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单词 Experimentally
1 We decided to test the theory experimentally.
2 The drugs are being used experimentally on patients suffering from breast cancer.
3 We are using the substance experimentally at first.
4 He moved his shoulder experimentally; it still hurt.
5 This theory can be confirmed experimentally.
6 This phenomenon has been observed experimentally.
7 In my opinion, the curvature was determined experimentally.
8 This machine was introduced experimentally in 1960.
9 He whoofed into the hand mike experimentally before the meeting.
10 The new drug is being used experimentally on some patients.
11 He moved his shoulder experimentally to see if it still hurt.
12 This system is being tried out experimentally at many universities.
13 Conceptually more complicated, but experimentally simpler.
14 He moved his shoulder experimentally; still sore.
15 She dropped a rock on its head experimentally.
16 Many reaction enthalpies can not be determined experimentally because the reactions can not be brought about in the laboratory.
17 It is certainly verified experimentally that the sonic clicks produced are both highly structured and directional.
18 This inference is confirmed experimentally by observations in grid turbulence of changes in the spectrum with distance downstream.
19 We knew next to nothing experimentally of the elementary properties of matter at such high temperatures.
20 The drug is still occasionally used experimentally by scientists, psychiatrists, and philosophers, as well as by dilettante drug takers.
21 However, this suggestion has not been confirmed experimentally, as has been discussed previously.
22 Crooking a finger, she tapped experimentally, and caught her breath.
23 These reports followed our earlier study in which we reported similar findings in animals with experimentally induced colonic inflammation.
24 The van't Hoff equation can be used to determine the relative molecular mass from experimentally determined values of osmotic pressure.
25 It is given the symbol U. The absolute value of the internal energy of a system can not be determined experimentally.
26 It has been accidently transferred from animals to man and has been experimentally transmitted from man to calves and mice.
27 Everything was perfect except that when I came to train experimentally naive monkeys, I discovered that they did not like peanuts.
28 Alfred was waving a white-stockinged leg in the air, Heinrich experimentally bending over in his black knee breeches.
29 But the concept of mutual mate choice has remained untested experimentally, although it has been supported by recent modelling.
30 Whether or not motion occurs is most precisely determined experimentally by its effect on the heat transfer.
1 We decided to test the theory experimentally.
2 The drugs are being used experimentally on patients suffering from breast cancer.
3 This phenomenon has been observed experimentally.
4 In my opinion, the curvature was determined experimentally.
5 This machine was introduced experimentally in 1960.
31 The relative molecular masses of non-volatile substances can be determined experimentally by colligative methods.
32 So, on the whole I am cautiously in favour of machines inspecting passports at great speed, a scheme experimentally working at Heathrow.
33 Secondly, stimulation of capsaicin sensitive neurones in the stomach enhances the resistance of the gastric mucosa against experimentally imposed damage.
34 This treatment was used experimentally approximately 20 years ago, with mixed results.
35 Andersson tackled the question directly by experimentally altering the tail lengths of the males.
36 The depression of freezing point can be determined experimentally using the apparatus shown in figure 6.38.
37 Although the optimum phase resistance can be calculated, in practice it is a fairly simple matter to determine the optimum experimentally.
38 The philosophical position I have just outlined is not like a scientific theory: it can not be tested experimentally.
39 It also predicts a stress-superposition law which has been observed experimentally.
40 The elevation of boiling point T is determined experimentally. 2.
41 However, the controlled fusion reaction has not yet been achieved experimentally.
42 In particular, how does it come about that the imprecise quantum world yields a precise answer when it is experimentally interrogated?
43 However, it can be calculated by application of Hess's law to three standard enthalpies which can be determined experimentally.
44 All three of these enthalpies can be determined experimentally by calorimetric methods.
45 Probability distribution functions are sometimes determined experimentally, but much more frequently further average quantities are measured.
46 Experimentally, a penicillin focus is created in animals by applying penicillin in very high concentrations directly to the cortex.
