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单词 emasculate
释义  Related topics: Illness & disabilitye·mas·cu·late /ɪˈmæskjəleɪt/ verb [transitive]  1  MANto make a man feel weaker and less male 使缺少男子气 Some men feel emasculated if they work for a woman. 在女人手下工作,有些男人会觉得没有男子气。2  WEAKto make someone or something weaker or less effective 使衰弱;使效力减弱 The bill has been emasculated by Congress. 国会削弱了这个法案的效力。3. medicalMI to remove all or part of a male’s sex organs 阉割,去势 SYN castrate —emasculation /ɪˌmæskjəˈleɪʃən/ noun [uncountable]→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusemasculate• The Clean Air Act has been emasculated by tobacco industry pressure.• Barry worried that working for a woman would emasculate him in his girlfriend's eyes.• What he did wish was to emasculate his opponents, and then to pretend they were coming together as equals.• The means used to emasculate local government have been varied.• Enhancing that contempt is the effort of feminists to emasculate the political order itself.• Take the orchestra out of the pit, and unless you emasculate their contribution, the problem is compounded.• The gallae may have emasculated themselves or the elders may have done it for them.Origin emasculate (1600-1700) Latin emasculatus, past participle of emasculare, from masculus “male”e·mas·cu·late verbChineseSyllable  feel Corpus less to and a man make weaker




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