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单词 Prop
1, Truth will stand without a prop
2, We had to prop up the roof with a wooden post.
3, A worker put a prop against the wall of the tunnel to keep it from falling.
4, Prop the gate open with something.
5, She was becoming an emotional prop for him.
6, The government refuses to prop up inefficient industries.
7, He used a box to prop the door open.
8, Can we prop the window open with something?
9, Prop the gate open with a brick.
10, His encouragement was a great prop to her self-confidence.
11, I need some sort of a prop to keep the washing line up.
12, If you have difficulty sitting like this,[http:///prop.html] prop up your back against a wall.
13, They had to prop up the tree with long poles under the branches.
14, After being the emotional prop he needed for so long, she dared not leave him.
15, The government introduced measures to prop up the stock market.
16, The builders are trying to prop up the crumbling walls of the church.
17, He can't always expect his colleagues to prop him up.
18, We will secretly prop it up.
19, And Lewis was such a tremendous stage prop.
20, Whitehurst bristles at the charge, daring Prop.
21, Even the Chamber of Commerce opposes Prop.
22, Some use other devices to prop the branches.
23, Sources said the report estimates that the Prop.
24, I prop myself on my elbows.
25, To support Prop 201 is challenging public trust.
26, In addition to a rebuilt freeway,() the Prop.
27, The paramount duty of Congress is to stop deficiencies by the restoration of that protective legislation which has always been the firmst prop of the Treasury. 
28, Life is a kind of pressure. We should learn to prop up ourselves.
29, How long is the government likely to survive without the US military force there to prop it up?
30, This window keeps on closing - I'll have to prop it open with something.
1, We had to prop up the roof with a wooden post.
2, A worker put a prop against the wall of the tunnel to keep it from falling.
31, Opponents argued that Prop. 140 was passed in an off-year election by a bare majority-52 percent-of the voters.
32, Prop 103 removes civil service protections from appointed department heads.
33, He is that rare bird, the night-owl who likes talking without the prop of a strong drink in his hands.
34, Prop yourself up on your elbows and place a beach ball between your knees.
35, Voters with a penchant for hair splitting might have rejected the warnings as the unfounded contentions of the Prop. 140 opponents.
36, Last week, more than 50 people were arrested at the law school during a protest of Prop. 209.
37, Prop 104 allows the mayor a vote in filling a vacancy on the Council.
38, It was filled with political consultants moaning about the passage of Prop.
39, Durable Free State prop Piet Bester has proved a technically formidable opponent.
40, Prop up with a cocktail stick from behind if necessary.
41, The former All Black prop is under intense pressure to produce a win.
42, In fact, they could prop up the Conservative Government for a fifth term,[http:///prop.html] if the need arises!
43, A three-bladed test prop is fitted to each engine for its assessment runs.
44, Everyone took-off at one minute intervals to allow for the prop wash to subside from the plane in front of you.
45, Andrea Lo Cicero was another who gave his all, a prop who could run and tackle and still do the basics.
46, No sooner had voters approved Prop. 209 than civil rights lawyers filed appeals challenging its constitutionality.
47, She was among seven passengers aboard the twin-engine turbo prop plane.
48, Mo doesn't go to make-up, the Elstree Prop Department just rubs her down with sandpaper.
49, Perhaps both leaders have unintentionally advanced the best reasons for passage of Prop. 198.
50, Centre John Devereux converted, with giant prop Mark Jones then brushing aside two tackles to crash over for the second try.
51, They showed no qualms in spending £3 billion in a futile attempt to prop up the Pound.
52, Zimmerman and Associates was paid about $ 100, 000 in 1995 to direct the failed campaign to defeat Prop 200.
53, The losers were disrupted by a head injury to prop Seamus Foley, who was forced off in the first half.
54, Prop. 197 backers hope the public safety issue will help win passage of the measure.
55, The question will appear on the ballot as Prop 107.
56, At an anti-Microsoft event,() Andy Martin once flushed a copy of Windows 95 down a prop toilet.
57, So Berman got a special prop: a bright-yellow, fully restored 1956 Ford F-100.
58, It also was the best thing at hand to prop open the heavy outer door of his building.
59, Attempts by the UK government to prop up the pound on the exchange markets degenerated into chaos.
60, We're full of doubts and we try to prop each other up.
61, Prop 105 would require a charter review advisory committee to be established every 10 years.
