually the internal pressure and temperature rise sufficiently for thermonuclear fusion to begin.
101 The first is the need to demonstrate operation well above the break-even point in a fusion reactor.
102 This was done because in theory fusion neutrons could be an alternative to fission reactors for making fissile elements for weapons.
103 Production and maintenance of Rat-1 fibroblasts stably expressing the c-Myc-ER fusion protein and the defective c-Myc mutant protein 106-143c-Myc-ER have been described.
104 But mastery of helium-3 / deuterium fusion may permit other entirely new applications.
105 The preverbal identifications of the Imaginary involve identifications based on symbiotic fusion with the primary caretaker.
106 Fusion of light isotopes is the energy source that powers the Sun and the stars.
107 However I was wrong: the quest for fusion is perhaps an example of these problems.
108 They are, in short, a fusion of ideology and aesthetics in a constantly evolving revolutionary synthesis.
109 Cold fusion would be a cheap and virtually inexhaustible energy source.
110 Long billed as a potentially boundless source of relatively clean energy, fusion research costs hundreds of millions of dollars a year.
111 Nuclear fusion reactions between deuterium ions produced between 10 5 and 10 6 neutrons per pulse.
112 In both manias fusion with the psychic representative of the parental figure - the superego - occurs with comparable consequences.
113 These fusion proteins could be used similarly to screen expression libraries.
114 Harwell's director, Sir John Cockcroft, was an enthusiastic supporter of fusion research.
115 However, the controlled fusion reaction has not yet been achieved experimentally.
116 The spark was supposed to ignite the fusion reaction or miniature thermonuclear explosion.
117 The reciprocal combinations used provide an internal functional control for expression of the fusion proteins.
118 Often hailed as a jazz fusion pioneer himself, Pat Metheny is nevertheless no stranger in the Grab-a-Grammy stakes.
119 Once iron is formed the limit of fusion is reached - no further energy can be liberated from it.
120 They then began to take measurements to see if any heat was being generated, suggestive of fusion occurring.
121 But that is just what happened to fusion research in the United States toward the end of the 1950's.
122 An original fusion of music, film, movement, text and design accessible to a wide audience.
123 In fusion reactions, light atoms are brought together sufficiently energetically to overcome their natural repulsion.
124 Such was the case with the idea that hydrogen fusion might occur at moderate temperatures within solid materials.
125 Governor Norman Bangerter immediately convened an emergency session of the State Legislature to appropriate five million dollars for fusion research.
126 They include a laboratory for handling tritium, the heavy radioactive isotope of hydrogen which is a fuel for fusion reactors.
127 In a sense, the modern era of fusion research dates from that measurement in 1969.
128 Cockroft dearly believed that the source of the neutrons was thermonuclear fusion.
128 try its best to collect and create good sentences.
129 They will also have developed a new technique for controlling reactions within a fusion reactor.
130 But then, so would be nuclear fusion in the state I was in.
131 The linguistic phenomena we see in the texts reflect not classical fusion of law but post-classical confusion of language.
132 The creature probably created by the fusion of a human nucleus and a bovine ovum was owed something.
133 So you can effect cell fusion without activating the oocytes if you do this in a calcium-free medium.
134 Are you sure you could stabilize the fusion reaction?
135 You're sure you can stabilize the fusion reaction?
136 Group B: anterior spinal fusion with TSRH instrumentation.
137 the fusion of copper and zinc to produce brass.
138 The technique of vacuum fusion sintering is introduced emphatically.
139 Fusion has not, so far, been tamed.
140 A nearly limitless primary energy source is the fusion of deuterium or heavy hydrogen (one proton and one neutron), which is found in the water of the earth.
141 The refractive state, aniseikonia, fusion, binocular image, near and distant stereoscopic vision in 120 cases (240 eyes) were observed.
142 However, overlying epithelial cell foot processes are effaced ( giving the appearance of fusion ) and run together.
143 In BCR - fusion gene negative myeloproliferative diseases, the discovery of JAK 2 V 617 F point mutation is an important landmark.
144 While hundreds of individuals contributed to the new Fusion Hybrid, Portalatin is the point man for Ford's hybrid vehicles.
145 A fusion factor exists separate from the virus'ability to hemolyze.
146 The cross sections for these fusion reactions are appreciable only for incident energies above 10 KeV.
147 There is no way to harness the energy of fusion.
148 Due to its high melting point and low sputtering rate, the tungsten is considered as a highly promising candidate of plasma facing material (PFM) in nuclear fusion systems.
