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单词 eminence
释义  Related topics: Geographyem·i·nence /ˈemɪnəns/ noun  1  [uncountable]FAMOUS the quality of being famous and important 杰出,卓越,显赫of great/such etc eminence a scientist of great eminence 出类拔萃的科学家2. Your/His Eminence RRCa title used when talking to or about a cardinal (=priest of high rank in the Roman Catholic Church) 阁下,大人〔对天主教红衣主教的尊称〕3. [countable] literarySG a hill or area of high ground 山丘;高地Examples from the Corpuseminence• De Mille has a perspective that comes only with age and eminence.• Nevertheless, he occupied a moral eminence.• There are exceptions, of course; anyone can quote the names of a few specialists who have attained local or even national eminence.• Of course, his own eminence contributed to his isolation, but he also chose solitude as his appropriate fate.• How would you take these so-called taxes, your eminence?• We are a young world, your eminence.em·i·nence nounChineseSyllable  and famous Corpus quality being important of the




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