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单词 crossing
释义  Related topics: Roads, Watercross·ing /ˈkrɒsɪŋ $ ˈkrɒː-/ ●○○ noun [countable]  1  TTRa place where you can safely cross a road, railway, river etc 〔道路、铁路等的〕人行)横道;〔河流的〕渡口 You must give way to any pedestrians on the crossing. 必须让人行横道上的行人先行。 → level crossing, pedestrian crossing, pelican crossing, zebra crossing2  TTRJOIN something TOGETHERa place where two lines, roads, tracks etc cross 十字路口,交叉路口 Turn left at the first crossing. 在第一个十字路口左转。3  TTWa journey across the sea, a lake, or a river 〔海、湖或河上的〕横渡,横越 The crossing was rough. 横渡的旅程中风浪很大。► see thesaurus at journeyExamples from the Corpuscrossing• There are 167,000 crossings nationwide.• The Atlantic crossing took nearly three months.• Border Patrol officials say the tactic discourages illegal border crossings.• To become foot-sure and fearless in such tightrope bridge crossings, he practiced on easier ones a few inches above the ground.• Protein/reporter combinations were generated by crossing transformants.• The tramway station is now effectively a traffic island, surrounded by a one-way system and linked by pedestrian crossings. 3.• There will be a tree lined pedestrianised square, new public toilets, pedestrian crossings and an open space for special events.• Therefore any individual stops which will be required at single pelican crossings etc., will have no effect on charging.• About two-thirds of all collisions at state public crossings actually occur where everything is functioning properly.• The crossing from Dover to Calais is often very rough.• The crossing took over two weeks.• His party made the first east-west crossing of the Sierra Nevada in 1833.cross·ing nounChineseSyllable  a Corpus can cross place a you where safely




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