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单词 duck
释义  Related topics: Birds, Food, dish, Cricketduck1 /dʌk/ ●●● S3 noun  1. [countable]HBB a very common water bird with short legs and a wide beak, used for its meat, eggs, and soft feathers 鸭 →5  See picture of DUCK 弯腰躲闪2. [countable]HBB a female duck 母鸭 → drake3  [uncountable]DFF the meat of a duck used as food 鸭肉 roast duck with orange sauce 烤鸭配橘子酱4  take to something like a duck to water EASYto learn how to do something very easily 轻而易举地学会做某事 She took to dancing like a duck to water. 她学跳舞简直是易如反掌。5  (also ducks)FRIENDLYTALK TO somebody British English spoken used to speak to someone, especially a woman, in a friendly way 乖乖,宝贝〔尤为对女人的友善称呼〕 What can I get you, ducks? 我能为你端点什么过来吗,宝贝?6. [countable]DSC a score of zero by a batsman in a game of cricket 〔板球中击球手〕未得分,零分 → dead duck, lame duck, → like water off a duck’s back at water1(8), → ducks and drakes, sitting duckn COLLOCATIONSverbsa duck quacks (=makes the sound ducks make)The ducks on the river started quacking.a duck waddles (=walks moving its body from side to side)Ducks were waddling across the grass.a duck paddles (=swims by moving its feet under the water)Ducks and swans paddled towards us.a duck dives (=puts its head down under the water)A single wild duck was swimming and diving.a duck bobs (=moves up and down on the water)They watched the ducks bobbing up and down on the + NOUNa duck pond (=a small area of water where there are ducks)The park has a duck pond which the children like.Examples from the Corpusduck• Most commercial ducks now come from farms in Northern California or the Midwest states, especially Indiana.• The particular larva around which a mussel pearl forms lives in its adult stage in the eider duck.• In the moonlight it appeared more like a great slab of concrete than a refuge for ducks.• He went to the brook, and shot a little duck, Right through the middle of the head, head, head.• roast duck• When removing the legs from the duck, make sure to leave enough skin around them to cover the meat.Related topics: Swimmingldoce_077_bduck2 verb  1  (also duck down) [intransitive, transitive]HIDE/NOT SHOW to lower your head or body very quickly, especially to avoid being seen or hit 〔尤指为避免被看见或打中而迅速地〕低下(头),弯(腰) If she hadn’t ducked, the ball would have hit her. 如果她没有弯腰躲闪的话,那个球就可能击中她了。duck behind/under etc Jamie saw his father coming and ducked quickly behind the wall. 吉米看到他父亲来了,就赶快弓身躲到墙后面。 Tim ducked down to comb his hair in the mirror. 蒂姆低下身在镜子前梳头发。 She ducked her head to look more closely at the inscription. 她低下头更仔细地看碑文。2  [intransitive always + adverb/preposition] to move somewhere very quickly, especially to avoid being seen or to get away from someone 躲避,逃避duck into The two men ducked into a block of flats and disappeared. 两个男人躲进一幢公寓楼不见了。duck out of She ducked out of the door before he could stop her. 他还没来得及阻止,她就闪到了门外。duck back ‘Wait a minute’, he called, ducking back inside. “等一下。” 他边叫边躲回里面去了。3  [transitive] informalAVOID to avoid something, especially a difficult or unpleasant duty 躲避,逃避〔困难、责任等〕 SYN dodge The ruling body wanted to duck the issue of whether players had been cheating. 管理机构想避开运动员是否作弊的问题。 Glazer ducked a question about his involvement in the bank scandal. 格莱泽避开了关于他涉及银行丑闻的问题。4  [transitive]DSS to push someone under water for a short time as a joke 〔开玩笑地〕把〔某人〕按入水中duck somebody under something Tom grabbed him from behind to duck him under the surface. 汤姆从后面抓住他,要把他按入水里。5 duck out of something phrasal verb AVOIDto avoid doing something that you have to do or have promised to do 躲避,逃避〔应该做或答应做的事情〕 I always ducked out of history lessons at school. 我上学时总是逃避上历史课。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusduck• He did it again, and I would duck.• I forgot to duck and hit my head on the branch.• Josie ducked and the vase smashed against the wall.• He has ducked, bobbed and weaved with it, but he is clearly embarrassed by it now.• Others just plunged, simply ducked down and pushed out, fighting up, reaching for air.• The bottom was pebbles, the water was sun-warmed; she ducked her head under and came up feeling faintly sick.• Culley ducked his face into his shoulder and wiped sweat on to his shirt.• He wriggled into the impulse-suit, ducked his head into the helmet.• He ducked under her arm and slammed his elbow into her back knocking her into the wall.• It was a good thing that I ducked when the wind blew the sail around.ducked ... head• Some ducked their heads and avoided reporters.• He ducked his head and butted Orcadai under the chin, his hands grasping for purchase.• She ducked her head and nipped the skin on his chest.• She ducked her head in, and tried to go deeper before making towards the fallen flare.• The woman ducked her head in embarrassment and put her hand on the arm of the man driving.• He wriggled into the impulse-suit, ducked his head into the helmet.• The bottom was pebbles, the water was sun-warmed; she ducked her head under and came up feeling faintly back• Instinctively, I ducked back a tree or two.• Art, it seems, is the perpetual recidivist, always ducking back into the aesthetic as soon as vigilant life averts its gaze.• He let go and ducked back into the driving rain.• He ducked back into the shadows, his face pressed to the door.• Stir duck back into warm sauce.• I eased into an upright position, ducking back out of sight until I heard him start the car and pull away.• Marion ducked back out, surprised and annoyed, but there was no sign of her.ducked ... question• Glazer ducked a question about his involvement in the bank scandal.Origin duck1 Old English duceduck1 noun →n COLLOCATIONS1duck2 verbLDOCE OnlineChinese  bird legs very a water with common Corpus and short




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