62, It is a raw side but very promising, commented his brother, prop Massimo Cuttitta.
63, Hartlepool finished fourth when prop Neil Winn scored their third try to earn an 18-16 win at home to Sandal.
64, Kenski points to Prop 105, a referendum which exempted vacant land owned by cemeteries from taxation.
65, Post of Boalt Hall said he believed a consensus existed that the court would not overturn Prop. 209.
66, The setting up of an Assets Management Corporation to consolidate bad debts transferred from commercial banks would only prop up the rich.
67, Webster's try midway through the first half was well-taken coming on the end of an astounding burst by prop Huw Williams-Jones.
68, The lower props are horizontal; the topmost prop is curved to follow the line of the girder.
69, Wrapped up like onions we shuffle out over the frozen ground; prop up the line where our sheets are flagging.
70, Legislation removing the special protections but prohibiting hunting was introduced in the Legislature recently as an alternative to Prop. 197.
71, The knife - the crucial prop here - is visually represented by a fist clenched as though round the knife handle.
72, Brown became a born-again tax cutter, embraced Prop. 13, and pushed for a companion state tax cut.
72, try its best to collect and build good sentences.
73, Prop Mike O'Neill overran a ball over his own line for Tia Ropati to score on 55 minutes.
74, Voters made it a permanent ban in 1990 with the passage of Prop. 117, the so-called mountain lion initiative.
75, Salford prop David Young has been appointed to lead the side in the absence of Davies.
76, In the interest of safety, the hydraulic system and the prop were overhauled completely.
77, Just before his departure, Ellis had set up the position for prop Harmon's try.
78, The fight over Prop 102 was another example of the smaller checkbook carrying the day.
79, Kopp, the author of the 1991 legislation governing the Central Freeway, contends passage of Prop.
80, Shuler Hensley would sit on the floor, behind some makeshift prop, like a marooned giant.
81, In the final minute Gala prop Timmy Walker scored a consolation try which Maitland converted.
82, Fetch some universal brake-fluid and a five-eighths screwdriver from your toolkit then prop the bonnet open.
83, Perhaps you could have two pieces of broken gramophone record with you as a prop to start the extract.
84, Prop. 140 is headed for the U. S. Supreme Court.
85, Andy Nichols, who led the campaign for Prop 204, says the state is working out details on implementation.
86, Index of model letters useful as a prop and exercises based on them also encourage creativity in letter writing.
87, Under Prop. 65, citizen groups must file a 60-day notice claiming jurisdiction to sue alleged violators.
88, I write a note for Joe and prop it against the scotch bottles on the bar.
89, Earlier, he opposed Prop. 209, which would ban racial and gender preferences in state programs.
90, Prop his head up with a pillow so he doesn't choke on his own blood.
91, He stopped freezing his wrist long enough to prop a clean blade against the razor case.
92, Second, the state will continue to prop up inefficient state enterprises.
93, The soldier tried to prop himself up again using his crutches.
94, I managed to heave Charlie into the main bar and prop him up against a wall.
95, Low interest rates are the stock market's most important prop.
96, Drink was an increasingly important and self-deceiving prop in his life.
97, A few months before the 1994 election, a bare majority of Latino voters polled said they supported Prop. 187.
98, Mr Lamont's squandering of £1 billion in his vain bid to prop up the pound has not helped.
99, They are trying to prop up the tumbling stockmarket by cutting the supply of new issues.
100, Supervisors sound off Yee plans to introduce just such a resolution at the Board of Supervisors, which would endorse Prop.
101, Proponents say Prop. 103 can help guarantee that, along with legislative measures now being considered by California lawmakers.
102, They prop up prices for growers by controlling production rather than through federal subsidies.
103, Do not prop your feet up.
104, Use this box to prop the door open.
105, Money would prop up your head?
106, And who gets to pocket the iconic prop chops?
107, He is the only prop of mine.
108, Prop. :White crystal, easy deliquescence[ ], soluble in water.
109, Prop the door open with a brick.
110, Prop. :Yellow to rust-colored crystalline powder.
111, We should prop up the fence.
112, The exploitation and further development of huai-pig vertical integrated project that may be the supporting industry needs the support and prop up from the government.
113, The inquiry learning system and its prop up the conditions are structured.
114, A prop er balance should be kept between the right to privacy and social ne eds.
115, Regional Turbo - Prop and Regional Jet sales, Operating Leases and Wet Leases.