47 Experimentally it also infects sheep, goats, and rabbits.
47 Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
48 The photoinduced permanent polarization of bacteriorhodopsin was experimentally investigated.
49 Voidage is a relatively simple matter to determine experimentally.
50 This tendency is indeed observed experimentally.
51 Many workers have investigated deposition theoretically or experimentally.
52 Various loss factors which may occur when the Fresnel lens is used to improve the utilization of solar energy are analyzed experimentally.
53 The coupling characteristics of tapered and lensed fiber(TLF) and semiconductor MQW planar lightwave circuit(PLC) chip was investigated experimentally.
54 The coefficient of performance (COP) of adsorption refrigeration cycle using activated carbon-methanol pair has been studied experimentally and theoretically in this paper.
55 The characteristics of turbulent flow in a high pressure turbine cascade were investigated experimentally.
56 The performance of a super - small hydrocyclone is examined experimentally for solid particle separation from water.
57 Experimentally, the flow-field roud the S-shaped airfoil is tested by means of a water cave.
58 The signal average method was used in order to increase the S/N ratio, and the optimum sweep time and average times were experimentally determined.
59 The operation conditions of corrugated paper production from cornstalk by the hot press method were experimentally studied.
60 It is experimentally shown that the high-Q-factor (100000) modes can be kept for a long period in a general laboratory circumstance.
61 Glashow is a notable skeptic of superstring theory due to its lack of experimentally testable predictions.
62 The damping derivatives can only be determined experimentally in the wind tunnel or ballistic range.
63 Heating rate was calculated based on the distribution of temperature-time at each node of the casting slab. The effect of heating rate on austenizing temperature was investigated experimentally.
64 Under linear temperature increase condition, the thermal decomposition reaction of NC are experimentally studied, and a mechanism for this reaction is proposed based on the results.
65 HALS are experimentally used in PVC films in this study. It is shown that thermostabilization and photostabilization functions of HALS are similar to those of benzophenone in PVC.
66 Clock component extraction of non-return-to-zero (NRZ) signal based on semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA) loop mirror was numerically simulated and experimentally studied.
67 The binding energy of the deuteron can be found experimentally.
68 It is demonstrated experimentally that the anharmonic property of the quadrupole trap can be exploited to cool trapped atoms by modulating the trap potential anisotropically .
69 Vinyl sulfonate monomers were experimentally found of lower reactivity and couldn't effectively copolymerize with MMA and MAA.
70 However(), experimentally one never detects a fraction of an electron; electrons behave as indivisible entities.
71 A horizontal high temperature heat pipe fin was experimentally tested. The surface temperature profile was recorded.
72 The center of gravity of a flat object can be experimentally as shown in Fig 3 - 9 .
73 Objective To investigate the therapeutic effect of Five-Ingredient Toxin-Dispersing Beverage(FITDB) on acute nasopharyngitis experimentally induced by Staphylococcus aureus infecting among rats.
74 The feeding selectivity of Sagitta crassa, some ecological factors effect to the feeding rate and their diurnal feeding rhythm were experimentally studied in this paper.
75 The thermal decomposition behavior of the ingredients , RDX, NC, NG, and NQ in nitramine propellants RGC and RCGU were experimentally studied.
76 The intensity noise of a free-running diode laser was investigated experimentally.
77 Kinetic behavior of condensation reaction of acetone and glycerol was experimentally studied.http://
78 It is experimentally shown that none of the common metal ions will interfere in the determination of thallium.
79 The friction performances of laser - textured porous seal face were experimentally investigated.
80 The gate source breakdown performance of static induction transistor was studied experimentally.
81 In this paper, the penetration of the nubbly corundum concrete by projectiles with different hit velocity is experimentally studied.
82 First of all, the fluid hydrodynamics and mass transfer characteristics on gas-liquid-liquid system in gas agitated extractor with static mixer was experimentally investigated.
83 With the aid of a computer-controlled electronic load, the effects of the cell temperature on the transient performance of a direct methanol fuel cell were studied experimentally.
