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单词 Spiel
1. The salesman gave a long spiel about why we should buy his product.
2. A salesman started giving us a spiel about life insurance.
3. They gave us a long spiel about why we needed to install double glazing in our house.
4. The salesman went into a long spiel about the merits of the new design.
5. He said, critics spiel away about technical accomplishment.
6. Cliff was still delivering his spiel upstairs.
7. He goes off into a little spiel.
8. When my turn comes I condense my spiel and show my three-by-five card.
9. And then there is a spiel about the pearl, signed Tecla.
10. The spiel of PR company rainmakers is that PR delivers public esteem more efficiently than advertisements.
11. Du musst hier jedes Spiel gewinnen , sonst gibt es sofort negative Schlagzeilen.
12. That salesman had a good spiel,[] he sold many dresses in one hour.
13. Wir haben nur ein Ziel: das Spiel gewinnen ! Da bleibt f ü r private Unternehmungen wenig Zeit.
14. The boy can spiel off all the country's names in the world.
15. Denn : Nach jedem wichtigen Spiel geht der FCB - Youngster auf Trikot - Jagd und tauscht sein Shirt!
16. The salesman gave ( us ) a long spiel about why we should buy his product.
17. Spiel des Jahres Winner , Special Award for Fantasy Game.
18. This would be a shame and later in this spiel I have put down some thoughts on the matter.
19. The other fellow is parading further down the beach and I can hear him giving the spiel to other people.
20. The officer steadied himself by grasping the windshield, but didn't miss a beat in his spiel.
21. If Klepner's gonna get his job he may as well do the spiel.
22. We let the time-share salesman give us his opening spiel, but when he got to the high-pressure sales tactics, we cut him short and made it clear that we were not interested.
23. I'm gonna tell you a better story about captivity than the spiel.
24. Die meisten haben sich - Tschuldigung - kaufen lassen und machen das Spiel der Industrie voll mit.
25. But only a block away the insistent English - language spiel disappears.
26. Diablo Source: Es wird also keine ( monatlichen ) Geb ü hren f ü r das Battle . net oder das Spiel geben?




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