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单词 Parser
1) The parser works its way along the text string word by word.
2) A parser is an extension of a recogniser which assigns grammatical structure to the input.
3) It is necessary to give the parser instructions on how to search for the correct parse.
4) Since this type of parser is well documented, I will simply outline its main features.
5) In fact an efficient parser must be guided by pragmatic as well as syntactic constraints.
6) This led the parser to explore the more likely solutions first. Another option is to use a breadth-first approach.
7) A parser is a program which takes as input a sentence and a grammar,(http:///parser.html) and which constructs such a parse tree.
8) Hence the parser has only to decide on the syntactic structure that can be made from combining these different parts of speech.
9) The parser works in bottom-up, breadth-first manner and uses a chart for efficiency.
10) Use a parser generator framework (for example, ANTLR).
11) It causes the parser to parse an NP.
12) SAX is a serial access parser API for XML.
13) When successful, the parser calls a client-supplied semantic action.
14) An XML parser can process any byte stream.
15) Woden is a Java?-based WSDL 2.0 validating parser.
16) The parser loads the document into your computer's memory.
17) The SAX parser runs on a callback model.
18) When working with a parser generator like Coco , it's important to understand the basic concepts.
19) The parser in this made-up example does not care about the exact contents of the declaration, because it's tangential to the sentence.
20) Parser errors are returned in the Compilation Unit class instance.
21) 'Information on the KDevelop parser generator, useful for language plugins.
22) Compiler parser in principle, have to with documentation of the code analysis.
23) This chapter reviews the considerations that must be taken into account when selecting a parser for a specific task.
24) Entities are expanded when a document is parsed by an XML parser.
25) Whenever possible, try to develop separate tests for your lexer and your parser.
26) This assumes that the underlying transcoder that is integrated with the parser supports the encoding you've specified.
27) With format TEXT on the other hand, a plain-text parser is used to parse and index the document.
28) The modules that designed and implemented by author include task import module, log file parser module, log file analysis module and report module.
29) This dissertation discusses the theory and realization of the Probabilistic Context Free Grammar-based syntactic parser.
30) The method to design and develop the keyboard command parser is proposed in this paper. The class structure and algorithm for it are also given.
31) A compiler, of course, needs a way to parse the input language, and so the XRuby team created their own Ruby parser using the popular ANTLR parser generator.
32) Now that we have created a parser, how do we use it?
33) It has similar events (start element, end element) but you have to pull from them (
34) Gets the maximum number of direct file dependencies that the page parser permits for a single page.
35) Rather than define a generic data model based on the XML syntax(), the parser relies on the application programmer to build a tailor-made data model.
36) Use of C language compiled recursive descent parser, and simple language parsing.
37) Packrat parsing solves the problem of this kind of parser, i.e. exponential parse time.
38) That's because an XML parser has no idea whether that textual data -- that annoying whitespace -- is meant to be important.
39) While XML::LibXML has a SAX interface, it remains a DOM parser, so it reads an entire document into memory and then offers an event-oriented interface to it.
40) In the format list, two parsers can be selected: PDF and FileNet Select the PDF parser for PDF conversion.
41) A client application may decide at any time to discontinue the parsing process, and no tricks are required to stop the parser.
42) This does mean that the lexer and the parser both have to know that an empty line separates a header from a body.
43) If the XML parser sees a null character in its input, it throws an exception and stops processing.
44) The design of recursive descent parser rewrite first EBNF grammar forms, according to the basic idea recursive descent analysis programming.
45) Download Apache Woden for a Java-based WSDL 2.0 validating parser.
46) Fundamentally, performing a match requires a small parser — craft a state machine, read input, process tokens, monitor state, and yield a result.
47) The new filter API lets you examine and modify a document's structure during parsing by asking a parser to accept, skip, or remove a node and its children from the resulting tree.
48) The code reader creates a character buffer from the source file, the scanner combines characters into ITokens, and the parser combines ITokens into IASTNodes.
49) The WorkingCopy starts the parser creation by constructing a CModelBuilder object to manage the parsing process.
50) The parser is the software that takes those meaningful words and builds a parse tree out of them by recognizing their type and purpose.
51) Mayyun provide mte PHP and JS file parser for the build their own analytical platform webmaster.
52) If the XML parser reads this sequence, it's the end of your CDATA section and you might end up getting a parser error when it hits the real section end.
53) StAX offers a pull parser that gives client applications full control over the parsing process.
54) A parser is invoked when the bit stream that represents an input message is converted to the internal form that can be handled by the broker.
55) To construct the embedded electronic system test language, we apply the ANTLR′s LL(k) grammar to build lexical analyzer, grammar parser and Abstract Tree Parser.
56) The parser will generate bytecode for each chunk that it interprets.
57) Programming a visitor is a lot like programming a SAX, expat, REXML, or other event-oriented XML parser.