84 The effects of arc voltage, welding current and heat input on the weld appearance in submerged-arc welding(SAW) of A105 steel with small diameter welding wire were experimentally researched.
85 The spectrum radiance in bright and dark region of striation discharge is studied experimentally.
86 The jet behavior of a multi nozzle head scaled from an existing engineering was investigated experimentally in a steady unstratified receiving water body.
87 The austenite recrystallization in every pass has been studied theoretically by computer modeling and experimentally on the bar mill at Tanggang. The calculated results agree with the measured values.
88 Working parameters, selection of analytical lines and matrix effects were experimentally investigated.
89 It is shown experimentally that graphite layers in CNT can grow and form annual ring structure with the better crystallization degree at high temperature.
90 We demonstrate experimentally the coherent control of the two-photon transitions in Coumarin 515 by ultrafast pulse shaping technique.
91 The engineering crack initiation life and the total fatigue life of notched specimen, made of LY12-CZ aluminum alloy and with program block load history, are predicted and experimentally investigated.
92 The high far infrared radiativity, stable radiation coefficient and obviously low electricity consumption of the produced opaque silica glass elements have been experimentally verified.
93 As a result, the importance of inlet region packing in increasing the micromixing efficiency in an RPB was confirmed experimentally for the first time.
94 The influence of obstacles and coal on the flame propagation of methane was experimentally studied.
95 This rate of change of momentum of the air is allowed for by apparent mass components, the magnitudes of which must be determined experimentally.
96 With 1kHz voltage modulation and harmonics detection, residual amplitude modulation (RAM) noise were carried out experimentally.
97 The process of preparation of vanadium nitride by reduction and nitrogenization pro2 cess is theoretically analyzed and experimentally discussed.
98 Particle electrode potential of bipolar packed electrolytic cell was investigated experimentally.
99 The volumetric efficiency of C - SB series of Scroll Compressors was investigated experimentally.
100 The empty weight to total weight ratio of subsonic maneuverable missile was given experimentally.
101 Heat transfer of nucleate boiling of water and n-hexane in a vertical cylindrical annulus with inner side heated has been experimentally investigated.
102 Shock initiation behavior of explosive JB9014 was experimentally studied by means of one stage gas gun.
103 The horizontal stray field and its optimized dynamic compensation in the HL-1 tokamak have been studied both experimentally and theoretically.
104 A scheme of millimeter-wave generation utilizing one phase modulator has been proposed experimentally.
105 Experimentally, the polarization interference spectrum of a quartz wave plate is measured with Lambda 900 UV/VIS/NIR spectrophotometer.
106 The boiling curve hysteresis phenomena from thin particle porous layers in a vacum state are experimentally researched, using Ethyl alcohol as test liquid.
107 Especially,(http:///experimentally.html) the number of Bohr magneton calculated is in good agreement with those experimentally determined.
108 The viscoelastic mechanical properties of human tibial cancellous bone were studied experimentally and theoretically.
109 A test fig is designed to experimentally explore the behavior of the strut concentrated load.
110 The BSO crystal fiber having magneto-optical Faraday effect is developed. This effect is analysed theoretically by ray-analysis and Jones-matrix method, and proved experimentally.
111 Digital filtering technique based on least square method, multichannel sampling technique and frequency variation sampling technique were used experimentally.
112 Self-bias voltage of the dielectric substrate surface and voltage of the driven electrode were experimentally studied to improve the energy control of impinging ion in plasma processes.
113 A pressure tank is taken as a reverberation chamber to test noise radiation of submerged jets experimentally.
114 Human flea Pulex Irritans grey marmot (Marmota baibacina) strain was experimentally infected with virulent Y. pestis 883, with infection rates of 58% for female and 51% for male fleas.
115 By referring to the classical CSMA/CD protocol, this paper presents an optimized CSMA-SNP/TR protocol, which is of better performance and has been verified both theoretically and experimentally.
116 They concluded that EER extract possesses antisecretory, cytoprotective, and anti - ulcer activities against experimentally - induced gastric lesions.
