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单词 dying
释义  dy·ing1 /ˈdaɪ-ɪŋ/  x-refthe present participle of die die的现在分词dying2 adjective  1  dying moment/minutes/seconds during the last minutes, seconds etc before something ends 最后的时刻/几分钟/几秒钟 Chandler’s goal was in the dying minutes of the game. 钱德勒的进球是在最后几分钟里打入的。2  [only before noun] happening just before someone dies 临终的,临死的 It was her dying wish to have a simple burial. 她的临终遗愿是办个简朴的葬礼。3  to your dying day for the rest of your life 至死,终生 He regretted the decision to his dying day. 他至死都后悔作了这个决定。4  [only before noun] gradually decreasing until soon there will be none left 快要绝迹的,行将消亡的 Women who enjoy baking are a dying breed. 喜欢做烘烤食品的女人快要绝迹了。5  the dying [plural] people who are dying 临终者,垂死者 a hospice for the dying 临终安养院Examples from the Corpusdying• The bucket seethed with dying fish.• Even as she lay dying in a hospital bed, she was still thinking of her children.• He gave the dying man a drop of water from his flask.• Magee ignored the crimson puddles and knelt beside the dying man again, this time rolling him over on to his back.• The priest was killed as he was giving the last rites to a dying man.• When it comes to death, counselling the dying, or helping the bereaved, we Christians have become secularised.• The dying planet has a metaphysical relationship to my own mortality and to that extent my inquiry into landscape is inherently ironic.• The other prime mover was that the slump is now in its dying throes.• Some of the patients, especially the dying, wanted to confide in the man and woman who had eased their suffering.dying wish• What you might call his dying wish.• Who was Jenny to deny a man his last dying wish?dying breed• He's among the a dying breed.• Little old ladies who had relished home baking were a dying breed and the younger generation simply couldn't relate to them.• There are still a few of this dying breed around.• The truth is that Eddie represents a dying breed of the playboy racing driver.dy·ing1dying2 adjectiveChineseSyllable  participle the of Corpus present die




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