58) Changing the parser -- say, to Oracle's parser -- requires that you change a classpath setting, moving from one parser implementation to another, but it does not require code recompilation.
59) The output from Listing 3 will be identical to that of the target parser method in Listing 2 but ought to be much faster because lxml can optimize the event handling internally.
60) Ruby's parser uses another parser generator called YACC, and JRuby chose to reuse this grammar and use a Java port of Yacc to generate it's parser.
61) The parser extracts information from the text description of documents, and translates the flat text format description document into virtual stadiums and displays it in the browser.
62) All text in an XML document will be parsed by the parser.
63) The XML_Parser package: Download an XML parser based on PHP's built-in xml extension and supports two basic modes of operation: func and event.
64) The disadvantage is lack of flexibility -- you must write a new parser program for each new format, and if a format changes, you must change, recompile, relink, and redeploy the parser program.
65) Since a lexical analyzer is actually nothing more than a parser optimized to process data into token streams, Spirit treats both parts of the process virtually identically.
66) Descriptive approach -- You write a single general-purpose model-driven parser program to parse all formats, with each message format represented by its own model.
67) The AAP delegates the process to the parser class configured in the /IBM/DWLCommonServices/Security/SAML/security_data_parser MDM configuration table parameter.
68) The script engine has some components, include symbol table, lexical analyzer, parser, semantic checker, intermediate code generator, optimizer, code generator, virtual machine.
69) This paper introduces syntactic parser which is used in NLP to do research on RNA secondary structure prediction.
70) If there is not an exact match for the service input name in the Classic Registry, use the Name Parser component to parse the input service name and construct a list of constituent words.
71) In the latter case, you must import the domain specification (namespace declaration and XSD import declaration with the schema location) so that the XSD parser can resolve the referred elements.
72) XML is the opposite -- it contains embedded structural information that enables an XML parser to parse any XML document without using a model.
73) The compiler of EP consists internally of lexical scanner module, parser module, semantic analyzer, target code generator module, symbol table management module and error handle module.
74) The utility package contains the XML parser and transaction builder classes used to construct a transaction manager based on the SOA Transaction Definition file (Figure 2).
75) When it loads your page, the Dojo JavaScript parser will go back to the server and pull down the Dojo components that it needs, thus increasing the round trip time between the server and the client.
76) Programmatic approach -- A specific parser program is written to parse each message format.
77) An XML parser converts an encoded form of an XML document (the encoding being specified in the XML declaration) to an abstract model representing the information in the XML document.
78) The preparation of a recursive descent parser, lexical analysis program to realize the word provided by the syntax check sequence and structure analysis.
79) Some simple programs can get by on almost no additional code; others use a parser as a tiny portion of a much larger and more complicated program.
80) The parser must understand both the physical format of the bit stream and its logical structure in order to create the logical message tree.
81) It is efficient since the PHP parser does the dirty work.
82) When it comes to parser generators, Parsing Expression Grammars (PEG) have become quite popular recently after a thesis by Bryan Ford introduced an optimization called "Packrat Parsing".
83) The lexer actually does some of the work of figuring out where in a message it is, but the parser still ties everything together.
84) When a compound statement is entered interactively , it must be followed by a blank line to indicate completion (since the parser cannot guess when you have typed the last line).
85) For example, if you have five different COBOL data structures, you write five format-specific parsers, with the format information hard-wired into the parser program code.
86) The model is a parser based on lexicalized model, it is combined with segmentation and POS tagging model and thus a language parser is built.
87) To find a suitable parsing model, the hardware circuit XML parser is a feasible direction to solve the problem.
88) I chose a generic object to store information when matching an XPath because I do not want to tie the parser to a given application.
89) The Gang advocates abandoning your core language and building an entirely new one atop it, creating your own lexer, parser, grammar, and so on.
90) In other words, this governs the shape and content of the parse tree that's constructed by the parser.
91) The first step is to parse the input service name into constituent words using the Name Parser component.
92) Transition 2 The parser calls characters() for every character data in the document, including indenting.
93) By ensuring that the parser factory always creates validating parsers.
94) Jumpstart your yacc...and lex too! (developerWorks, November 2000) gives some more introductory background on everyone's favorite lexer/parser combo, and also has an example of a wordcount program.
95) Ruby already ships with a parser generator called RACC, a version of YACC (which is used to build ruby_parser,(http:///parser.html) the first Ruby parser written in Ruby).
96) Since a parser delivers data in document order (the same order items appear in the XML document text), the on-demand construction implemented by AXIOM requires some clever handling.
97) The final parser composite is a non - deterministic recursive - descent parser with infinite look - ahead.
98) The query parser of course supports a lot more keywords, so feel free to check them out in the reference documentation.
99) Parse the input service name into constituent words using the Name Parser component.
100) The XAML schema context is also responsible for maintaining the assembly list of loaded assemblies, which defines where a XAML parser looks for backing types.
101) This is a legal XML character stream and the parser does not throw an error, but the data inside the XML column is now corrupted.
