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单词 embargo
释义  em·bar·go1 /ɪmˈbɑːɡəʊ $ -ˈbɑːrɡoʊ/ ●○○ noun (plural embargoes) [countable]  an official order to stop trade with another country 贸易禁令;禁运 SYN boycott, sanctionsembargo on/against an embargo on wheat exports 小麦出口禁令 an embargo against the country 对该国的贸易禁令impose/lift an embargo (=start or end one) 实行/取消贸易禁令 Many allies are pushing to lift the embargo. 许多盟国在努力推进取消贸易禁令。trade/arms/oil etc embargo 贸易/武器/石油等禁运n COLLOCATIONSverbsplace/impose an embargo on something (=start an embargo)The UN imposed an embargo on trade with the military regime.lift/end an embargo (=stop an embargo)Britain favours lifting the embargo on humanitarian grounds.break an embargo (=trade with a country illegally when there is an embargo)It has been almost impossible to stop countries breaking the embargo.tighten an embargo (=make an embargo stricter and more difficult to break)We are taking further action to tighten the embargo.ADJECTIVES/NOUN + embargoa complete/total embargoThere is a complete embargo on arms sales to governments that violate human rights.a strict embargo (=one that must be obeyed)The new measures include a strict embargo on fuel.a trade embargoThe EU has threatened to impose a trade embargo on the economic embargo (=one that does not allow any trade or financial business with a country)He asked for an immediate end to the economic embargo imposed last arms embargo (=one that stops weapons being sold or sent to a country)Ministers knew that the arms embargo was being international embargo (=one that a group of countries agree to impose together)Under the terms of the international embargo, medical aid can still be flown into the capital.Examples from the Corpusembargo• an embargo on British beef• The government has imposed an arms embargo on countries involved in international terrorism.• It was past midnight and the embargo had gone.• Kenneth Haley, an economist for Chevron, supported lifting the embargo on principle but said both sides have exaggerated the impact.• There was a relaxation of the American trade embargo.• At the same time, international interests would like to ease the sanctions regime, particularly the trade embargo.impose/lift an embargo• This was a great mistake, because in 1973 the Arabs did impose an embargo and made it stick.Related topics: Economics, Tradeembargo2 verb [transitive]  1  PEBBTto officially stop particular goods being traded with another country 禁止〔与另一国家〕贸易;下令禁运 SYN boycott Several countries embargoed arms shipments to Yugoslavia. 好几个国家对南斯拉夫实行武器禁运。2. to stop information from being made public until a particular date or until permission is given 〔在某日期前或取得批准前〕禁止发表〔资料〕 SYN censor→ See Verb tableFrom Longman Business Dictionaryembargoem‧bar‧go1 /ɪmˈbɑːgəʊ-ˈbɑːrgoʊ/ noun (plural embargoes) [countable]1ECONOMICS an official order stopping trade with a country. Governments and organizations put embargoes on countries with which they have a political disagreementUnion officials put an embargo on the importation of yarn by ordering dockers not to handle it.The UN was urged to lift the embargo (=end it).An oil embargo would also hurt Italy and Germany, the main importers of Libya’s high quality crude.2an official order stopping information from being made public until a particular date or timeWe need to know when the embargo on the press release will be lifted.3when there is a possibility of war, a government order stopping ships from an enemy country from entering or leaving its portsembargoembargo2 verb [transitive]ECONOMICS to officially stop particular goods being traded with another countryMany countries embargoed arms shipments to Sudan.→ See Verb tableOrigin embargo1 (1500-1600) Spanish embargar “to stop, prevent, seize”em·bar·go1 noun →n COLLOCATIONS1embargo2 verbLDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable   Business an order country with trade official Corpus another to stop




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