117 The photoelectric transition property of Silicon photo - voltaic Cell was examined theoreticallyand experimentally.
118 The absorptivity of bronze to YAG laser with a wavelength of 1.06μ m is determined experimentally.
119 Experimentally validated on numerous engines using engine dyno and chassis dyno tests.
120 The unsteady effects of the coolant flow rate and rotating speed on fluid flow and heat transfer were investigated experimentally by employing a rotating heat transfer test rig.
121 If indications of instability are obtained, the results are checked experimentally.
122 The influence of mode mismatch on measurement in continuous-wave cavity ring-down technology was theoretically analyzed and experimentally studied.
123 Voltage multiplier circuit is studied experimentally in this paper, and an improved of voltage multiplier circuit parameters is given for the purpose of small-sized gas laser power.
124 The coefficient of performance (COP) of a batch adsorption cooling cycle using activated-carbon-methanol pair was studied experimentally and theoretically.
125 The measurement technique of constant temperature anemometry was used to study experimentally the mechanism of drag reduction in turbulent boundary layer with riblet surface.
126 From the Ct transient curve obtained experimentally, the minority carrier generation lifetime in semiconductor can be determined.
127 We experimentally demonstrate the coherent combining of two tunable erbium-doped fiber lasers by using a single-mode fiber feedback loop configuration.
128 The possibility of using high-performance capillary electrophoresis(HPCE) to determine azadirachtin A was analysed theoretically, and proved experimentally.
129 The application of an active nano - calcium carbonate in tire was experimentally investigated.
130 The numerical reconstruction of digital lensless Fourier transform holography for microstructures measurement is experimentally shown.
131 The correctness of the thermodynamic treatment of the internal bias field of the TGS crystal is demonstrated experimentally.
132 It was experimentally demonstrated that the multiplexed signal of each sensor can be clearly demodulated.
133 The filtration characteristics of monodisperse and polydisperse aerosols are studied experimentally with engineering material, such as sand and clay.
134 At the same time, it is demonstrated experimentally that the measurement temperature is the main factor which affect the milk deteriorative process.
135 The humoral antibody response of goats experimentally infected with ovine progressive pneumonia virus (OPPV) was measured utilizing agar gel immunodiffusion test (AGIDT) and immunoblot assay (IBA).
136 The influence of injection-seeding on giant pulse setup time, beam-spot mode, and energy is observed experimentally.
137 This kind of well-oriented and polarized radiation with high strength,(/experimentally.html) good monochromaticity would be available for study in physics both theoretically and experimentally.
138 The extraction of phosphatidylcholine (PC) from soybean lecithin with the mixed solvents of acetonitrile and lower alcohols has been studied experimentally.
139 Some new phenomena were experimentally found, and a possible mechanism of Invar effect was proposed in terms of electron-phonon interaction(EPI).
140 An experimental system was used to validate experimentally the tracking ability and the insensibility to plant parameter changes.
141 The self - developed pilot equipment for multiphase pump was used to experimentally study the external characteristics of the self - designed down - hole helico- axial multiphase pump prototype.
142 Flows of concentrated solid - liquid are studied experimentally using a moving belt flume and novel measurement techniques.
143 Based on some demands in thermal energy engineering and chemical industries, a new type of heat pipe was proposed and studied experimentally.
144 The collector efficiency of double-flow solar air heaters with fins attached by baffles, has been investigated experimentally and theoretically.
145 The interactions between plasma and solid propellants in electrothermal - chemical guns are studied theoretically and experimentally.
146 The tread compound of aircraft radial tire was experimentally formulated based on its criteria of performance.
147 The degree of compaction of molding sand at the deep pocket of a mold and its improvement have been investigated experimentally under plant conditions.
148 The optimal intensity noise suppression of a Fabry-Perot(FP)laser is experimentally acquired by relatively strong external optical injection locking technology.
149 Before opening the front door he lifted the cases experimentally.
150 To select 12 coals with different coal rank were investigated experimentally, according to their metamorphosing extents, oxygen contents, ash yields and coal granularities.
