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单词 Metaphysical
1 Their argument was too metaphysical for me to follow.
2 A lot of scientists don't like discussing metaphysical matters.
3 Lepage's visual magic and technical wizardry get metaphysical.
4 Symbols everywhere, and metaphysical messages.
5 Simplicity is desirable, in scientific and in metaphysical explanations.
6 A metaphysical world view raises the question of why you attracted that event.
7 I do not intend now to resurrect the metaphysical theory I said in Chapter 2 that we do not need.
8 If we intend to rely upon questionable metaphysical assumptions, that should at least be explicit, and open to negotiated change.
9 The dying planet has a metaphysical relationship to my own mortality and to that extent my inquiry into landscape is inherently ironic.
10 Scheler's phenomenology was based on a metaphysical hierarchy of values orienting the human being.
11 Locked in a metaphysical conundrum, they both looked at the patch of road where the virtual pole barred the way.
12 As such, it competes with other metaphysical theories like materialism.
13 The Metaphysical Foundations of Modern Science was very tough going.
14 It is hoped that in this way the metaphysical difficulties surrounding this problem will largely melt away.
15 The theological stage he associated with militarism, the metaphysical with juristic thought, and the positive stage with industrialism.
16 His eyes were glued to the hands of Young Jack, awaiting the slightest movement amongst the dark captain's metaphysical digits.
17 Almost anything is possible, where there are no fundamental metaphysical constraints on the sorts of things that might exist.
18 Art is a selective re-creation of reality according to an artists metaphysical value judgments. Ayn Rand 
19 But it does mean that the particular conceptions of science held by its pioneers were often informed by theological and metaphysical beliefs.
20 A further component of paradigms consists of some very general, metaphysical principles that guide work within a paradigm.
21 Darwinist dogma that asserts life began and developed by a sequence of purposeless random accidents remains a metaphysical belief.
22 Consequently, the notion of force becomes a link between the metaphysical and physical realms.
23 The advent of automatic control has come in three stages and has spawned three nearly metaphysical changes in human culture.
24 But this at once raises the question which Kant posed to himself; can, then, any metaphysical argument be justified?
25 In all these respects, materialism functions just like theism, as one competing metaphysical scheme amongst others.
26 Thus neither side is any further forward, and each is adventitiously yoked to the vicissitudes of a complex metaphysical issue.
27 For him, as for Neruda and others, Communism was less a political philosophy than a metaphysical need.
28 Her work explores connections between science and philosophy, physics and the metaphysical.
29 However, the myth of the moral integrity of the Soviet state more than compensated for its metaphysical shortcomings.
30 What flows from his pen in this book is a mixture of autobiography, literary theory, and metaphysical speculation.
31 I rarely find much satisfaction in debating harder abstractions or metaphysical teasers with him.
32 Are those empirical credentials sufficient, however, to sustain the metaphysical implications it is thought that the laws have?
33 That neutrality is often criticized as hypocritical: all manner of metaphysical conclusions-as above-are usually taken as gospel.
34 The second stage is the metaphysical stage.
35 Traditional binary confrontation of "practice-cognition" is metaphysical and self-contradictory.
36 These are typical metaphysical questions: What is mind?
37 Metaphysical inquiry came out of physical fact.
38 Public life has become a metaphysical breeder of fictions.
39 That most exact and convincing of all sciences, mathematics,(http:///metaphysical.html) is sheerly metaphysical.
40 ENIGMA 2 elevated its line of inquiry to metaphysical heights.
41 In this paper(), we intend to sort out these important metaphysical ideas through scholasticism (especially Thomas Aquinas's).
42 Only the positivists consider all metaphysical speculations as nonsense and reject any kind of apriorism.
43 They alone are scientific, while the traditional methods of the sciences of human action are metaphysical, that is, in the terminology of positivism, superstitious and spurious.
44 Feuerbach's Materialism involves abundant dialectics thought, so we think that it is easy to go astray to name metaphysical Materialism .
45 You may explore metaphysical pursuits and check out palmistry, handwriting analysis, and dream interpretation.
46 The concept of justice was likewise stripped of its metaphysical attributes.
47 A ? ? time theme ? ? is always implied in the metaphysical connotation layer of Chekhov's psychological works.
48 Dwight: It's a statement about mans tautological search for metaphysical comfort.
49 "A valediction: Forbidding Mourning", his early poem, is one of the most representative works of English metaphysical poetry.
50 In this way, it has a transcendent harmony and metaphysical nature.
51 So again,I'm going to suppose here on out that the metaphysical view that I've been sketching is right; that physicalism is true.
52 An ideal world of the social and historical values is a virtual existence, which suggests a metaphysical or future orientation.
