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单词 Slovenly
1. Better a bachelor's life than a slovenly wife. 
2. Don't slouch in that slovenly way!
3. Those terrible overalls would make anyone look slovenly.
4. He grew lazy and slovenly in his habits.
5. I'll have to improve my slovenly habits - my mother's coming to stay.
6. Lisa was irritated by the slovenly attitude of her boyfriend Sean.
7. People were scandalized at the slovenly management of the company.
8. Aldo gave a slovenly salute and left.
9. Their landlady was fat and slovenly.
10. She was fat, slovenly, and out of shape.
11. Their table manners perfectly reflect the slovenly appearance.
12. It is ungainly and slovenly to lean or lounge on a counter or desk. 5.
13. The aide was hired to keep the governor's slovenly brother out of the public eye.
14. It was a way to guarantee that slovenly practices and inefficiencies would become even more firmly entrenched.
15. She was attractive in a plump, slovenly way, with a mass of jet-black curls, dark eyes and brown skin.
16. On top of that there was the slovenly, almost token, way they had drawn the first covert.
17. Ridgery Butts was a slovenly, poor village, clay and thatch hovels clustered about its church and windmill.
18. His appearance is even more slovenly than usual.
18. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
19. In these squalid surroundings she becomes slovenly herself.
20. The dinner was served in a slovenly manner.
21. A woman regarded as slovenly or untidy; a slattern.
22. Better a bachelor's winstanttle tobacco a slovenly wife.
23. Better a bachelor's life han a slovenly wife.
24. Such slovenly work habits will never produce good products.
25. The officers were rather slovenly in their methods.
26. He had no dealings with those slovenly easy riders.
27. He was half elegant, half slovenly.
28. Jack's habits are slovenly and like ill weeds grow apace.
29. The elder brother is a clotheshorse while the younger one is slovenly.
30. He's always so down at heel; is he hard up or just slovenly?
31. We can't produce products of high quality with such slovenly working habit.
32. The truth is, many things are worth doing only in the most slovenly, halfhearted fashion possible, and many other things are not worth doing at all.
33. He's a scrawny, greyfaced man, who looks half - starved, and he's always very slovenly in appearance.
34. Reward exceptional performance in public; correct and chew out inferior or slovenly performance in private.
35. Obese people were also significantly more likely to be pictured from the side or rear, unclothed or in slovenly attire, eating unhealthy food and being lazy.




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