149 To assess the bone healing biology of the tissue engineering bone as a kind of bone graft substitute and its fusion results in a rabbit model of posterolateral lumbar intertransverse process fusion.
150 The first characteristic follows the tradition of practical rationalism, an all-embracing but selective fusion of cultures.
151 Operative methods include cervical disk excision, cervical inter-body fusion and bone grafting and inner fixation, instable factor elimination. But eligible condition is relatively short.
152 After this aggregation, paramyxoviruses effect fusion of the agglutinated cells.
153 Objective To study the clinical outcomes of posterior lumbar interbody fusion(PLIF) with and without posterolateral lumbar fusion(PLF) in treatment of degenerative lumbar disease.
154 Objective To study the antitumor effect of PSP 94 - TNF α D 11 a fusion gene.
155 When high-resolution optical multispectral image is used for SAR image fusion, its spatial component should be extracted first.
156 A quantitative analysis for dynamic stability of a set of superconducting partial torus in a fusion reactor under a pulse current over a stationary current is given.
157 Presumably poliovirus was incorporated into the resistant cells during the fusion process.
158 NGB is a fusion of television and the Internet's new business model.
159 Based on the blackboard model well known in AI,[http:///fusion.html] a kind of information fusion process node implementation method is proposed.
160 Derating requirements of heat fusion fittings and quality evaluation were explicated.
161 Objectie. Early dysphagia after anterior cervical discectomy and fusion is an underestimated side effect.
162 Towards the distributed multiple sensor detection information fusion, detection performance under N P criterion is studied, while the algorithm for local detection is based on likelihood criterion.
163 Objective. To determine the risk factors of sagittal decompensation after long instrumentation and fusion to L5 or S1.
164 Granularity effects are eliminated and matrix effects are decreased by high temperature fusion technique.
165 The trained network can predict fusion penetration in a definite range through GUI(), which has good verifying precision.
166 This paper summarized the research present situation of nuclear chemistry, mainly expounded the nuclear chemical reaction principle, including nuclear decay, nuclear fission and nuclear fusion.
167 A novel method based on multi-frame image information fusion is presented by extending the dynamic range of the microscopic image in order to improve the quality of TB sputum smear microscopic image.
168 The forming mechanism is different in the fusion layer , brazing layerand heat agglomerating layer.
169 Conclusion With pedicle system and between vertebra fusion device therapy lumbar olisthe disease can markedly improve the clinical symptoms, reset satisfaction, fixed firm, less complications.
170 A numerical example was illustrated to show the fusion algorithm's efficiency.
171 Conclusions. VATS is an effective procedure for anterior spinal fusion in idiopathic scoliosis. The learning curve is short, provided appropriate training is obtained.
172 This paper analyses data fusion and data mining technology, and employs data fusion technology into the data pretreatment of network fault management.
173 China and the West art fusion complexity, again by individual makings and different point of view cut-in, the Chinese oil painting scenery new style will certainly to present the multiplex situation.
174 To improve the reliability of small target recognition, a method called multi sensor information fusion identification based on D S theory of evidence combination is proposed.
175 The microstructure characteristics change obviously from the fusion zone of the welded HAZ to the basis material with far away from the fusion zone.
176 Basic principle ofthe controlled nuclear fusion and the Tokamak device used for nuclear fusion reaction are presented in brief.
177 With covariance matching technique and innovation information of filtering, the noise variance is dynamically adjusted and the mean square error of the fusion system always keeps minimum.
178 However, fusion reactions on the sun are uncontrollable, just like H-bomb explosion seen on the earth. Huge amount of energy will be produced in a minute, which may be destructive.
179 The article though analyse and compare, proves the possibility of appling the data fusion method of BP neural network to processing multisystem's data of solid rocket motor.
180 Each sensor node makes a local decision according to the characteristics of sonar receiver and sends it to the fusion center node.
181 Conclusion The results indicate that MR of human sperm plays an important role in sperm - oocyte fusion.
182 In the fusion zone, the columnar grains range in the direction of heat dissipation on one side of the joint and fine equiaxed grains on the other side.
183 Etanercept is a recombinant soluble TNF-alpha receptor fusion protein that binds to TNF-alpha.
184 Besides we propose a new HVS based image fusion which is suitable for little correlation among the multi-spectral images. The HVS based method can extrude target spectral character.