53 This is merely one of the many instances of metaphysical theories seemingly conformed by facts.
54 This view of freedom was different from the common views like political freedom, metaphysical freedom and regarding freedom as potence .
55 These last remarks indicate some of the methodological implications of this metaphysical problem.
56 As an ethical concept, the metaphysical concept of "fidelity" tries to fetter translation onto the two poles of "faithful" and "unfaithful", thus incurring a number of insolvable problems.
57 It is wrong to approach a problem from a metaphysical point of view.
58 Troubles and other realities took on themselves a metaphysical impalpability.
59 Take the concern that metaphysical one - sided point of view observes and treats both, can cause internecine.
60 One can conflate it to a metaphysical artistic ideal, or a mundane and profane experience.
61 Described as a "modern Greek tragedy" and "an insistently metaphysical mind-bender" Kafka on the Shore is a compelling story that will stretch the limits of your imagination.
62 It's wrong to approach a problem from a metaphysical point of view.
63 In the English Renaissance, Andrew Marvell, a metaphysical poet, in his poem The Garden , created a garden which is sweet, natural and harmonious.
64 It is Wang Yangming's metaphysical summary and improvement of the connotat on on the basis of the conceptional structure of "mind".
65 St Augustione absorbed Plato's metaphysical ideas into Christianity and formed Christian belief system for value pattern.
66 Now the method of the old metaphysic, as Kant correctly states it,(http:///metaphysical.html) consisted in substituting for these statements of experience the corresponding categories or metaphysical terms.
67 The ideographic subjectivity and abstractness results in the emphasis in "metaphysical reality" in novels.
68 The seeds of change - subtle, metaphysical - are rooted deeply.
69 This has become a big game in the metaphysical movement in particular.
70 One of the miscomprehensions concerns nature as natural object, and as comes a result of metaphysical crisis of ecology ethics.
71 From 1917 to1920 Morandi met Chirico, a leading figure of metaphysical school. From then on he probed into the essence of metaphysical painting.
72 Thomas Aquinas' theology-philosophy is based on the discussion, analysis and understanding of such metaphysical concepts as existent, essence, existence and thing-in-itself.
73 This monomania, if I must so term it, consisted in a morbid irritability of those properties of the mind in metaphysical science termed the attentive.
74 By the end of his final period, he denies only metaphysical truth.
75 Because lacks consoling in the real life which should have, then transfers but explores the life and the cosmic inventory metaphysical significance.
76 Ernst Cassirer criticized consistently and deeply the three kinds of universal determinism which included physical one, psychologic one and metaphysical one in the history of western philosophy.
77 The philosophy based on the transcendental existence was departed into three parts: existential philosophy of Greek, modern metaphysical and the existential philosophy of Heidergger.
78 I became skilled in ignoring these cosmic threats and developed a callousness toward all metaphysical preachments.
79 So, we couldn't simply make the intellectuality thinking equal to the metaphysical thinking mode.
80 This poem is the metaphor of Rilke' s spiritual contradiction which is a metaphysical sense and does not involve the content of experience.
81 Synecdoche, New YorkPhilip Seymour Hoffman plays a theatre director in Charlie Kaufman's metaphysical comedy.
82 Math in ancient Greece provided such a key matrix to form a metaphysical tradition in the West, through Pythagoras to Parmenides, Plato, and finally to Aristotle.
83 The modern poets have gone back to the fanciful poems of the metaphysical poets of the seventeenth century for many of their images.
84 The metaphysical thesis of physicalism, according to Jackson, can be defined as follows: any possible world that is a minimal physical duplicate of our world is a duplicate simpliciter of our world.
85 And some metaphysical views you might say just exactly like what the train the car stages are the metaphysically fundamental things.
86 The beauty of metaphysic is flexibility of the knowledge, yet it should be bound by certain metaphysical principles.
87 Because Donne is an initiator of the metaphysical poetry and many followers imitated him.
88 The undecalcified longitudinal proximal tibial metaphysical sections were cut and stained for the bone histomorphometric analysis.
89 He was the greatest metaphysical genius whom the world has seen; and in him, more than in any other ancient thinker, the germs of future knowledge are contained.
90 Being the cosmologist that he is, Hawking avoids the metaphysical and stays resolutely in the physical.
91 That is, given the modal intuitions, it's necessary that all and only water is H2O according to the metaphysical construal of necessity.
92 The philosophical thinking pattern possesses metaphysical, limitless, introspective, abstract and contradictory features.
93 There divides metaphysical and explanation for my creation. As same, the appreciator also divides these two levels according the different culture background and aesthetic abilities.




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