116, The plan that prop up had ended the first batch.
117, The headfirst forward roll requires press down with feet, jump, prop up with and roll consistently.
118, A computer simulation has been made for the elastic prop model tension system of the bandsaw machine on idling condition.
119, But the company's Cypher stent, used to prop open heart arteries that have been cleared of plaque, continued to suffer big sales declines in the United States and overseas.
120, Mr. Helton was the hope and the prop of the family.
121, Which does prop in bazaar of grazing land thing language wind need to play escalating?
122, Uses in tunnel column, the coal mine ore hydraulic prop, the details invites the telephone communication.
123, Do red hobnail and hobnail of prop drawing form have without distinction?
124, Let's correct these mergers by using alow angle , and we'll use only one prop for simplicity.
125, That, in turn, should prop up construction spending andboost consumer spending.
126, Dwight wears a cape, but sometimes seems just one slam-dunk prop from Terence Stansbury.
127, Tom Rosales, the leader of No On Prop 19, which opposes legalisation, called the formation of the Just Say Now group "tasteless".
128, A new government attempt to prop up that market, either with easy credit or forestalling foreclosures for months, will only re-create the same inflating conditions.
129, Point Purchase Aadvertising is a very good prop for drumbeating products and showing the figure of brand.
130, Yet like some beast that has not yet realised it's received a mortal blow, commercial media will seemingly go to any length – even selling their journalistic integrity – to prop up this failed model.
131, When asked to pose with fools standing on chairs or next to ladders, he politely passed, having more to offer than to be treated as a prop or a sight gag.
132, The prop fixes position, ensures that paper feed is accurate.
133, The Rainforest Action Network thinks the American Petroleum Institute and its oil lobby allies are behind a slew of fake Twitter accounts designed to prop up public opinion about the pipeline.
134, "It was many years ago. " Ben Fortson told Dale Carnegie smilingly, " I cut down a large bunch of woods to prop up the beans in the yard.
135, No cigarette should be used as a prop to depict an undesirable character.
136, First and foremost, don't give into the urge to prop your head up with a hand.
137, Each hall has it dressing rooms, rest rooms, practicing rooms, waiting space for performers, quick-change rooms, costume tidying and ironing rooms, prop rooms, and lounges .
138, Recently, mining industry city is facing the contradictory of single prop industries and shortage of competing power.
139, At last use ADAMS soft to actualize dynamics emulation analysis of single hydraulic prop.
140, Prop. :White triangle crystal, easy deliquescence, with taste of acetic acid, soluble in water and ethanol, insoluble in acetone.
141, I use two corrective cushions at night, for my left hip and the left shoulder girdle. Even when watching TV, I sit upright and prop my lower arm on the arm of the chair.
142, Besides RN-1, aromatic saturation catalysts, wax hydrorefining catalyst, dearsenic agent[], and prop and guard catalysts have also been applied commercially with good benefit.
143, Before operating an instrument, make sure line cord is connected to a prop - erly grounded power receptacle.
144, At the root of that corruption is Pakistan's system of semi-feudal land ownership, which, ironically, the Chinese Communist Party is more than happy to prop up.
145, At a time wage growth is almost stagnant -- average hourly earnings in November were up 1.6 percent year on year -- prosperous Americans alone can not prop up the economy.
146, Characteristics: Aluminum metal alloy type material, the light of the light' s is strong. Being suitable for person, setting, prop, illuminate.
147, He also blasted the defense's star witness and says Prop. 8 "fails to advance any rational basis in singling out gay men and lesbians for denial of a marriage license."
148, To support on or as if on crutches; prop up.
149, During the culture revolution, the character image of hero in text was developed into the political stage prop of "Gaodaquan" by the ultra-leftist art of "three prominences".
150, A simple editing trick stopped the camera so that a prop man could replaced an unlit saber (which is just a handle) with a lit saber (one with a blade attached).
151, From the support forms, the simply supported-continuous bridges have mostly two main structural forms: single prop and dual prop.
152, On the basis of the theory of probability, this paper analyzes stability for the hydraulic prop.
153, Privately owned capital and its dilate become what economy grows to prop up.
154, Spend not intentional tightly prop tight north of wild strong hand, some surprisedly seeing at him full is a ruthlessly oppressive face:"Emperor can't tell me, you fix to work to annihilate a person?"
