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单词 Stressful
1, My job's getting more and more stressful.
2, She had a stressful job as a sales representative.
3, A wide range of emotionally stressful events may trigger a relapse.
4, I've had a stressful day at work and it's left me feeling a bit frazzled.
5, A stressful job can actually be a status symbol.
6, It's a very stressful situation for everyone concerned.
7, She finds her new teaching job very stressful.
8, She's very good at coping in stressful situations.
9, Teaching can be a tiring and stressful job.
10, Working in a busy office environment can be stressful.
11, Police work is physically demanding and stressful.
12, Many people thrive on a stressful lifestyle.
13, Her performance under such stressful conditions was estimable.
14, Life at the top is stressful.
15, I find driving in the fast lane rather stressful.
16, I find these meetings rather stressful.
17, It was an emotionally stressful time for him.
18, Parenting can be a stressful business.
19, I think I've got one of the most stressful jobs there is.
20, Some people have to lead stressful lifestyles out of necessity.
21, It's stressful moving house.
22, Moving house is reckoned to be nearly as stressful as divorce.
23, It was a very stressful time for all of us.
24, Moving to a new house is a very stressful experience.
25, The emptiness can be devastating and very stressful.
26, What's the most stressful aspect of your job?
27, Moving house can be extremely stressful.
28, Driving in stressful conditions can lead to muscle fatigue.
29, I don't know how you manage to keep such a cool head in such a hectic,[http:///stressful.html] stressful office!
30, Obsessions and compulsions often develop in people who live stressful lives.
1, My job's getting more and more stressful.
2, She had a stressful job as a sales representative.
3, A wide range of emotionally stressful events may trigger a relapse.
4, I've had a stressful day at work and it's left me feeling a bit frazzled.
5, Teaching can be a tiring and stressful job.
6, It was an emotionally stressful time for him.
31, Having a houseful of relatives can be pretty stressful.
32, It was a very stressful incident.
33, It can be very time-consuming and stressful.
34, It was a stressful time for the whole family.
35, Looking after small children can be very stressful.
36, Ease of movement and energy wisely directed help to untie the physical knots which stressful tension can all too easily create.
37, A number of factors may then precipitate a psychotic episode, including emotionally arousing events and a stressful environment.
38, She took such an avid interest in all that her daughter was doing that it became stressful.
39, Corals and anemones are sensitive creatures and react to any stressful situation by closing down to avoid the cause of their stress.
40, These tasks are meant to be stressful and to show how well the student can use the languages in difficult circumstances.
41, People who feel unloved and depressed often alleviate those stressful feelings by going out and buying things.
42, Social services stormed in Hollywood-style and made the whole incident 20 times more stressful than it had to be.
43, The office of prime minister is a lonely and uniquely stressful one, and most develop their own small circle of confidants.
44, There is no evidence that stress causes addiction as such although a stressful life event may trigger latent addictive disease.
45, Stressful situations can be managed effectively, thus making you a master of life's events rather than a victim.
46, Among the discoveries made in psychoneuroimmunology is that stressful events can make the immune cells far less responsive to infection.
47, Probably creative work was all the real satisfaction he obtained in those stressful years.
48, Unless the stressful tension is released, it will not improve the health, the temper or the situation.
49, Relationships grow stressful when managers and subordinates bump elbows, so to speak within the same frame of reference.
50, Their work can be stressful, as they attempt to schedule work to meet deadlines.
51, Representatives from out-patient teams played a more active part in stressful daily decisions about child care management.
52, Such periods will often be found to correspond with times of particularly stressful social change for the individual.
53, These benefits seem even more relevant in our present climate of hurried and stressful life styles.
54, It appears that the Leonids contain a dense cloud of dust released during recent stressful passages of comet Tempel-Tuttle by the Sun.
55, One's lifestyle in television can be stressful, artificial and erratic, quite apart from being exciting and creatively fulfilling.
56, Women have been conditioned to believe that men's work is harder and more stressful than theirs, which is a con.
57, Evening and weekend study, writing reports and taking exams can all prove quite stressful.
58, Many children find bridging the gap between kindergarten and first grade to be stressful.
59, Secure attachments early on in life provide inner resources to manage stressful and threatening situations in later years.
60, Often they result from particularly stressful circumstances but they may simply be a moment of carelessness.
61, My health finally began to improve when I changed to a less stressful job.
62, Female speaker Students coming to Oxford and Cambridge find it very stressful.
63, Relapse of florid symptoms and possibly their first onset can be precipitated by stressful events.
64, If they can do so before conception, the period of pregnancy will be much less stressful.
65, Behind the daily activities of those engaged in such formal community care lie stressful moral and practical dilemmas.
66, Together with Feeley and Lleland-Clanahan arrived shortly-we watched the events of that stressful day unfold on television.
67, It has been a very stressful period for anybody trying to launch a mine.