151 The surface charge neutralization of suspended particles and the flocculation mode of solid particles in waste drilling liquid caused by cationic polyelectrolyte were studied experimentally.
152 The nonlinear vibration of an axially moving viscoelastic belt as typical moving continua was experimentally investigated.
153 It has been used experimentally to protect veterinary and laboratory personnel at high risk of exposure to RVF.
154 The Mass transfer rate for the Oxidation of xylol in air by a monolithic Catalyst was experimentally determined.
155 The phenomena of injection locking of dye lasers have been observed experimentally.
156 In this letter, we experimentally demonstrate a holistic scheme for bichromatic laser frequency stabilization.
157 The application of liquid IR ( LIR 50 ) in tread base of BTR tire was experimentally investigated.
158 It possesses of the advantages of high Echo Return Loss Enhancement and good adaptability to circuitry condition experimentally.
159 A circulative impinging stream dryer was designed for continuous operation(), and its performance was studied experimentally for drying of PVCproduced by suspension method.
160 The three and multiple peak structures exhibited in ion velocity distributions, which have often been observed experimentally, have been reproduced by the self similar solutions successfully.
161 The paper makes use of F-P interferometer as sensing head to design and study experimentally microstrain measurement system.
162 The ether extracting technology of carya kernel oil was experimentally studied in this work.
163 The linear response and the frequency characteristic of the spring system are studied theoretically and experimentally.
164 Experimentally, however, it is found to be much greater: in particular, stars far from the center of galaxies have much higher velocities than predicted by the virial theorem.
165 The characteristics of boiling heat transfer of steam - water two - phase downflow and up-flow in vertical tube are theoretically and experimentally studies in this paper.
166 Objective To experimentally study the anticonvulsant activity of an acetone - extract form Stellera chamaejasme L . ( AESC ).
167 The deformation characteristics of copper tube with guard ring head - on collision detonation waves were experimentally researched.
167 try its best to gather and make good sentences.
168 We experimentally produce this beam with a computer-generated hologram (CGH) displayed on a spatial light modulator (SLM).
169 Frozen process of organism tissue caused by liquid carbon dioxide cryoprobe is experimentally studied, in which fresh beef is used as the tissue, the temperature field is measured.
170 The displacement and absolute distance of a blacken workpiece surface were detected experimentally in the laboratory.
171 The process flow was designed and experimentally studied for separation of acetone, tetrahydrofuran(THF) , triethylamine and water mixture.
172 The influence of anti-scorching agent CTP on blooming from bead chafer of PCR tire was experimentally investigated.
173 Based on the theoretical studies on the power flow in the flexible coupling system of machinery and building floor, the power flow transmission spectra are further investigated experimentally.
174 The quasi-quadratic relationship between voltage and displacement of an actuator, the quasi-linear superposing among the actuators for MMDM were experimentally verified in our experiments.
175 And the parameters of each part are measured. In the end, the trigger generator is experimentally investigated by triggering a high-voltage gas switch, and the output pulse is measured.
176 Antisymmetric nonresonant vibrational Raman scattering of Tetrahydrofuran ( THF ) is experimentally and theoretically studied in this paper.
177 The effect of bubbly layer on vibration reduction of hull model is investigated experimentally.
178 The paper studies experimentally the change of the period-adding sequences scaling constants when the order of the map describing the system varies in a simplest relaxation oscillator.
179 The cold extrusion of sleeve with special shaped interal gear is experimentally researched. The backwardextrusionradial extrusion.
180 Lasers have been used experimentally in delicate vocal cord operations.
181 The pressure distributions of the circumfluent cyclone system CFCS are studied experimentally in detail.
182 The vibration characteristic of loudspeakers is investigated experimentally, based on the self-mixing interference effect of semiconductor laser diode.
183 In order to get the optimized washing procedure, the change in osmolality was measured experimentally with different blood side and dialysate side flow rates and under the conditions of prepriming.
184 Unfortunately , it is not possible to disentangle these two amplitudes experimentally.
185 A pair of primers were synthesized, and related RT-PCR assay was established to detect the western equine encephalitis virus(WEEV)in experimentally infected mosquitoes and Leghorn chicken.
