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单词 disunity
释义  dis·u·ni·ty /dɪsˈjuːnəti/ noun [uncountable]  DISAGREEa situation in which a group of people cannot agree or work with each other 不和,分裂,纷争 Disunity destroyed the Republicans at the polls. 内部分裂使共和党在选举中落败。Examples from the Corpusdisunity• It reveals as mythical much of the past theological rationale for disunity.• The Vatican conference ended in disunity.• It starts from the fact of disunity and asks which existing political mechanism can work best for unity.• Our witness, our purpose, our task to proclaim the glorious and liberating truth is so weakened by our disunity.• Rather than ending divisions in the Labour Party, the controversies of 1935 mark the beginning of a new period of prolonged disunity.• The provincial gentry's disunity reduced their capacity to obstruct the work of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.• He was persuaded that disunity in the church was displeasing to heaven and bad for the empire's success and prosperity.• A new disease was identified which had the symptoms of workplace disunity, low productivity, poor quality products.dis·u·ni·ty nounChineseSyllable  a a of in group people situation cannot or which agree Corpus




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