102) The overhead of this request can make a system unscalable if the validating parser does not cache the schema definitions.
103) Using the JavaCC parser generator has one major downside: Much or most of your client-side Java code needs to be embedded in the .jj grammar script that encodes your BNF (Backus-Naur Form).
104) This paper introduces how to use the concept of Role Inverse Algorithm in order to build syntactic parser in the various information resources based multi-lingual question answering system.
105) It wraps an internal pull parser interface in an unmarshalling context class that defines a variety of element and attribute access methods.
106) Furthermore the parser provides no contextual information, so it is up to the application to match the events with each other.
107) Define a new command language, called BT language, for module application, realize the command syntax parser as well.
108) CDATA section contains text that will NOT be parsed by a parser.
109) Only the parser needs to understand the physical format of the message -- the logical message tree is independent of the physical format of the message bit stream.
110) The elements which are to be opaquely parsed must be named on the parser options tab of the input node of the message flow.
111) The method involves first disassembling the input service name into its constituent words using a parser component.
112) The Shiraz system uses an electronic bilingual Persian to English dictionary consisting of approximately 50,000 terms, a complete morphological analyzer and a syntactic parser.
113) Note that a (top-level) compound statement must be followed by a blank line in interactive mode; this is needed to help the parser detect the end of the input.
114) All those random file formats created to store application data can all be replaced with XML. One parser for everything.
115) Another parser named space _ p is included in Spirit's repertoire of predefined parsers.
116) Meanwhile, the design method of some advanced functions for keyboard command parser are also discussed.
117) By default, this parser only scans actual source code files, ignoring any included headers. This will greatly speed up parsing, but will result in a lot of misunderstood code.
118) Create a parser that will parse a floating - point number .
119) Theoretically, the parser could report data up to the first error it finds.
120) Many applications do not need the full power of the Lucene Query Parser Syntax, especially the use of wildcards and other more advanced query types.
121) The use of XSL separates the page layout from the program data, so you don't need to write or use an XML parser because XSL does it for you.
122) There are workarounds, like Ryan Davis' ParseTree which uses the parser of Ruby's interpreter (via a native extension) to get at the Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) for Ruby source.
123) Taking the project research of CWPS as background, this paper proposes a design of XML parser based on blackboard structure pattern.
124) An XML parser is implemented on the basis of expat library.
125) Similarly, the lexer has to know about the structure of continuations; the parser only knows that it sometimes gets additional text to add on to a header.
126) At last, we have developed a prototype system based on the framework. The system contains composed of ontology parser, conversion, file control unit and etc.
127) The component of the broker that converts a bit stream into a logical message tree (parsing), and a logical message tree back into a bit stream (serializing or writing), is called a parser.
128) In a tokenized type, the parser will normalize all white space to a single space character and will eliminate leading and trailing white space altogether.
129) The Lua parser uses only one - pass to maximize performance.
130) Thus, P::RD on top of Perl 5 is a powerful parser and lexer combination.
131) An operator precedence parser, the first priority relational table structure, and then write a program operator precedence parsing algorithm.
132) The word Restore tool, top - down parser, and graph - based bottom - up parser.
133) If memory efficiency and performance are significant, a parser that uses protocol buffers might be a better choice.
134) You don't need anything as complicated as an automated parser generator to do most simple, everyday parsing tasks.
135) Because this information is a few nodes down in the tree, dot notation is used to indicate the exact hierarchical position of the required nodes to the query parser.
136) A top - down parser will go into an infinite loop when this happens.
137) The XML parser (package com.icl.saxon.aelfred) reads the source document and notifies events such as the start and end of an element.
138) The schema in the parser step has employee information where each employee has a single address.
139) By default, the selected parser is based on the type of database that the script is connected to.
140) Instead of defining a parser class, an application programmer defines a 'handler' class that is registered with whatever parser is used.
141) A parsing program , or parser, is also called a recognizer.
142) Finally, the semantic action extracts structural information depending on the data passed by the parser and the hierarchical context of the parser it is attached to.
143) The design of VML parser adopts OOD ( C ++ ) and integration method.
144) Every element in your XML document causes the parser to signal a start element event callback to your content handler.
145) With Intelligent URL Catcher and content parser, can save to file , and edit easy.
146) The front end of a compiler is language specific and includes a parser for the given language that results in parsed trees and the intermediate representation (the Register Transfer Language, or RTL).
147) With a pull parser, the code that handles one part of the document can parse only as much as it needs and then hand off the parser to whatever comes next in the document processing.
148) The parser selected in the Validate statement syntax list has no effect on semantic validation.
149) Our syntactic parser is based on Probabilistic Context Free Grammar, for this mode is the better one in the syntactic pattern.
150) The selection in the Validate statement syntax list determines the parser that is used.
151) It is the responsibility of the application to call the parser repetitively in a loop until the end of the document is reached.




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