186 The application of predispersed accelerator H-80 in the belt compound of semisteel radial tire was experimentally investigated.
187 The research was made experimentally on the anaerobic powers of the female juvenile middle distance runners by bicycle ergometer.
188 Based on lithography technology , the electrochemical lamella machining ( ECLM ) by frequency group pulses was experimentally studied.
189 Experimentally, one form of such uncommon matter has been observed.
190 Low temperature brazing of aluminium plate was studied experimentally after copper brush plating, which is the key technique for the electric conduction and then the electromagnetic shielding shelter.
191 The influence of cross wind on the air flow field in a natural draft dry cooling tower is studied experimentally on the basis of similarity rules.
192 Natural circulation flow instability under rolling motion conditions was experimentally studied.
193 The characteristics of the wavelength switching for different levels of the pump laser power and different wavelengths of the injection laser are studied experimentally.
194 Dynamic behaviors of fuel injection pump control rack displacement and injection advance were studied experimentally on a 6130Q diesel engine at both steady and transient conditions.
195 To study tissue distribution of TTV in experimentally infected Rhesus monkey and if the TT virus is hepatotropic.
196 It's done here experimentally by adding an ionophore that allows calcium to enter the cells from the medium.
197 Possibility of producing image-plane holograms of astigmatic system is analyzed theoretically, and verified experimentally.
197 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
198 Objective:To develop experimentally gene therapy for hemophilia B by using C2C12 cells and C3H mice as models.
199 The optical properties of colored and bleached state, and the cyclic voltage current characteristic of the W Mo oxide films have been experimentally studied.
200 The performance of a high temperature heat pump unit for heat recovery is experimentally evaluated.
201 Air permeabilities of four kinds of wood chip aggregates of different species such as poplar, birch, basswood and elm were experimentally studied.
202 The viscous, sonic and capillary heat transfer limits of alkali-metal heat pipes were experimentally studied with a sodium heat pipe.
203 The response of a short single-wire line excited by EMP was theoretically investigated and experimentally validated by means of an EMP simulator.
204 The optimum condition was studied experimentally and the result showed that COD and colority removals could attain 77% and 95% respectively.
205 Quasi - stable evaporation processes of three liquids : water, tetrachloride and methanol were experimentally investigated in this thesis.
206 The effects of cutting area, contact arc length, the geometry of cutting face, back dip angle of PDC cutter and rock performance on force of PDC cutter breaking rock were simulated experimentally.
207 Aiming at the measure of expressway slope protection with greensward in China at present, the reinforcement mechanism is analyzed; and the reinforcement effect is studied experimentally .
208 This paper studies experimentally factors of influencing performance of self-adhered rubber modified asphalt waterproofing membrane, such as asphalt, rubber modifier, tackifier and plasticizer.
209 The relationship among the laser threshold, the output intensity profile and the pumping fields has been studied experimentally.
210 Dynamic behaviors of the erbium-doped fiber laser (EDFL) with dual-frequency loss modulation are experimentally investigated.
211 The hydrodynamic characteristics of solid and liquid phases in the perforated-plate type continuous counter-current ion-exchange column with 58 mm in diameter were experimentally studied.
212 As a prototype of azeotropic mixture, water - ethanol system was studied experimentally.
213 Floc concentration distribution in a dynamic flocculator with a flat vane wheel was measured experimentally.
214 A theoretical calculation on the flow in the rotameter and its calibration were studied both theoretically and experimentally.
215 Stress distributions of the TiO2 films, grown on small silicon disk by electron beam evaporation, were experimentally studied.
216 The amount of alcohol supplied each time is established experimentally for a given centrifuge.
217 The mechanism of evaporating PETN explosive film in vacuum is studied experimentally.
218 HPLC method separating the reactants and products in the oxidation of 2,2 bis(hydroxymethyl) butyric aldehyde was experimentally investigated.