68, And for my weaker points I put that um, communication, hot tempered, and I am very stressful.
69, Occupational History Stressful work situations are often a factor in muscle-contraction or vascular headaches.
70, Perhaps worst of all, there are those stressful situations where one is accustomed to turn to tobacco for support.
71, Keeping the whole thing a secret is obviously very stressful for her.
72, Many horses are kept by themselves, which is stressful for them.
73, Family, friends and colleagues at work can provide a buffer against some of the stressful effects of change.
74, Neither does it inform complex and stressful child care decisions.
74, Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
75, Another criticism of the Leeds adjournment system was that it added further stress to socially disadvantaged people already living under stressful conditions.
76, How could a longer ride be less stressful than a shorter one?
77, Stressful cities A survey of business travelers conducted for Homewood Suites Hotels ranked the most stressful cities in which to conduct business.
78, In fact, some people even manage to thrive in potentially stressful situations.
79, At this time the father, however, was in a more stressful situation at work.
80, Her employers told her the work was too stressful for some one in her condition.
81, I deduce a mental breakdown, remedial retirement and a less stressful job among the daffodils.
82, It can be very stressful, especially as we are so short staffed.
83, Courage means to keep working a relationship, to continue seeking solutions to difficult problems, and to stay focused during stressful periods. Denis Waitley 
84, Pond remedies are invariably less stressful to fish, as they do not have to be netted out individually.
85, The situation is made more stressful for workers by being given impossibly high targets as an attempt to increase motivation.
86, For others, issues of separation from parents make the longer day seem even more stressful.
87, Dealing with production workers as well as superiors when working under the pressure of production deadlines or emergency situations can be stressful.
88, This can be less stressful for the dog, because its stomach will probably contain food for a longer period.
89, I wonder if this can tell us anything useful about meeting situations which may cause stressful tension?
90, Several writers have emphasised the very stressful nature of the parachute training at Ringway.
91, Hotel managers must be able to get along with all kinds of people, even in stressful situations.
92, Take it easy, mellow out and generally adopt a less stressful outlook on life.
93, Over and above such dramatic ingredients of change and stress you probably have a long-term commitment which is stressful too.
94, Social scientists have devised a check-list of stressful events, weighted according to how serious they are.
95, Because of the subjective nature of the experience, pain tends to be enhanced by anxiety and stressful situations.
96, Researchers have found that people rely upon their experience to help them understand and cope with new or stressful situations.
97, It turned out that group activities, such as circle time and group play time were especially stressful for Hannah.
98, List the particular circumstances which cause frustration and stressful tension to mount.
99, Although having kids is stressful for marriages, it often deepens the bond between couples.
100, Hearing loss often increases the circumstances which can cause stressful tension.
101, If all goes smoothly, we can get the drug in about two weeks, but life becomes very stressful.
102, Waiting for the results of tests, like waiting for an initial diagnosis, can be stressful and worrying.
103, Identifying stressful situations Your child or teenager may find the following method helpful.
104, It starts with, who do I call[/stressful.html], and becomes very complex and very stressful.
105, This may be a very nice judgment to make in a stressful situation. 2.
106, For many people a confrontation may be too stressful and uncomfortable.
107, It is also quite conceivable that they could be caused inpart by stressful, low status jobs.
108, I don't think I could survive another year as a teacher. It's just too stressful.
109, Away from this earthly noisy and stressful suffocation.
110, My job isn't stressful, and I enjoy the work.
111, Most doctors and nurses live under stressful conditions.
112, It was a stressful time for all of us.
113, Take a short break and leave a stressful situation.
114, It usually just makes situations more stressful.
115, This is very stressful on the shoulder girdle.
116, Added to this is the increasing challenge of staying connected to the body in a high-tech, stressful world that all but erases our animal nature.
117, He told BBC News that this study went into "molecular detail" - showing exactly how stressful experiences in early life could "programme" long-term behaviour.
118, Many students find giving an effective oral presentation difficult and stressful.
119, My husband, Mike, and I had several stressful months of financial difficulties.
120, Under a stressful cross-examination they began to reveal their true selves.
121, Based on the analysis of stressful speech, an interesting fact that the different dimension of MFCC feature has different sensitivity of G force is found.
122, I also hope that students study hard lead connect high arrival, although very stressful.
123, Instead of dealing with the stressful situation directly, these people fall sick.
124, You may feel exhausted under stressful brainwork, onerous physical labor, or panic and dismal moods.
125, Fartlek running is less stressful than other type of workouts because of its free spirited form of running.
126, Speech under G-Force produces when speaker is under different accelerations of gravity, the stressful speech and normal speech have different energy distributions in the frequency domain.
127, Almost immediately following a stressful event, the body attempts to return to its normal balance.
128, Do not understimate how long it to recuperate from a crisis loss, or other stressful event.