185 The corrosion resistances of fusion zone and weld decay zone have all decreased after GTAW and LBW process.
186 Having a stunning visual impact as the eyeballs and ears in Clon poster series, or the interpenetrating visuals like "Fusion" and "Solidarity" posters, revitalizing the gracefulness of human emotions.
187 Some sources say it can be used to make a devastating, pure nuclear fusion bomb. Others say it's an urban myth.
188 The fusion of these two biometrics has an advantage in improving verification performance.
189 His work is a fusion of several different styles of music.
190 The fusion of copper and zinc makes the metal brass.
191 However, if the goal is to design and fabricate a cold fusion reactor in one year,[http:///fusion.html] your job of designing a system for measuring performance will be much more difficult.
192 Lithium - contained materials are often used as tritium breeders in the fusion reactor or fusion - fission reactor.
193 Summary of Background Data. Extension of an existing idiopathic scoliosis fusion to the sacrum for distal degeneration or sagittal imbalance has been associated with a high rate of pseudarthrosis.
194 The undecimated discrete wavelet transform(UDWT)is a translation invariant transform, and performs well in the multispectral image enhancement and two-sensor image fusion problems.
195 Once we figure out something like a portable fusion reactor, you'll see what we can do!
196 Mouse polyclonal antibody against GST - Norpeg fusion protein was prepared with purified GST - Norpeg fusion protein as immunogen.
197 The original-lesion of the ossifications is the swelling and fusion of collagen and its mucoid degeneration.
198 Conclusion: EGF - Ang fusion protein had definitely cytotoxicity to Hep 2 cells which over expressed EGFR in vitro.
199 The nitrogen in the block Si3N4 can be determined accurately by inert gas fusion thermal conductivity method combined with 5-element bath.
200 The optimal rigidity of a posterior instrumentation system for fusion remains undetermined.
201 Spinal fusion surgery numbers have grown about threefold, yet research shows that approach, too, frequently does little good.
202 In this study, we sought to evaluate the efficacy of bone morphogenetic protein (BMP)-2-producing adipose-derived stem cells in inducing a posterolateral spine fusion in an athymic rat model.
203 A wavelet packet frequency-shift algorithm for remote sensing image fusion was introduced to solve the problem of serious frequency aliasing caused by dyadic-down sampling.
204 The use of conventional magnets for commercial fusion reactors is ruled out.
205 In addition, the resultant image after fusion contains more information as compared with any original ones, which in turn facilitates the following analysis of cartridge case marks and impression.
206 Based on spanning tree algorithm that is suitable to data fusion, the principle and features of Minimum Cost Spanning Tree (MCST) is analyzed.
207 The paper introduces related research on judging age by X-ray picture of forensic anthropology from fusion time of stem epiphyseal and the change of humerus marrow cavity respectively.
208 Next generation Fusion inhibitors like T - 20 may soon fight HIV.
209 There was much con fusion and scrambling about in the rooms.
210 Conclusion Periosteum flap of occipital bone pedicled with the blood vessel could be used in the surgical procedure of occipito-cervical fusion.
211 For the uninitiated, Western Swing is a fusion of jazz, rhythm & blues, rock & roll and country music.
212 And a shock will probably appear at the pellet surface under the fusion reactor plasma condition.
213 Nuclear fusion is the energy source that keeps the sun alive.
214 Secretory granules are apparently built up from fusion of smaller vesicles.
215 Scientists working at the reactor will test nuclear fusion technologies.
216 The fusion of the URS and dorsal CM were never observed before the anorectum communicated with exterior at the 7th week.
217 We found 5 such articles which compared fusion in situ to reduction and grade spondylolisthesis.
218 Scientists of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) have succeeded in nuclear fusion reaction[http://], the newspaper Rodong Sinmun reported.
219 In this experiment, Vanadium pentoxide(V2O5) was doped by dopant through the elevated temperature fusion process, the result doped VO2 powder were achieved after reduced V2O5 by ammonia.
220 Integrating the two position methods: global positioning system and dead reckoning, the data fusion method is set up for Vehicle GPS/DR Integrated Navigation System.
221 Based on the character of LIDAR data, a new fusion median filtering algorithm is proposed.
222 Add in the frozen dessert products available, improving fusion layer, increase fragrance absence of melting performance.
223 The fusion belief function assignment is gotten by using D-S rule and fuzzy logic theory, and fault component is found.




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