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单词 do-nothing
释义  ˈdo-ˌnothing adjective [only before noun] British English informal  LAZYlazy or unwilling to make any changes, especially in politics 〔尤指政治上〕庸碌的,无所作为的 the do-nothing government of the last few years 过去几年里的那个庸碌无为的政府Examples from the Corpusdo-nothing• The voters are fed up with this do-nothing Congress.• The days of do-nothing government are numbered.• Harriman, however, rejected the do-nothing policy.• A mixture of muddle-headedness and corruption offers an excuse for do-nothing politics in the west.ˈdo-ˌnothing adjectiveChineseSyllable  especially lazy make unwilling Corpus any in changes, or to




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