129, EXAMPLE : A good manager can show finesse in handling stressful situations.
130, Stressful or demanding relationships may preoccupy your mind and consume your time so that you neglect your own health.
131, Defusing bombs in 120-degree Iraqi heat is stressful enough without adding risk of heatstroke to the mix.
132, Dan Kruger is a researcher at U of M. He says competing for a mate tends to make men take more dangerous risks and pursue more stressful careers, thus increasing their chances of dying younger.
133, Plan a tactful way to leave if a social event gets too stressful.
134, Make your a gastronomic pleasure, not a thing you do rushed, between stressful events.
135, Sometimes an individual may respond to a stressful or negative family environment by making hasty, unreflective career choices in an attempt to escape or survive.
136, Sophia:But this job is much more stressful, and sometimes I feel short of breath.
137, Knowing what to expect and planning ahead can make the waitlist process much more manageable and less stressful.
138, A casual backyard barbecue is going to be much less stressful than a more formal sit-down meal.
139, Personal problems can overwhelm an already stressful young university student.
140, Somehow they found a less stressful setup than reactor meltdown.
141, For many of us, the festive season can be one of the most stressful times of the year.
142, Although working at the mental hospital was nice, it was very stressful.
143, It's very stressful for you to stay up late working every night.
144, urbanite has long suspected – life in the city is more stressful. Researchers have shown that the parts of the brain dealing with stress and emotion are affected by living among the crowds.
145, His job , eavesdropping for the secret service, can be stressful and unpleasant.
146, But having to make on-the-spot decisions, like we did in the test, makes it more stressful.
147, Chew on this: animal-rights group PETA says life in captivity is too stressful for groundhogs, which should thus be excused from Groundhog Day festivities.
148, It is hardly surprising that an experience as stressful as armed combat can disrupt the normal functioning of the brain.
149, My work in the bank became more stressful business structure changed after 1997.
150, The researchers suspect that stressful environments and cognitive impoverishment are to blame, since in animals, stress and environmental deprivation have been shown to affect the prefrontal cortex.
151, I am too long in the tooth to take this stressful job.
152, Each person in this stressful situation must always sustain hope and resist enemy indoctrination.
153, Netbooks, those pint-size laptops that unexpectedly sold like hot cakes last year, are making life stressful for Hewlett-Packard, Dell and Microsoft.
154, A thorough physical examination typically detects no abnormalities but reassures parents that the doctor understands how stressful a colicky infant can be for parents.
155, I bet no viewer spotted our close shave with televisual death, but yes that was stressful.
156, You're more of a homebody than many of the other signs of the zodiac and may find attending large public events stressful.
157, The energy of this aspect pattern is a little like a T-square, since it has stressful, dynamic energy.
158, Ironed my clothes each weeknight before bedtime. – ...since I had more free time in the evenings. It made my mornings less stressful.
159, "When the heart works less, " Meissner and Ronel explained, "there is less need for blood supply, and the vessels will be less dilated than in a stressful situation.
160, He also points out that forward planning can help avoid stressful pitfalls.
161, Sara Gyngell, who co-founded the Surrey Hills Cookery School in Leatherhead, Surrey[], said: "Putting on a number of courses is stressful and I'm not surprised so many people find it hard to cope.
162, Conclusion: Trichotillomania characterized by uncontrollable to pull one's hair under stressful impulse is a rare disease, involving the eyelashes or eyebrows.
163, Most data on social behavior under stressful conditions are from self-reported survey answers or watered-down lab simulations, Torgler says.
164, "If you're confident in yourself and positive about the world and open to new solutions, you'll find it easier to be resilient to stressful situations, " Moselle says.
165, Oftentimes the stressful pace of life in the modern world and the seemingly constant acceleration of change can drive the feeling life of the Pluto-Moon over the brink.
166, A holiday isn't an optional extra. In this stressful, frantic world it's a must.
167, 'There was a free-for-all, grab-all-you-can feel to it, ' Ms. Taylor says. 'But it was also really stressful.'
168, And when you take the reins, you remove the pressure men often feel to perform, which can be hugely stressful for them.
169, Sometimes I feel that actual job is not stressful; the people are.
169, try its best to collect and create good sentences.
170, By using a debt consolidator you take yourself out of the heated and stressful situation.
171, Dr. Summerly: In stressful situations the brain - understandably - finds ways to cope with the trauma being inflicted on the body.
172, Yeah. And nothing is more stressful than going on a trip with that hot-tempered old man.
173, Make photo funnies . Take pictures of your friends and you making funny faces. Keep the photos in your purse and pull them out during stressful times.
174, On the other hand, men tend to compartmentalise, feeling that stressful aspects of life can be parked mentally and separated from sexual activity.
175, I had decided that during the next two weeks I wanted to recover from a stressful work period back in Europe.




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