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单词 disharmony
释义  dis·har·mo·ny /dɪsˈhɑːməni $ -ɑːr-/ noun [uncountable]  DISAGREEdisagreement about important things which makes people be unfriendly to each other 〔在重要事情上的〕分歧,不和Examples from the Corpusdisharmony• What was a contribution to harmony in one context could become a support for disharmony in another set of circumstances.• From either end of the plaza blaring phonographs played in disharmony.• Disease is literally dis-ease, a state of disharmony and imbalance on one or other, or more, of these levels.• In the 1960s this preoccupation gave way to an urgent need to consider domestic problems such as racial disharmony and poverty.• Racial disharmony is what makes the news; when people get along, we don't hear about it.• Celebrating such events now may lead only to social disharmony and resentment.• At least you are starting with a breeding pair, but even so you may experience some disharmony.dis·har·mo·ny nounChineseSyllable   Corpus people things which important disagreement makes about




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