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单词 easy-going
释义  ˌeasy-ˈgoing adjective  RELAXEDnot easily upset, annoyed, or worried 脾气随和的,温和的 OPP uptight Her easy-going nature made her popular. 她生性随和,人缘很好。Examples from the Corpuseasy-going• Our parents are pretty easy-going, and they don't mind if we stay out late.• But youngsters raised with nudism have a more easy-going attitude than those brought up the standard way, Michelle believes.• That is because sensitive children, like all challenging children, have a wider range of behavior than more easy-going children.• William did his best to maintain an easy-going, friendly relationship with everyone at camp.• You were always so relaxed and easy-going. It was one of the things I liked about you.• In the first years he had easy-going jailers.• Are you kind, considerate, easy-going, or out-going?• Always an easy-going person, Guy had no difficulty in making friends in any situation.• Usually an easy-going sort, Ashley angrily threw his helmet after both at-bats.• In that we see Herbert's more easy-going temperament.ˌeasy-ˈgoing adjectiveChineseSyllable  or worried not annoyed, upset, easily Corpus




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