219 The mathematical model for Catalysis-hydrolyzed kinetics of melibiose with oxalic acid has been developed base on experimentally determined the content of glucose in hydrolysis solution.
220 The application homogenizer A 78 in the tread compound of industrial tire was experimentally investigated.
221 Floc size distribution in a dynamic flocculator with a flat vane wheel was measured experimentally.
222 The influence of water sprays on gas flame propagation is experimentally studied in the present paper.
223 The application of a modified resorcinol-formaldehyde resin GLR-20 in the carcass ply compound of PCR tire was experimentally investigated.
224 This relation between the frequency and the field spectra was noted experimentally.
225 Limits around an experimentally determined mean within which the population mean lies with a given degree of probability.
226 The impingement characteristics of a circular jet with vortex generating tabs were investigated experimentally.
227 The low - velocity impact response of Nomex honeycomb sandwich plate was investigated theoretically and experimentally.
227 try its best to gather and create good sentences.
228 Secondly , quasi - stable evaporation process of water, methanol and tetrachloride were experimentally investigated in this paper.
229 The performance of the box-type solar collector was investigated experimentally, the cover of which is a high-vacuum plane glass plate with a middle narrow slot.
230 BSP - 1 flame spray gun ( implement type ) and thermal spray plastic powder is experimentally studied.
231 The influence of gas pressure on the grinding temperature was also experimentally analyzed.
232 Very frequently, we are faced with the necessity of experimentally determining some important physical parameters such as heat transfer coefficient, chemical reaction rate, damping factor, and so on.
233 To study tissue distribution of TTV in experimentally infected Rhesus monkey andTT virus is hepatotropic.
234 Perhaps no theory in physics has been more intensively studied or more thoroughly tested experimentally.
235 The bactericidal power for sulfate - reducing bacteria of fourteen aldehydes of different chemical structure is investigated experimentally.
236 The air gap effect of the HL-1 tokamak transformer on stray field has been studied both experimentally and theoretically.
237 It is upon this experimentally confirmed ability to antagonize histamine that the indications for Antistine are based.
238 The hygroscopicity and dehydration properties of some Chinese cured - tobacco have been investigated experimentally.
239 Experimentally, a light pulse propagating through the atomic vapor cell has its peak reaching the exit side before entering it, resulting in a negative transit time , and negative group velocity.
240 At last, a prototype based on the novel interleaved flyback converter is accomplished and experimentally verified.
241 The removal of ultrafine particles from coal combustion was investigated experimentally based on condensations vaporwet scrubber.
242 The multi-order modes of different frequencies of combustion pressure oscillation and their superimposition were studied both theoretically and experimentally.
243 The physical interpretation of P11 and PVDF mode shape functions are characterized respectively. The FRFs between the PZT actuators and PVDF sensors are experimentally measured.
244 A cantilever beam was experimentally studied with this method and the result is consistent with theoretical result.
245 The pulse spectrum broadening and dispersion compensation compression phenomenon when focusing the laser pulse into bulk media are experimentally investigated.
246 Antimatter has been produced experimentally, but little of it is found in nature.
247 The relationship between bond stress and slip displacement of corroded reinforcement with concrete under cyclic loading has been experimentally investigated.
248 We have also combined the ELSP method with multivariate statistical analysis (MSA) method to develop a method of experimentally measuring the dichroic signals in an anisotropic material.
249 The application of the homogenizer A78 in the tread compound of industrial tire was experimentally investigated.
250 In the view of the characteristics of the single-phase natural circulation flow under rolling motion, the research was conducted experimentally.
251 The mechanism of thermal contact resistance is discussed in detail, and influences of hysteresis and tangential stress on this resistance are studied experimentally and theoretically.
252 In order to analyze the electrical parameters' evolving mechanism in plasma flow control , plasma aerodynamic actuation system's resonance characteristics are experimentally investigated.
253 Comparability of roughness is studied experimentally and theoretically in a long tunnel in physical model.
254 The application of predispersed accelerator DM - 75 in inner liner of tubeless TBR tire was experimentally investigated.




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