155, Fuqiang Coal Mine adopts mining full height actual process by adding the length of single prop once has made obvious economic and social benefit.
156, It may merely be a case of removing rough edges or tossing away molding to expose irregularities, in some cases to remove a prop and stand on one's own feet.
157, Following metal prop bamboo pole this sign stereoscopic effect obviously.
158, But, market of Chinese network environment, advertisement still cannot prop up the be born of this one mode at that time.
159, I am a loiterer, but to elder brother dissimilarity , so big Hong door, also want you to prop up!
160, The player has game with these spot check, buy game in the center fictitious prop, undertake 2 times trading waiting, game company is hard censorial with pilot.
161, Act like a spoiled child prop recommends: Block almanac desk, return childhood to keep diarial time.
162, The db2pesrv.prop file is in the default Performance Expert installation default directory in the bin subdirectory.
163, The government does not intend to prop up declining industries.
164, Is proper to attend to long meantime wanting into a compartment,[sentencedict .com] Qing suddenly a waiter prop dish to come over here and put a decanter of wine and a lot of cups on the salver.
165, This time, the task is again twofold, only much bigger: first, prop up the European banks, and ensure emergency low-cost loans for Spain and Italy; second, another round of reflation.
166, Punctuation, then, is a civic prop , a pillar that holds society upright.
167, He was for several years the main prop and animator of Roosevelt himself.
168, They succeeded(), thanks to an unprecedented fiscal and monetary gusher and a raft of measures to prop up teetering financial giants.
169, Archimedes said: Give me a pivot, I will prop up the earth.
170, Two kinds of comprehensive reparation method of DZ single prop cylinder are introduced, which has made good economic benefit in practical production.
171, Thus, opening political field of vision, enhancing consciousness of general situation, and improving ability of guidance for public opinion is the ur- gent matter of the news prop.
172, Fear can prop you jailbird, hope can set you free. A strong man can save himself, a magnificent man can retention variant.
173, Some palms , mangroves and other tropical trees form woody prop roots , often called stilt roots.
174, Sex is used by histrionics to prop up their self-esteem and to regulate their labile sense of self-worth.
175, On one side is the European Central Bank, which is spending billions to prop up Europe's weak-kneed bond markets and safeguard the common currency.
176, How does search index prop up as benign as musical group collaboration?
177, Until now, Mr Berlusconi's most useful prop has been the Roman Catholic church, which seemed to have decided that even a libidinous TV mogul was better than a left-wing government.
178, Citigroup shares slid below $1 two weeks ago, despite three U.S. government attempts to prop up the bank since October, and the bank has eliminated its common stock dividend.
179, But I am not writing to flatter parental egotism, to echo cant , or prop up humbug.
180, In addition, proper names recognition give prop to the natural language processing in the field of information extraction, question answering system and so on.
181, Of course, besides prop, desktop game also have higher demand to counterjumper .
182, This index whether prop up have a verdict -- does southeast Asia economy begin to anabiosis?
183, Affection is life prop up, when justice and affection crisscross, how should choose again?
184, When Todd's grandson attempted to sell Todd's Oscar statuette to a movie prop collector, the Academy won the legal battle by getting a permanent injunction.
185, Yet because the European Central Bank is buying sovereign debt to help prop up prices, markets are not giving a clear indication of expected loss levels.
186, Russia, which was forced to suspend stock and bond trading for two days last week, is pledging $130 billion in emergency funds to help prop up local markets.
187, We need to simulate an independent vertical mounted fixed pitch wing prop with reasonable drag dimensions and high lift out puts on throttle up.
188, The prop is fully adjustable and flexible and he lined the inside part with suede leather for comfort.
189, Whereas China is boosting infrastructure spending to prop up demand, India's plans to build roads and power plants with the help of private money may be delayed by the credit squeeze.
190, Her clutch bag is a handy prop and gives her something to hold onto to steady any nerves.
191, The prop shaft vibrated like mad and shook the exhaust mounting loose.
192, Firmware designers are the real prop people in this case.
193, In accordance with the prop tree diagram theory, adding the marking stations, the path-marking model in accurate way changes he annular structure speedway network into the tree structure.
194, Act like a spoiled child prop recommends: Cartoon pier glass, to specular laugh, all trouble run completely.
194, is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
195, The high pitch and short diameter prop would try to pull the airplane very fast.
196, In times of operation of inchoate network game, machinator thinks of prop collects fees very hard still mode.




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